Maynard Institute archives

Journalisms Wed Dec 12

U.S. Projected to Become Majority-Minority in 2043

Why We Should Pay Attention to Media Consolidation

Media Ignorance Made Singer at Once Famous, Obscure

G.M. Was the Most Unpopular Man in the Room

Number of Imprisoned Journalists Highest Since 1990

Wanted: Holiday Stories That Downplay Consumption

Short Takes

U.S. Projected to Become Majority-Minority in 2043

White people will no longer make up a majority of Americans by 2043, according to new census projections, part of a historic shift that is already reshaping the nation’s schools, workforce and electorate,” Hope Yen reported for the Associated Press.

“The official projection, released Wednesday by the Census Bureau, now places the tipping point for the white majority a year later than previous estimates, which were made before the impact of the recent economic downturn was fully known.

“America continues to grow and become more diverse due to higher birth rates among minorities, particularly for Hispanics who entered the U.S. at the height of the immigration boom in the 1990s and early 2000s. Since the mid-2000 housing bust, however, the arrival of millions of new immigrants from Mexico and other nations has slowed, pushing minority growth below its once-torrid pace.

“The country’s changing demographic mosaic has stark political implications, shown clearly in last month’s election that gave President Barack Obama a second term — in no small part due to his support from 78 percent of non-white voters. . . “

The Census Bureau reported, “The black population is expected to increase from 41.2 million to 61.8 million over the same period. Its share of the total population would rise slightly, from 13.1 percent in 2012 to 14.7 percent in 2060.

“The Asian population is projected to more than double, from 15.9 million in 2012 to 34.4 million in 2060, with its share of nation’s total population climbing from 5.1 percent to 8.2 percent in the same period.

“Among the remaining race groups, American Indians and Alaska Natives would increase by more than half from now to 2060, from 3.9 million to 6.3 million, with their share of the total population edging up from 1.2 percent to 1.5 percent. The Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander population is expected to nearly double, from 706,000 to 1.4 million. The number of people who identify themselves as being of two or more races is projected to more than triple, from 7.5 million to 26.7 million over the same period.

“The U.S. is projected to become a majority-minority nation for the first time in 2043. While the non-Hispanic white population will remain the largest single group, no group will make up a majority.”


Why We Should Pay Attention to Media Consolidation

In a world with hundreds of cable channels and thousands of websites, it must sound as quaint as talk about VHS players and Walkmans to worry about how many media outlets any one company gets to own,” Eric Deggans wrote Tuesday in his media blog in the Tampa Bay (Fla.) Times.

“But even in a media landscape with countless options, the nation’s biggest media companies also control our biggest TV stations, radio outlets and online destinations, wielding an influence that can be magnified far beyond the actual platforms they own.

“In the Tampa Bay market, just three companies — Clear Channel, CBS Radio and Cox Radio — own 20 radio stations, including the top 16 outlets reaching more than 80 percent of people listening in November’s ratings period.

“And some of media’s biggest websites, from the Huffington Post to the Drudge Report, are built around “aggregating” stories already reported by other news outlets, allowing the New York Times or Wall Street Journal to echo across a wider swath of the Internet than you might imagine.”

Media Ignorance Made Singer at Once Famous, Obscure

The Chicago Sun-Times declared Jenni Rivera ‘a heroine’ and quoted an entertainment executive who lauded her ‘extraordinary gifts,’Paul Farhi wrote Wednesday in the Washington Post. “The New York Times compared her to Diana Ross and Tina Turner. Numerous media accounts labeled her a superstar.

“Chances are, this was news to you. Chances are, you’d never heard of Rivera until you learned that she died in a plane crash in Mexico on Sunday.

“On Monday, U.S. authorities confirmed that Jenni Rivera, a U.S.-born singer whose soulful voice and openness about her personal troubles made her a Mexican-American superstar, was killed in a plane crash in northern Mexico.

“The American-born Rivera has sold at least 15 million records — more than many other successful and widely acclaimed singers in the United States. But she did not enjoy much attention from the English-language media. Although she was bilingual, Rivera sang only in Spanish. Her most ardent, record-buying fans reside primarily in the American Southwest and farther south, across Mexico.

“Rivera’s life and death suggest once again that it’s possible to live in parallel Americas, with the larger part only dimly aware of the enormous things happening in the other one. For all our instant connectivity, it’s possible for someone to be hugely famous and perfectly obscure — all at the same time. . . . “


G.M. Was the Most Unpopular Man in the Room

A week after a shakeup in the programming of Washington’s community radio station, WPFW-FM, the general manager, John Hughes, remained the most unpopular person in the room.

John Hughes (Credit: Darrow Montgomery)

Hughes addressed a packed “town hall meeting” of about 180 station listeners at Howard University that ran over its two-hour limit Tuesday night. He heard an earful as his boss, Summer Reese, interim executive director of the Berkeley, Calif.-based Pacifica Foundation, sat in the audience. Hughes again apologized for the way more than a dozen of the station’s on-air programmers were abruptly let go.

But, as he has said previously, listenership is dwindling, the station is “reeling under economic conditions” and it needs to “be smarter about what we put on the air.”

Hughes was reminded of the unique nature of much of the station’s programming, however, almost as unique as the structure that in theory at least, gives listener representatives a role in governing the station.

In her turn at the microphone, Sofiyyah Abdullah, a Muslim and a Native American, told the crowd that “most of the Muslims on the station have been canceled,” and “the only radio station that carries Native American news” in the area had been moved from Friday night to 1 p.m. Fridays, “the middle of the afternoon.”

Nasar Abadey, a jazz drummer who teaches at Peabody Preparatory, a community school for the performing arts in Baltimore, said he used the station as a teaching tool and added, “my youngest son was raised to listen to WPFW 24/7.” Referring to the progressive political stance of the station and its “Jazz and Justice” slogan, Abadey said, “jazz is a music of protest.”

John Constantine, a Haitian American businessman, said many Haitians would take off from work Saturday nights to listen to “Konbit Lakay.” the station’s Haitian show. “That’s how we got our news,” he said. “. . . Haitian people paid a heavy price to be where they are. You serve the people. The station was there for people who had no voice.”

Hughes, challenged to provide details on how he would address the objections and urged to roll back his programming changes, proposed to caucus with Reese and some of the community representatives on the elected local governing body, known as the local station board. After continually pointing to the station’s dire financial straits, Hughes was asked his salary. “I’m not going to divulge that,” he said.

(Credit: Committee to Protect Journalists)

Number of Imprisoned Journalists Highest Since 1990

A census of imprisoned journalists by the Committee to Protect Journalists has identified 232 writers, editors, and photojournalists behind bars on Dec. 1, an increase of 53 from 2011 and the highest since the organization began the survey in 1990, the press freedom group said

“We are living in an age when anti-state charges and ‘terrorist’ labels have become the preferred means that governments use to intimidate, detain, and imprison journalists,” CPJ Executive Director Joel Simon said in a release. “Criminalizing probing coverage of inconvenient topics violates not only international law, but impedes the right of people around the world to gather, disseminate, and receive independent information.”

“The three leading jailers of journalists were Turkey (49), Iran (45), and China (32), where imprisonments followed sweeping crackdowns on criticism and dissent, making use of anti-state charges in retaliation for critical coverage.”

CPJ said the census “does not include the many journalists imprisoned and released throughout the year, which are otherwise documented on Journalists who either disappear or are abducted by nonstate entities such as criminal gangs or militant groups are not included in the prison census. Their cases are classified as ‘missing’ or ‘abducted.’ ”

Wanted: Holiday Stories That Downplay Consumption

It all started with my pal Tanya’s Facebook post,” Annette John-Hall wrote after Thanksgiving in the Philadelphia Inquirer.

Big Brother Jude Lucien of Northeast Philadelphia with his little brother, Carl

” ‘Jack and I have decided to reject the out-of-control commercial aspect of the Christmas season,’ she wrote recently. ‘We will not be giving gifts to any adults. Instead, we hope to share the gift of time and fellowship with the people we love during the holidays.’

“. . . Over the years, I’ve come to know you, dear readers, pretty well. Agree or disagree, you’re a passionate, caring bunch. So I have no problem issuing a request:

“Take the Giving Pledge. Tell me what you are doing to give of yourselves this holiday season. I will take the best stories and share them in this space between now and the new year. Just a simple act of giving can change how we think about what has become a receiving season. . . .”

Short Takes

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