Maynard Institute archives

Journal-isms Jan 27 2014

(c) Creators Syndicate

Morrie Turner, Pioneer Comic Strip Creator, Dies at 90

Morris ‘Morrie’ Turner, the creator of the Wee Pals comic strip and the first African American artist to have a column syndicated nationally, has died,” KTVU-TV in Oakland, Calif., reported Sunday. “He was 90.

“A spokesman for Turner said the Oakland-born artist died peacefully at a hospital in Sacramento on Saturday.

Morrie Turner

“Turner developed the ethnically diverse comic strip in 1965 at the urging of his mentor Charles Schulz, the creator of the Peanuts comic strip.

“He was recognized in 2003 by the National Cartoonist Society for his work with the Milton Caniff Lifetime Achievement Award. . . .”

Turner’s “Wee Pals” did not achieve national syndication until after the 1968 assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. Three strips about black children — adults were deemed too threatening — found national audiences then: “Wee Pals,” Brumsic Brandon Jr.’s “Luther” and Ted Shearer’s “Quincy.” “Wee Pals” was the last to survive.

Joseph Hughes added for the Comics Alliance, “Turner never retired from cartooning, illustrating new Wee Pals strips even as his health declined, while also regularly visiting schools to offer art lessons to children. This bio page of Turner sums up his goal with Wee Pals rather succinctly: ‘It was Morrie’s intention to portray a world without prejudice, a world in which people’s differences — race, religion, gender, and physical and mental ability — are cherished, not scorned.’ Wee Pals was a charming strip with a diverse cast, but it didn’t go out of its way to point out its diversity. Turner created a strip that treated cultural diversity exactly how it should be treated: like it is a perfectly normal thing.”

Beating of Arts Journalist Investigated by Hate Crimes Unit

Randy Gener

Police are investigating the beating of an openly gay journalist in Midtown Manhattan last week as a possible bias attack,” Dray Clark reported Monday for WABC-TV in New York.

“Now, a sketch has been released of the person police are looking for.

“The hate crimes task force is investigating the attack on Randy Gener, is a Filipino-American editor, writer, and artist.

“On January 17, he was attacked in Midtown, a block away from his apartment. He had just left a party around 4 a.m. and was on his way home near 54th and 7th Avenue — that is where he crossed paths with his attackers who beat him and left him for dead in the street.

“Gener’s family and friends held a vigil Sunday at 7th Avenue and 53rd Street, and they are asking for the public’s help in finding his attacker. Another vigil will be held Monday at 7 p.m. at the Philippines Center on Fifth Avenue.

“After the attack, police were called, and Gener was found unconscious in a pool of his own blood with his head bashed in.

“Gener suffered severe head trauma and is currently in intensive care recovering from brain surgery at St. Luke’s Hospital. He’s listed in serious but stable condition.

” ‘He can’t answer the questions of what happened that night, he doesn’t really exactly know who we are or where he’s at sometimes,’ said Gener’s sister, Jessica Blair Driessler, ‘and it’s really painful to see him here the way that he is because he’s the most articulate person.’ . . .”

Jay Smooth, explains the “Moving the Race Conversation Forward” report. Smooth is the under of New York’s longest running hip-hop radio show, WBAI’s “Underground Railroad.” (Video)

Individual Racism, Not Systemic, Gets Media’s Attention

Two-thirds of race-focused media coverage fails to consider how systemic racism factors into the story, instead typically focusing upon racial slurs and other types of personal prejudice and individual-level racism,” according to Race Forward: The Center for Racial Justice Innovation.

The center Wednesday named “Seven harmful racial discourse practices, which reinforce the common misconception that racism is simply a problem of rare, isolated, individual attitudes and actions: Individualizing Racism, Falsely Equating Incomparable Acts, Diverting From Race, Portraying Government as Overreaching, Prioritizing (Policy) Intent over Impact, Condemning Through Coded Language, and Silencing History . . . “

Race Forward publishes the Colorlines website. Researchers analyzed nearly 1,200 newspaper articles and transcripts from cable TV outlets.

Fusion Network Covering State of Union With Puppets

When President Obama delivers his State of the Union address Tuesday evening, NBC News will trot out Brian Williams to anchor its coverage,” Brian Steinberg reported Monday for variety. “Fox News Channel will rely on Bret Baier. PBS will feature Judy Woodruff and Gwen Ifill. But Fusion, the upstart news-and-lifestyle cable outlet, will make use of two bickering crabs and a talking hot dog.

“In a maneuver sure to raise eyebrows, Fusion, a joint venture of Univision and ABC News that launched in October, will veer from the traditional when offering coverage of the President’s annual agenda-setting speech. Rather than give the spotlight to Jorge Ramos or Leon Krauze, two veteran news anchors who occupy important slots in its primetime schedule, Fusion will instead count on the talents of a group of puppets, and the comedic minds who fill their mouths with speech. . . .”

Egyptian Foreign Minister Nabil Fahmy meets in Cairo Monday with Alison Bethel M

Imprisoned Journalist Says Egypt Wants to Stifle Dissent

Australian-born Al-Jazeera journalist Peter Greste, who has been imprisoned in Egypt for four weeks, says his arrest is designed to send a message to all journalists covering Egypt that dissent will not be tolerated,” Anne Davies reported Sunday for Australia’s Sydney Morning Herald.

“In an emotional letter which he sent from Tora jail, on the outskirts of Cairo, where he is being held, Mr Greste said he had decided to speak out in defence of the fundamental right of freedom of the press, having realised that his arrest was not due to a mistake but a deliberate campaign by the government.

“Greste and two producers, Mohamed Fahmy and Baher Mohamed, are accused of collaborating with a terrorist organisation [the Muslim Brotherhood], of hosting Muslim Brotherhood meetings in their hotel rooms, of using unlicensed equipments to deliberately broadcast false information to further their aims of defaming and discrediting the Egyptian state.

“Mr Greste said the Egyptian Government had presented no evidence to support the allegations and he had not been formally charged with any crime. . . .”

Reporter Barely Escapes Alive After Posing as Sex Worker

For four months last year, Tobore Ovuorie, 33, senior investigative reporter with the PREMIUM TIMES Nigeria, went undercover in that country’s human traffic circles. Before taking that step, she had researched the rise and causes of human traffic in Nigeria for years,” the Premium Times reported on Friday.

” ‘Six out of every trafficked persons arriving in the West are Nigerian’, she says. ‘So we need to look at what causes all these, mostly young, people to put their fate in the hands of these criminals.’ What she noted throughout is that many women will go willingly into prostitution hoping to escape from poverty. To many of these women, leaving Nigeria for sex work elsewhere seems a beckoning prospect. Going abroad is known as ‘the next level’ Ovuorie pretended to be desperate for the trip as documented in her report, published in her own paper, PREMIUM TIMES, as well as ZAM Chronicle.

“Ovuorie decided that to go undercover inside such a transport destined for this ‘next level’ was the missing piece of the puzzle. She wanted to tell the story of the many women who leave, often never to return. What happens to you after you cross the border? What do the traffickers do once you decide to ‘sign the contract’ with them?

“Ovuorie found that out in the most horrific way: by witnessing two fellow trafficked ‘products’ being beheaded and slaughtered in front of her. She herself barely escaped alive from the ‘training camp’ where her group was taken to be sorted into a group for travelling onwards and a group of ‘unsuitables’. The ‘unsuitables’ were deemed to be possessed by demons: they were sent to be treated by voodoo doctors and beaten.

“Ovuorie was one of them. . . .”

Short Takes

  • Arlene Notoro Morgan, a highly respected journalist and educator who has championed diversity in news employment and content, is joining Temple University’s School of Media and Communication for the coming year,” the university announced on Friday. “Morgan, a former Philadelphia Inquirer editor who most recently was associate dean at Columbia University’s Graduate School of Journalism, will be a visiting professor in the Department of Journalism and will serve as a special assistant to Dean David Boardman on external affairs. . . .”
  • Vickie Walton-James

  • Vickie Walton-James, acting national editor at NPR News, is leading a team of reporters to Russia to cover the winter games. Team members include Los Angeles-base black journalists Sam Sanders and Sonari Glinton as well as Tamara Keith, who covers the White House, and Robert Smith, New York-based correspondent for Planet Money.
  • Joe Grimm, visiting editor in residence for MSU’s School of Journalism, is one of only three people across campus chosen to receive a 2014 Excellence in Diversity individual award for his outstanding efforts and commitment to the principles of diversity and inclusion,” Michigan State University announced last week. “President Lou Anna Simon and Acting Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs June Pierce Youatt will present Grimm with the award Monday, Feb. 3, at the Kellogg Hotel and Conference Center. . . .”
  • Florida A&M University’s School of Journalism and Graphic Communication is seeking applications for a non-tenured, fixed-term appointment of up to five years for a Knight Chair for Student Achievement. “Candidates should have recent experience as a practicing professional journalist with digital skills and a reputation for quality. Preferred candidates also would have experience in leadership and mentoring. A master’s degree in a relevant discipline and college-level teaching experience are preferred but not required. . . .” Former Chair Joe Ritchie retired last year.
  • Harris Faulkneranchors Fox News Channel’s weekend ‘Fox Report,’ reports breaking news during the week across the network,” and spoke to Lost Remote about her third job: leveraging social TV for Fox News,” Jordan Chariton reported last week for Lost Remote. Faulkner “also notes how the increased synergy between social media and TV News is helping bring in younger viewers — the holy grail for cable news executives — since younger viewers grew up multi-tasking compared to their older counterparts,” Chariton wrote.
  • The Wall Street Journal is looking for a reporter to serve as a blogger for Speakeasy, the Journal’s culture site. “This journalist would play a lead role writing, producing and posting text and video blog posts dealing with breaking news in entertainment, media, celebrity and the arts. A primary part of this reporter’s job would be producing and posting online articles about the arts written by other journalists at, and helping to ensure that the biggest breaking-news stories are presented in the swiftest, most effective way. . . .” according to an advertisement. Christopher John Farley, the Journal’s senior editorial director, digital features, oversees the site.

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