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Saberi Had Confidential Iranian Document

Speaking to reporters in Tehran on Tuesday, Roxana Saberi said she had no specific plans but to "relax" with her parents and friends. (Video) (Credit: BBC). 

Freelancer Found Guilty of Keeping Classified Report

"Iran’s case against U.S.-born journalist Roxana Saberi was based on her acquiring a confidential government report on the U.S. invasion of Iraq, one of her defence lawyers said on Wednesday," Zahra Hosseinian reported from Tehran Wednesday for Reuters.

"Saleh Nikbakht gave details about the charges against Saberi two days after an appeal court cut her eight-year jail sentence for spying to a two-year suspended term and she walked free after more than three months in Tehran’s Evin jail.

"He said the 32-year-old freelance reporter had copied the report, which was prepared by a strategic research body at the Iranian president’s office ahead of the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq in 2003. But she never used the information, he said."

The Associated Press added, "He says she did so while working as a freelance translator two years ago for the Expediency Council, a powerful clerical body in Iran’s government. "

"Saberi’s release removed a snag in U.S. President Barack Obama’s attempts to improve U.S.-Iranian relations after three decades of mutual mistrust. On Monday, Obama welcomed Iran’s move to free Saberi as a ‘humanitarian gesture,’ " the Reuters report said.

"’She had obtained a report that, at that time, the Centre for Strategic Research had prepared on the future attack of America on Iraq (in 2003),’ Nikbakht told Reuters, without saying how or when Saberi got hold of the document.

The eight-year jail sentence handed down by a lower court on April 18 was also based on the argument that she had cooperated with a hostile country, the United States, Nikbakht said.

This was later changed by the appeal court but she was still found guilty of obtaining and keeping a classified report. ‘Because she did not have bad intentions and did not use it, she was sentenced to a two-year suspended jail term,’ he said.

Her other lawyer, Abdolsamad Khorramshahi, earlier said that Saberi in an appeal hearing on Sunday had "accepted she had made a mistake and got access to documents she should not have. But there was no transfer of any classified information."

"And she traveled to Israel, which the authorities claimed was suspicious and illegal," Mike Shuster added later Wednesday for National Public Radio. "She acknowledged traveling to Israel to seek work as a journalist.

Nikbakht "said Wednesday that the prosecution’s case also included the allegation that Saberi had met with a person identified only as Mr. Peterson, who told her he worked for the CIA and tried to recruit her into the agency," Shuster reported.

"’She said that yes, she had met a Mr. Peterson,’ Nikbakht told NPR, ‘and that Mr. Peterson asked her to work for the CIA. But she took it as a joke, and didn’t take him seriously.’

"It appears that in an earlier interrogation, Saberi had been questioned about this Mr. Peterson and had given answers that she then recanted during the appeals procedure. She told the appeals court, according to Nikbakht, that ‘what she said about Peterson earlier had been a lie.’

"It is not known where and when she met Peterson.

"As for the trips to Israel, during the appeals procedure, Saberi said she had traveled to Israel ‘for fun as a tourist,’ Nikbakht said."

The disclosures about the bases for the charges come to light after weeks of speculation about the reason for Saberi’s arrest. Early on, it was said to be on the pretext that she had bought a bottle of wine.

As the Associated Press reported, "Saberi, who was crowned the 1997 Miss North Dakota, moved to Iran six years ago and had worked as a freelance journalist for several organizations, including NPR and the British Broadcasting Corp.

"She was arrested in late January, but it was not known until Feb. 10, when she called her father in Fargo and told him she had been detained. She said it was because she had bought a bottle of wine, which is illegal in Iran but available on the black market. Her parents decided not to publicize the news until early March when their concerns grew because their regular communications with her were cut off.

"The next day, Iran’s Foreign Ministry acknowledged her arrest, saying she was working in the country illegally because her press credentials were revoked in 2006. But when she was put on trial in mid-April, she was convicted on much harsher charges of spying for the United States."

Newspaper Editors Cite Diminished Ability to Inform

"Nearly three-quarters of U.S. newspaper executives responding to a recent survey said their ability to inform readers has diminished with their steadily shrinking staffs," Michael Liedtke reported Wednesday for the Associated Press.

"The survey conducted by the Associated Press Managing Editors illuminated the doubts and concerns hovering over newspapers as the industry reels from a slump that has been worsening since last fall."

None of the 20 questions, which elicited responses from 351 editors and publishers. touched on diversity.

"APME surveys typically elicit a smattering of responses to very specific questions about a topic in the news. But this one clearly touched a nerve as it sought to find out how newspaper management is coping with a downturn that has wiped out $11.6 billion, or nearly one-fourth, of the industry’s annual advertising revenue since 2005.

"’Our newspaper’s biggest revenue source today is foreclosure notices,’ wrote Clifford Buchan, editor of the Forest Lake Times, a free weekly newspaper in Minnesota. "We have uncertainty once that run ends, as it most surely will."

"To cope with the hard times, 65 percent of the survey respondents said they have laid off workers since January 2008. Nearly 30 percent said they have lowered wages.

"Nearly 68 percent of the respondents cited staffing shortages as the chief impediment to change; more than 57 percent said they didn’t have enough money to innovate. Thirty-one percent said their personnel didn’t have the skills to change with the times. . . .

"Many editors seem to be having second thoughts about the industry’s practice of giving away stories and photos on their Web sites. . . .

"Despite the challenges facing newspapers, 72 percent of the survey’s participants said they are staying in the industry because they believe in ‘the mission of journalism.’"

Obama Opposes Release of Prisoner Abuse Photos

"In an about-face, President Barack Obama is seeking to withhold photos of past abuse of prisoners in U.S. custody in Iraq and Afghanistan, arguing that their release could endanger soldiers abroad and threaten national security – an assertion that his lawyers failed to make in court only weeks ago," Margaret Talev and Jonathan S. Landay wrote Wednesday for McClatchy Newspapers.

"Obama’s shift, announced Wednesday, drew swift condemnation from the American Civil Liberties Union, whose 2004 Freedom of Information Act lawsuit against the Bush administration’s Department of Defense led a federal court in New York to order the photos released. A federal appeals court upheld the decision in September, and refused to rehear the case on March 11.

"The Obama administration had agreed earlier to release at least 44 photos by May 28. The administration now has until June 9 either to reargue the case before the 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in New York or petition the U.S. Supreme Court.

"Obama made a brief statement on his decision late Wednesday afternoon. He said he’d concluded that the photos wouldn’t add useful knowledge about detainee abuse but would ‘further inflame anti-American opinion and . . . put our troops in greater danger.’

"The request for what’s effectively a legal do-over is an unlikely step for a president who is trained as a constitutional lawyer, advocated greater government transparency and ran for election as a critic of his predecessor’s secretive approach toward the handling of terrorism detainees.

"Eric Glitzenstein, a lawyer with expertise in Freedom of Information Act requests, said he thought that Obama faced an uphill legal battle. ‘They should not be able to go back time and again and concoct new rationales" for withholding what have been deemed public records, he said."

Inquirer Challenged Over Columns by Torture Figure

"I have to admit: When I called Harold Jackson on Monday and asked him why the Philadelphia Inquirer keeps printing columns by torture memo author John Yoo, I expected something of a pro forma response — something along the lines of “We believe in vigorous debate from voices across the political spectrum etc. etc.," Joel Mathis wrote Tuesday in the Philadelphia Weekly. "And Jackson, the Inquirer’s editorial page editor, did get around to saying stuff like that.

"But this is what he said first:

"’The short answer is he is under contract,’ Jackson told me. ‘We have an obligation to fulfill the contract and we intend to.’

"On Monday, Will Bunch, a writer for The Philadelphia Daily News ‚Äî which is owned by the same company as The Inquirer, Philadelphia Media Holdings ‚Äî wrote about Mr. Yoo on his blog, saying that people who worked in the building that houses the two papers ‘weren‚Äôt immediately aware (myself included) that Yoo was now a regular columnist,’" Richard P?©rez-Pe?±a added in the New York Times. "He called on The Inquirer to fire Mr. Yoo and called on readers to join him in the effort."

Jackson "said the decision to hire a columnist was his, but that ‘Mr. Yoo was suggested by the publisher,’ Brian Tierney," the Times story continued.

‚Äú’There was a conscious effort on our part to counter some of the criticism of The Inquirer as being a knee-jerk liberal publication,’ Mr. Jackson said. ‘We made a conscious effort to add some conservative voices to our mix.’‚Äù

"Asked if the release of the memos affected his view of hiring Mr. Yoo, Mr. Jackson said: ‘From a personal perspective, yes. We certainly know more now than we did then, but we didn‚Äôt go into that contract blindly. I‚Äôm not going to say the same decision wouldn‚Äôt have been made.’

"But Mr. Tierney said the memos did not alter his opinion.

‚Äú’What I liked about John Yoo is he‚Äôs a Philadelphian,’ Mr. Tierney said. ‘He went to Episcopal Academy, where I went to school. He‚Äôs a very, very bright guy. He‚Äôs on the faculty at Berkeley, one of the most liberal universities in the country.’‚Äù

Limbaugh Says Obama’s Plan is "Forced Reparations"

"As the economy performs worse than expected, the deficit for the 2010 budget year beginning in October will worsen by $87 billion to $1.3 trillion," conservative talk-show host Rush Limbaugh, who some have called the leader of the Republican party, said on his show Monday.

"The deterioration reflects lower tax revenues and higher costs for bank failures, unemployment benefits and food stamps. But in the Oval Office of the White House, none of this is a problem. This is the objective. The objective is unemployment. The objective is more food stamp benefits. The objective is more unemployment benefits. The objective is an expanding welfare state. And the objective is to take the nation‚Äôs wealth and return to it to the nation‚Äôs quote, ‘rightful owners.’ Think reparations. Think forced reparations here if you want to understand what actually is going on."

Principal Chief Jim Gray, seated, with Osage News staff Shannon Shaw, left, Benny Polaca and Chalane Toehay. (Photo credit: Dawn Haney/Osage Nation Communications)

Osage Nation Grants Paper Editorial Independence

"Osage Nation Principal Chief Jim Gray issued an executive order last week declaring the tribal newspaper’s independence from the tribal government," Clifton Adcock reported for the Tulsa (Okla.) World.

"Though the newspaper, The Osage News, will still be funded by the tribe, the order states that tribal officials will ‘refrain from interfering with the critical reporting of all issues of relevance to the Osage people,’ and that the paper ‘shall be independent from any undue influence of the Osage Nation Executive Branch and free of any particular political interest.’

"Last year, the newspaper nearly had its funding withdrawn by the tribal congress after it printed a story that was critical of some members. Some in the congress said that Gray controlled the newspaper’s content and the move to cut funding was an attempt to force the chief to enact a piece of legislation they said would make the newspaper independent.

"The funding was restored, however, when the measure came before the full tribal congress, and the newspaper has continued to print since then.

"Gray’s executive order also establishes an editorial council, whose membership eligibility includes being more than 25 years old with no felony record, having a demonstrable professional credential for at least five years and not being an employee or elected official of the tribe. Council members must swear an oath to uphold the accepted ethics of professional journalism."

Are Media Still Thinking "What Color Is That Victim?"

"I remember as a young deputy city editor at The Daily News attending my first ‘sked meeting,’ a large gathering of editors held every afternoon to consider which stories would go into the next morning‚Äôs paper and how they would be played," Bob Herbert wrote Monday in the New York Times.

". . . One of the stories being pitched was about a baby that had been killed on Long Island. The editor running the meeting was completely relaxed. He was sprawled in his chair and was holding a handful of papers. His legs were crossed.

‚Äú’What color is that baby?’ he asked.

"A tremendous silence fell over the room. Everyone understood what he meant. If the baby was white, the chances were much better that the story was worth big play. It might be something to get excited about.

"The Daily News has changed radically since those days, and my career flourished there. But that old story came to mind last week as I followed the lavish newspaper and television coverage given to the murder of a 21-year-old Wesleyan University student, allegedly by a man who had attended a summer course with her at N.Y.U. a couple of years ago.

". . . the press is still very color conscious in the way it goes about covering murder. Editors may not be asking, ‘What color is that victim?’ But, on some level, they‚Äôre still thinking it.

"Which is why we’ve heard so little about an awful story out of Chicago. Some three dozen public school students have been murdered since the school year began, most of them shot to death. These children and teenagers have been killed in a wide variety of settings and situations — while riding a city bus, playing in parks, sitting in the back seats of cars, in gang disputes, in robberies, in the crossfire of sidewalk shootouts.

"It’s an immense and continuing tragedy. But these were nearly all African-American or Latino kids, so the coverage has been scant.

‘In contrast, the news media gave the public enormous amounts of information about the Wesleyan student, Johanna Justin-Jinich, and ‚Äî in another big story ‚Äî about Julissa Brisman, the masseuse who had advertised on Craigslist and was killed in a Boston hotel room last month."

Carlos Watson Launching News and Opinion Site

"Another personality who first made a name in traditional media is putting the final touches on an ambitious online destination. Carlos Watson, an MSNBC anchor who also hosts a weekend show on talk radio network Air America, and a small band of staffers are readying The Stimulist, a news and opinion site slated to go live on May 12," Jon Fine wrote Monday on his Business Week blog.

"Watson bills The Stimulist as being aimed at what he terms "’the change generation;’ that is, an audience of young professionals between the ages of 25 and 49. Watson is still on the shy side of 40 and counts himself as a card-carrying member of this cohort, and freely uses the words ‘we’ and ‘us’ to describe his intended audience. ‘People in their 20s, 30s, and 40s‚Äîeducated but edgy,’ he says. ‘I don’t think of us as the same as the yuppies of 20 years ago. We are more down to earth, more digitally savvy, and more diverse.’ And more global: The Stimulist aims to draw 30% of its traffic from outside of the U.S., which would be significantly more than even a site like gets.

". . . Watson, who worked for McKinsey & Co. and started and sold an educational company before beginning a media career, is the sole bankroller behind The Stimulist, though he expects to lure outside investors eventually. The site’s managing editor is Max Linsky, a former editor in the Creative Loafing chain of alternative-weekly newspapers. Its chief operating officer and chief revenue officer is Taiye Tuakli-Wosornu, who has worked closely with Watson on his TV shows."

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