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Rob King to Head ESPN.Com

Calvin Sims Exits N.Y. Times for Ford Foundation

Former Newspaperman to Lead Top Sports Web Site

Rob King, who left the Philadelphia Inquirer for ESPN only three years ago, saying “I want to be able to take risks in my life,” has been named editor-in-chief of, which calls itself the leading sports destination online, ESPN spokesman Paul Melvin confirmed on Wednesday.



ESPN says the site averages 18 million unique users per month and features analysis from a roster of more than 150 ESPN editors, writers, analysts, experts and contributors.

“The company made the announcement this afternoon in a conference call to employees,” the sports blog “the Big Lead” reported Wednesday afternoon. The blog is put together by “three 20-something friends, one of whom was previously a sportswriter.” Their headline said King was awarded “the Top Sports Media Job in the Country.”

Previously a cartoonist, reporter and graphic designer, King, 45, left the Inquirer as deputy managing editor/visuals and sports after seven years there.

Outside of Web sites geared toward African Americans, the black presence in the online world is said to be scant. Only a handful attended last year’s convention of the Online News Association, which is holding its eighth annual conference Oct. 17-19 in Toronto. Neal Scarbrough left ESPN last year to become editor-in-chief of AOL Sports, but others who have sought to join one of the few growth areas in the news business have sometimes been told they lacked online experience.

King went from the Inquirer to senior coordinating producer at ESPN, overseeing the “Outside the Lines” show daily and the ESPN research department from ESPN’s offices in Bristol, Conn.

The bloggers said King has been overseeing NBA coverage with ESPNews, will be based in Bristol, and beat out a candidate already at the Web site.

When King left the Philadelphia paper, then-Inquirer editors Amanda Bennett and Anne Gordon said, “Anyone who knows Rob knows what powerful and honorable parents he has and anyone who knows Rob knows what he means when he says he wants to strike out in an industry that promises to challenge him in so many different ways.”

His father, Colbert I. King, is a Washington Post op-ed columnist who retired in December as deputy editorial page editor, and his mother, Gwendolyn King, now retired, is a former Social Security commissioner.

“Last week, we told you King was a finalist for the gig, and although he came from behind to get the job in Rags to Riches Belmont-like fashion, the early word from everyone weâ??ve spoken to (to the newcomers wondering how the heck we know any of this stuff, itâ??s because once upon a time we wrote a few pieces for the .com, and along the way made a friend or two) is that King is universally well-liked (apparently, his predecessor was a love him or hate him type and didnâ??t appeal to all),” the sports blog said.

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NAHJ Meets in San Jose With Record Sponsorship

The National Association of Hispanic Journalists opened its 25th anniversary convention in San Jose, Calif., on Wednesday, with 1,300 people registered before the convention began and a record number of sponsors, Executive Director Iván Román told Journal-isms.

Román said 1,500 to 1,600 people were expected if past patterns continued.

California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger was to be interviewed at Wednesday’s opening session by a trio of journalists led by Rick Rodriguez, executive editor of the Sacramento Bee.

Like other journalist-of-color organizations, the annual convention is key to the organization’s financial health. While some sponsors gave less this year and some dropped out, the number of sponsors has increased to more than 50, Román said, enabling the organization to take in an expected $810,000, exceeding last year’s record $680,000. He said the convention was projected to make $350,000 for the association.

NAHJ ended 2006 with a $20,000 deficit, but was able to cover it from a surplus of about $140,000 it posted for 2005, Román said earlier this year.

Students are covering the event at, which was to include streaming video of the Schwarzenegger interview.

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Claire Smith Leaves Philly Inquirer for ESPN

Claire Smith, assistant sports editor and baseball columnist at the Philadelphia Inquirer, is leaving the newspaper to join ESPN as a news editor/remote sites, traveling with on-air personnel covering live events. “The focus of my job will be to provide one more set of eyes focusing on the news, whether on the field or off,” she told Journal-isms on Wednesday.



Smith, 53, has worked at the Inquirer as a general assignment columnist and assistant sports editor since 1998. She was a national baseball columnist for the New York Times and the Hartford Courant, among other roles.

“I look forward to working with editor Don Skwar, someone I’ve known since he was the SE at the Boston Globe. And I also look forward to working with the baseball crew, including long-time friends Joe Morgan, Jon Miller, Jayson Stark, Peter Gammons, Tim Kurkjian and Buster Olney, to name but a few of the outstanding people already there,” Smith said.

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Harold Reynolds Hired by Major League Baseball

Harold Reynolds was back talking about baseball Tuesday, hired as a broadcaster by while he pursues his lawsuit against ESPN,” Ronald Blum reported Tuesday for the Associated Press.

“Reynolds sued ESPN in October, contending he was wrongly fired after a female intern complained about what he called a ‘brief and innocuous’ hug. He had been with the network since 1996 and had a six-year contract that his lawsuit said was worth about $1 million annually.

“‘I felt like it was personal. It hurt my family. It hurt my name, and it hurt everything I’ve worked for 30-some years,’ he said in a telephone interview with The Associated Press. ‘I felt like I was wrongfully accused and wrongfully painted, and I wanted to right that wrong.’

“Following next month’s All-Star game, Reynolds is to appear on the Web site five times each week at 2 p.m. EDT.”

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Akili Ramsess Moving from San Jose to Orlando

Akili Ramsess, deputy director of photography at the San Jose Mercury News, is joining the Orlando Sentinel as executive photo editor, starting July 6.

“Akili (pronouced a-keé-lee) brings a wealth of experience as a photojournalism visionary and multimedia pioneer. During her eight years in San Jose, she directed work that won the highest honors from NPPA, POYi and SND. In 2004, she was an editor on the paperâ??s Pulitzer finalist for feature photography, the California recall election,” Bonita Burton, associate managing editor/visuals at the Sentinel, told the staff. The references are to the National Press Photographers Association, Pictures of the Year International and the Society of News Design.

“Akili has also played an important role in the Mercâ??s multimedia efforts. Sheâ??s studied digital film and video production and was selected as a Knight Center fellow in UC Berkeleyâ??s competitive multimedia program. This year San Joseâ??s photo staff won ‘Best Use of the Web’ honors from NPPA for ‘truly pushing and evolving the medium.’

“Prior to San Jose, Akili was a photo editor with the Atlanta Journal-Constitution for four years, which included the bombing at the 1996 Olympics. Before Atlanta, she was interim director of photography at the Valley edition of the Los Angeles Times, where she led the photo staff in the Timesâ?? Pulitzer-winning coverage of the 1994 Northridge earthquake. She also shares in a Pulitzer for feature photography for the APâ??s 1992 presidential campaign.”

Ramsess, 49, succeeds Ken Lyons, who took a top photo editing job at the Denver Post. “I want to get in there and ramp up the multimedia and just take that photo department to the next level of prominence and visibility,” she told Journal-isms. Ramsess plans to serve as photo director of student projects at the National Association of Black Journalists convention in Las Vegas this summer.

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Calvin Sims Exits N.Y. Times for Ford Foundation

Calvin Sims, reporter for the New York Times since 1985 and among its most senior African American journalists, is joining the Ford Foundation’s Media, Arts and Culture Unit as program officer for its News Media portfolio.




He is succeeding Jon Funabiki, who was deputy director of the unit and returned to San Francisco last year after 11 years in New York. Funibiki is now a journalism professor at San Francisco State University.

“Mr. Sims has had a long and distinguished career at the Times serving as an investigative reporter and foreign correspondent during the past 20 years,” an internal announcement said.

“He has over 1,400 bylines with the Times, writing on such topics as guerrilla insurgencies in Latin America, the Aum Shinrikyo religious cult in Japan, political developments on the Korean peninsula and the advent of democracy in Indonesia. Over a span of 10 years, he headed the Times’ Indonesia bureau, the Buenos Aires bureau and worked as a correspondent in Tokyo.”

Sims has been producing “Conversations” for the Times’ Web site. They are with people his boss, Lawrie Mifflin, called some “who had insightful things to say but who aren’t typically interviewed or out on the lecture circuit at the moment.” Sims was also reporter and co-producer of a documentary film, “Struggle for the Soul of Islam: Inside Indonesia,” that premiered on public television in April. He starts his new job Sept. 4.

Two weeks ago, Ronald Smothers, who has been with the Times for 35 years, said he was leaving to teach at the University of Delaware.

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Reporting Teen’s Case Helped to “Right a Wrong”

Genarlow Wilson, sentenced to 10 years in prison for receiving consensual oral sex in 2003 from a 15-year-old girl when he was 17, was ready to walk out of prison Monday after a judge granted his appeal,” as Jeremy Redmon reported Tuesday in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.

“For journalists, it’s one of those rare cases in our profession” where “we help to right a wrong,” according to Aniika Young, 30, a CNN producer who has been working the story for months.

“It’s a huge onion and we peeled it back layer by layer,” said Young, who joined Atlanta-based CNN two years ago after beginning her journalism career in 1999. “I had no idea what this would turn into,” Young said. “I took this story home with me, going through newspaper articles, going through blogs. Those images were going through my head.” The students were “trying to emulate adult behavior and doing a bad job of it. There were times I just wanted to shake Genarlow, but I realize he was just a kid who made a bad choice.”

As the Journal-Constitution story explained, “Wilson was originally charged with raping a 17-year-old at a party on New Year’s Eve of 2003, but he was acquitted. He was found guilty of aggravated child molestation involving the 15-year-old girl, a crime that carried a minimum 10-year prison sentence under the law at the time. Four other male youths at the party pleaded guilty to child molestation of the 15-year-old and sexual battery of the 17-year-old. A fifth pleaded guilty to false imprisonment.

“Their party was captured on a profanity-laden and sexually graphic video filmed by one of the males. The video shows Wilson having intercourse with the 17-year-old and receiving oral sex from the 15-year-old,” the story continued.

However, “Matt Towery, a Republican state House member from 1993 to 1997, said Monday it was never his intent to lock up teenagers involved in consensual sex acts when he authored the law in 1995 that Wilson was convicted under — the Child Protection Act.”

After Monday’s ruling, Wilson “was told he must remain behind bars while authorities decide if he should be granted bond while the attorney general’s office appeals the judge’s ruling. . . . The twists and turns in the case sent Wilson’s attorneys and family through several emotional highs and lows,” the story said.

“This has been a roller coaster ride for all of us,” said Young.

Maybe Voters Hoped Jefferson Would Be Indicted

“All that anyone seems to remember about the re-election of U.S. Rep. William Jefferson, D-New Orleans, is that the facts of his alleged corruption already had been well-established by the time he won the race,” Lolis Eric Elie wrote on Monday in the New Orleans Times-Picayune.

“The assumption made by outsiders is that the people of Jefferson’s district didn’t feel that alleged corruption was a sufficient reason not to return Jefferson to Washington.

“That is a shallow analysis.

“. . . after reading my Wednesday column on the Jefferson affair, one caller reminded me that some voters may have cast their ballots for Jefferson not only knowing, but hoping that Jefferson would be indicted.

“A Jefferson victory and subsequent indictment would probably mean a new election to fill the congressman’s seat. In that event, perhaps other candidates might emerge who would prove more palatable than the field that ran against Jefferson last year.

“It seems a subtle, cynical analysis. But perhaps not so cynical when you think about how many Americans routinely vote against a candidate they don’t like rather than for one they do like.”

Children’s, Immigration Issues Win Casey Medals

“The Philadelphia Inquirer’s thorough documentation of a city agency’s neglect of children it was charged with protecting, Dateline NBC’s compelling profile of a first-year teacher, and The Washington Post’s creative use of multimedia to enrich racial dialogue were among the winning entries in the 2007 Casey Medals for Meritorious Journalism,” the Annie E. Casey Foundation announced.

Among the winners:



The Web version of the “Being a Black Man” series also won a Peabody award, presented at the Waldorf Astoria hotel in New York on June 4. Post reporter Hamil R. Harris, who was part of the Web presentation, could not help but marvel at the symbolism: “Here was an award given from the University of Georgia, a state once known for having more lynchings than any other state in the union, recognizing a story like ‘Being a Black Man,'” he told Journal-isms.

“When you’re talking about diversity, you do see progress, but we must [publicize] the progress to give hope to people.”

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College Challenges Unflattering Bill Maxwell Pieces

Stillman College, the subject of three Sunday pieces in the St. Petersburg Times by a disappointed Bill Maxwell, who quit his job to teach journalism there, is challenging Maxwell’s description of the school.

“It would be easy to write a column on the inconsistencies alone in Maxwell’s series,” Albert Moore, the college’s director of public relations, replied in Sunday’s newspaper.

“Stillman, like many HBCUs today,” he continued, referring to historically black colleges and universities, “is a place where many who might not otherwise attend college can get an opportunity to earn a degree. Still, current students entering classes have average ACT scores above the mean for African-Americans. Being poor with limited opportunities for cultural exposure cannot be correlated to the inability to perform as Maxwell implies. It does require heuristic teaching rather than the teacher-as-idol approach that Maxwell employed.”

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