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Journl-ism June 24th



The Huffington Post’s Nico Pitney got a prime location in the White House Briefing Room on Tuesday and was the second reporter President Obama picked for a question. (Credit: Politico)

"Planted" Obama Questioners Stir Hornet’s Nest

The White House stirred up a hornet’s nest by "planting" questioners at President Obama’s first daytime news conference on Tuesday, as reporters raised the issue at Wednesday’s White House briefing and debated it on the air, in print and in the blogosphere.

Dana Milbank wrote Tuesday in his "Washington Sketch" column in the Washington Post: "During the eight years of the Bush administration, liberal outlets such as the Huffington Post often accused the White House of planting questioners in news conferences to ask preplanned questions. But here was Obama fielding a preplanned question asked by a planted questioner – from the Huffington Post."

Nico Pitney, Huffington Post’s national editor, "said the White House, though not aware of the question’s wording, asked him to come up with a question about Iran proposed by an Iranian. And, as it turned out, he was not the only prearranged questioner at yesterday’s show. Later, Obama passed over the usual suspects to call on Macarena Vidal of the Spanish-language EFE news agency. The White House called Vidal in advance to see whether she was coming and arranged for her to sit in a seat usually assigned to a financial trade publication. She asked about Chile and Colombia."

It was the Huffington connection that disturbed bloggers and some journalists. Others complained about the appearance of "stagecraft."

On, Ben Smith wrote, "The high-profile the administration is giving the left-leaning outlet is a nice case of symbiosis, not entirely unlike the Bush Administration’s close ties to Fox, though the president’s signal that he’d been briefed on the question in advance was particularly unusual."

Retorted Arianna Huffington on her Huffington Post, "Was it an example of ‘the new partisan media’ when I laid out chapter and verse on Larry Summer’s toxic ideas?

"Was it ‘good for the White House’ when I disparaged Obama’s desire to put the Bush administration’s use of torture in his rear view mirror?"

Pitney asked Obama what he described as a question from one of the people "still courageous enough to be communicating online" about whether Obama would recognize Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s re-election, or if such a move would be a betrayal of protesters," as Philip Elliott explained for the Associated Press.

Bill Burton, deputy White House press secretary, responded to Politico’s Michael Calderone by saying Pitney "ended up asking the toughest question that the President took on Iran. In the absence of an Iranian press corps in Washington, it was an innovative way to get a question directly from an Iranian."

Vidal, of EFE, was one of three reporters of color who asked questions on Tuesday. April Ryan of American Urban Radio Networks raised the black unemployment rate and Suzanne Malveaux of CNN asked Obama’s reaction to the "shocking video of this woman, Neda, who had been shot in the chest and bled to death" in Iran.

Ryan said, "Mr. President, people are criticizing this road to recovery plan. Specifically, there are reports in The Washington Post that say that the African America unemployment rate will go to 20 percent by the end of this year. And then you had your chairman of Economic Advisers say the target intervention may come next year if nothing changes. Why not target intervention now to stop the bloodletting in the black unemployment rate?

Obama replied, in part, that "the best thing that I can do for the African American community or the Latino community or the Asian community, whatever community, is to get the economy as a whole moving," and that he wanted to duplicate successful programs that make youth of color more employable.

Ryan told Journal-isms on Wednesday, "The president has been consistent in his universality on employment vs. targeted approach. We’ll see if the chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers will target next year if the problem persists."

Obama used the question about Chile to speak broadly about Latin America. He said the United States’ relationship with Chile and Brazil "points the way for other countries that may be where the democratic tradition is not as deeply embedded as we’d like it to be. And we can make common cause in showing those countries that, in fact, democracy, respect for property rights, respect for market-based economies, rule of law – that all those things can in fact lead to greater prosperity, that that’s not just a U.S. agenda, but that’s a smart way to increase the prosperity of your own people."

Iran’s Crackdown on Journalists Could Be Long-Lasting

"The media crackdown in Iran may be just beginning. The totalitarian regime’s banishment on foreign reporters covering the massive post-election unrest in Tehran and elsewhere will reverberate long after the green-clad protesters finally disappear from the streets, journalists predict," Marisa Guthrie reported Wednesday for Broadcasting & Cable.

"’I think it’s going to be very difficult to get back into Iran,’ says Richard Engel, chief foreign correspondent for NBC News. ‘We’re openly being called the instigators of a revolt.’

"The theocratic government has been vocal in its criticism of the foreign media. State television is now running ‘confessions’ from demonstrators who say they have been influenced to act immorally because of news reports.

"’That’s the message they are trying to put out; that foreign media are fanning the flames and leading people astray,’ Engel says."

An Associated Press dispatch on protests in Iran Wednesday carried this editor’s note: "Iranian authorities have barred journalists for international news organizations from reporting on the streets and ordered them to stay in their offices. This report is based on the accounts of witnesses reached in Iran and official statements."

Meanwhile, Felix Gillette wrote Tuesday in the New York Observer that "On the morning of Monday, June 22, television producers across the city grappled with a difficult question – how much of Neda’s death do we show on TV?"

"Over the weekend, Neda Agha-Soltan, a 26-year-old Iranian woman, was shot and killed in the streets of Tehran, nearby clashes between pro-government militias and demonstrators. Her tragic final moments were captured on a cell phone video and soon disseminated rapidly across the Internet, transforming the young woman into an icon of the protests.

"By Monday morning, the footage of Neda’s death had become an important international story. But how much of the graphic video could news producers use on TV? In the end, such decisions varied from network to network."

Army Dislikes Stories, Refuses Request to Embed

"Asserting that Stars and Stripes ‘refused to highlight’ good news in Iraq that the U.S. military wanted to emphasize, Army officials have barred a Stripes reporter from embedding with a unit of the 1st Cavalry Division that is attempting to secure the violent city of Mosul," Stars and Stripes, a newspaper that receives government subsidies to cover the military, reported on Wednesday.

"Officials said Stripes reporter Heath Druzin, who covered operations of the division’s 3rd Heavy Brigade Combat Team in February and March, would not be permitted to rejoin the unit for another reporting tour because, among other things, he wrote in a March 8 story that many Iraqi residents of Mosul would like the American soldiers to leave and hand over security tasks to Iraqi forces.

"’Despite the opportunity to visit areas of the city where Iraqi Army leaders, soldiers, national police and Iraqi police displayed commitment to partnership, Mr. Druzin refused to highlight any of this news,’ Major Ramona Bellard, a public affairs officer, wrote in denying Druzin’s embed request.

"Bellard also alleged that Druzin used quotes out of context, ‘behaved unprofessionally’ and persisted in asking Army officials for permission to use a computer to file a story during a communications-blackout period.

"Additionally, Col. Gary Volesky, the 3rd Brigade’s commander, asserted that Druzin ‘would not answer questions about stories he was writing.’"

Sources Say N.Y. Times Approved Ransom for Reporter

The story that has emerged over the past few days about the secret confinement of New York Times journalist David S. Rohde and his dramatic escape from the Taliban in a lawless region in northwest Pakistan early Saturday is remarkable, Matthew Cole wrote Monday for New York magazine.

"Because the Times isn’t providing much in the way of detail, the paper leaves it to others to try to fill in the gaps. The story of those who worked to get Rohde out, and what led to his escape, is only beginning to become known. This account is pieced together from multiple sources either directly involved in the negotiations or apprised of the Times’ negotiating efforts as they were going on; it suggests a patchwork of attempts to get the reporter out alive, involving the FBI, the Pentagon, the State Department, and multiple private intelligence contractors. . . .

"In announcing the news of Rohde’s escape, one thing the Times was careful to point out is that it paid no ransom for his release. That is apparently true, but two sources involved in the rescue efforts say the paper had authorized as much as $2 million in ransom funds, which would have been one of the highest known amounts ever paid to secure the release of a journalist. According to these sources, a $1 million offer was on the table even as Rohde was scrambling to safety. One American contractor involved says that although no ransom was ultimately paid, money did play a part in Rohde’s escape. He adds a crucial detail to the Times’ published account of the escape: That guards had been bribed to look the other way as Rohde and Ludin made their way out of the compound."

The reference is to Tahir Luddin, 34, an Afghan journalist who has worked for The Times for several years, who escaped with Rohde.

NAHJ board members and staff prepare convention bags Tuesday at the Puerto Rico Convention Center. (Credit: Daniel Belis/Latino Reporter)

700 Register for NAHJ, Half as Many as ’06

"This year’s National Association of Hispanic Journalists Convention is facing far fewer attendees and recruiters than ever in the wake of a recession and subsequent cutbacks and layoffs," Jessica Conner wrote Wednesday for the Latino Reporter, student publication for the NAHJ convention in San Juan, Puerto Rico.

"A little more than 700 people were registered to attend the three-day convention in Puerto Rico as of noon Tuesday, almost half the number that attended the 2006 conference in Fort Lauderdale, Fla."

"In past years, at least 90 recruiters have been on hand. This year, less than 60 plan to be at the conference’s Career Expo, NAHJ executive assistant Yaneth Guillen said.

‚Äú’The economy is a big issue,’ NAHJ officer Brandon Benavides said. ‘A lot of members have been laid off.’

"This year, NAHJ paid the registration, airfare and hotel costs or for more than 70 journalists who recently lost their jobs."

Senate’s Apology for Slavery Fails to Impress

"Last week, the U.S. Senate apologized for slavery and the Jim Crow century that followed. But like the House of Representatives, which passed a similar resolution last July, it failed to give a detailed confession of its complicity in this great crime," DeWayne Wickham, columnist for USA Today and Gannett News Service, wrote Tuesday on his blog.

"Instead, the Senate followed the House’s lead and simply bemoaned the mistreatment of millions of blacks who were forced into slavery from 1619 through 1865. It didn’t say anything about what Congress did ‚Äî or didn’t do ‚Äî to aid and abet that "peculiar institution."

"That’s not good enough. For the sake of history and closure, Congress needs to describe the full nature of its offenses in support of slavery and the century-long period of legal disenfranchisement of blacks that followed. Too many people in this country have little knowledge of the legal cover Congress gave slavery. Too few people understand how Congress perpetuated the suffering of blacks long after the 13th Amendment ended slavery."

Others were similarly underwhelmed.

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