Herman Cain Aims Racial Ire at Blacks, Not Whites
James Hawkins Retiring as Dean of FAMU J-School
Carole Remick Dies at 78, Inspired High School Journalists
Media Columnist Asks, Why Not Occupy the Newsroom?
Ethiopia Steps Up Terrorism Allegations Against Journalists
Where Are the Environmental Journalists of Color?
Herman Cain arrived at Godfather’s Pizza in 1986 and left as CEO in 1996.
Herman Cain Aims Racial Ire at Blacks, Not Whites
“Herman Cain scanned his overwhelmingly white tea party audience, jammed into a hall at a rural fairgrounds, and offered his assessment,” Sandhya Somashekhar wrote Friday for the Washington Post from Waverly, Tenn.
“ ‘ I see 3,000 patriots here tonight,’ he boomed, the crowd leaping to its feet. ‘I don’t see any racists!”’ Somashekhar continued in a piece examining Cain’s posture toward racial issues.
“Cain relishes the opportunity to provoke as a black conservative. The Republican presidential hopeful often volunteers in his speeches that he is not angry at the country that enslaved his great-grandparents. He proclaims that he ‘left the Democrat plantation a long time ago.[ He quips that he is not the GOP’s ‘flavor of the week’ but a tried-and-true flavor, ‘black walnut.’
“Four years after Barack Obama campaigned for president, steering clear of provocative statements about race, Cain has floated to the top of presidential polls doing just the opposite. He jokes about race with irreverence. And he aims his ire not at whites but at blacks he believes have become irrationally attached to the Democratic Party.”
- Kris Broughton, bigthink.com: Herman Cain Is GOP Affirmative Action Baby
- Jonathan Capehart, Washington Post: Herman Cain’s ‘choice’ stance on gays doesn’t ‘wash’ (Jonathan Capehart)
- Mark Davis, Atlanta Journal-Constitution: Church’s pride in Cain outweighs differences
- Jonathan P. Hicks, New York Amsterdam News: The Folly of Raising Cain
- Roland S. Martin, Creators Syndicate: Cain had better get serious if he wants to be taken seriously
- Tony Norman, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette: Candidate Cain seems to know no shame
- Clarence Page, Chicago Tribune: GOP campaign vs. the world
- Les Payne blog: Cain Watches The GOP Shoot-Out In Vegas
- Eugene Robinson, Washington Post: The void in GOP debates: Foreign policy
- Mary Sanchez, Kansas City Star: Herman Cain hits a sour note on immigration
- Sheryl Gay Stolberg, New York Times: Cain, Now Running as Outsider, Came to Washington as Lobbyist
James Hawkins Retiring as Dean of FAMU J-School
James Hawkins is retiring as dean of School of Journalism & Graphic Communication at Florida A&M University, and a search committee meets Wednesday to begin selecting a successor, Valencia Matthews, an assistant dean who is heading the committee, told Journal-isms on Monday.
“The members of the committee are primarily faculty members. Two SJGC students will be appointed to the Committee,” said Matthews, director of FAMU’s Essential Theatre and an assistant dean of the College of Arts and Sciences.
Hawkins, named in 2004 to succeed founding dean Robert Ruggles, is only the second dean at the school, one of the leading journalism schools at a historically black college,
The student newspaper, the Famuan, reported on Oct. 9:
Hawkins has been with Florida A&M for 34 years and spent eight of them as dean of SJGC.
“. . . he does know the type of person the SJGC will need in order to excel.
” ‘They have to be a person of energy, a person of vision,’ Hawkins said.
“Once retired, Hawkins plans on keeping himself busy working on a screenplay and traveling around the world to play 12 golf courses he has been yearning to tee off on.
“SJGC Knight Chair in Journalism Joe Ritchie is one of the individuals appointed as a member of the School of Journalism and Graphic Communication Search Committee.
“Ritchie has been a professor in SJGC for 19 years and has an idea of what qualifications candidates need to fulfill the job description of dean of SJGC.
” ‘SJGC is in need of someone who will not only oversee the school, but implement programs and staff that are going to take charge in the growth and prosperity of the school,’ said Ritchie.
” ‘Due to the many budget cuts, the loss of the IT professional, as well as TV 20 staff and accreditation issues, SJGC has seen hard times.
” ‘We need someone that is going to come in and do more than just tread water. We need someone that will help us move forward. ‘ “
Gathering at the 20th anniversary celebration of the New England High School Journalism Collaborative, held at Regis College in Weston, Mass., in June 2007, were current and past program participants, their high school teachers and the professionals who served as writing and technical coaches. (Courtesy Carole Remick)
Carole Remick Dies at 78, Inspired High School Journalists
Carole Remick, who described herself as “an old white lady who believes in sparking young people to exceed themselves,” died Oct. 18 at age 78 at the Kaplan House, a hospice in Danvers, Mass., after battling cancer.
This columnist learned of Remick’s work in 2007, when students, journalism professionals and colleagues nominated her for the Barry Bingham fellowship, the National Conference of Editorial Writers’ award to educators who have advanced journalism diversity, primarily at the college level.
“She’s the founder of what was once the Dow Jones High School Journalism workshop, more recently the New England High School Journalism Collaborative, and has really single-handedly kept it going for years. That has often included writing checks for as much as $5,000 out of her own account while the Globe and Herald kick in a few hundred bucks or so,” Robin Washington, editor of the Duluth (Minn.) News Tribune who spent time at the Boston Herald and the weekly Bay State Banner, wrote then.
“All the current and former Boston folk have been involved over the years, particularly Michelle Johnson, Zack Dowdy, Jason Johnson, Derrick, me and my entire family and you name them, but most impressive are the alumni, which includes *working journalists* (one here in Minnesota at the Strib) of color who all got inspired to enter the business from one week in their lives after their junior or senior year of high school.”
“Her college credentials are impeccable, but the work I want to recognize is of her high school programs, one of which, in addition to the workshop, was to create a city-wide high school newspaper for Boston public schools that didn’t have one.”
The tributes flowed. “I have never witnessed an educator with so much passion for his or her work. Mrs. Remick has enriched the lives of literally HUNDREDS of high school and college students, forever leaving her mark on journalism by preaching the value of diversity and innovation,” said another.
Globe columnist Derrick Z. Jackson wrote, “High school youth aspiring to be journalists could have no more tenacious an advocate than Carole Remick. She is a one-of-a-kind dynamo who made you remember that you stood on the shoulders of others and had to give back, through mentoring the next generation.”
When the Dow Jones program came under fire, Remick wrote to this columnist, “Listen to what former program alumni have had to say in this program, and all of us will understand an important lesson in the meaning of ‘diversity.’
“Roystone Martinez spoke with this year’s group. He said that he appears to be African-American because of his color. However, he learned that his family came from Honduras of African ancestry. He identifies himself as Latino! He graduated from West Roxbury High, which is predominantly minority and went on to BC, which is predominantly white. Had he not been in our program, he says he would not have had the confidence to continue in that environment.”
A memorial funeral Mass is scheduled for 11 a.m. Nov. 5 at Our Lady Star of the Sea Church, 85 Atlantic Ave., Marblehead, Mass.
Remick did not win the Bingham fellowship that year; judges decided it should be reserved for work with college students. Washington still wishes it were otherwise. He told Journal-isms by email Monday, “Although I had wished this recognition not to have been posthumous, her legacy, living on in her gifted journalistic progeny, is no less inspiring than when she was with us. I hope we do honor with the Bingham Award so that others can see the immense difference one dedicated person can make.”
Media Columnist Asks, Why Not Occupy the Newsroom?
“Almost two weeks ago, USA Today put its finger on why the Occupy Wall Street protests continued to gain traction,” David Carr wrote Monday for the New York Times.
“ ‘The bonus system has gone beyond a means of rewarding talent and is now Wall Street’s primary business,’ the newspaper editorial stated, adding: ‘Institutions take huge gambles because the short-term returns are a rationale for their rich payouts. But even when the consequences of their risky behavior come back to haunt them, they still pay huge bonuses.’
“Well thought and well put, but for one thing: If you were looking for bonus excess despite miserable operations, the best recent example I can think of is Gannett, which owns USA Today.
“The week before the editorial ran, Craig A. Dubow resigned as Gannett’s chief executive. His short six-year tenure was, by most accounts, a disaster. Gannett’s stock price declined to about $10 a share from a high of $75 the day after he took over; the number of employees at Gannett plummeted to 32,000 from about 52,000, resulting in a remarkable diminution in journalistic boots on the ground at the 82 newspapers the company owns.
“Never a standout in journalism performance, the company strip-mined its newspapers in search of earnings, leaving many communities with far less original, serious reporting.
“Given that legacy, it was about time Mr. Dubow was shown the door, right? Not in the current world we live in. Not only did Mr. Dubow retire under his own power because of health reasons, he got a mash note from Marjorie Magner, a member of Gannett’s board, who said without irony that “Craig championed our consumers and their ever-changing needs for news and information.”
“But the board gave him far more than undeserved plaudits. Mr. Dubow walked out the door with just under $37.1 million in retirement, health and disability benefits. That comes on top of a combined $16 million in salary and bonuses in the last two years.”
- Charles M. Blow, New York Times: Occupy-apalooza Strikes a Chord
- Leonard Pitts Jr., Miami Herald: World’s eyes on Occupy movement
- Ana Veciana-Suarez, Miami Herald: Is school cheating a prologue to Wall Street deceit?
Swedish journalists took turns chaining themselves in front of Kronoberg Prison in Stockholm to raise awareness of the imprisonment of three colleagues held in the Horn of Africa. Shown are freelance journalists Casper Hedberg and Jacob Zocherman. (Credit: Journalisternas Solidariska Fängelseaktion/Committee to Protect Journalists)
Ethiopia Steps Up Terrorism Allegations Against Journalists
“Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi last week accused journalists in the country of being ‘messengers’ with ‘terrorist’ groups, while a state newspaper accused the chief editor of an independent publication of having terrorist ties and called on security forces to ‘take action’ against him. The Committee to Protect Journalists today said it condemns this campaign of intimidation against the private press,” the Committee to Protect Journalists reported on Monday.
“In comments Thursday to Ethiopia’s ruling party-controlled Parliament, Zenawi said many journalists in Ethiopia are working with ‘terrorist’ groups as “messengers.” He claimed the government has evidence linking imprisoned journalists to terrorist acts and is aware of other journalists working in Ethiopia with terrorist ties, local journalists told CPJ.
“Since June, government authorities have arrested six independent journalists on alleged terrorism charges including Awramba Times Deputy Editor Woubshet Taye, Feteh columnist Reyot Alemu, freelance journalists Eskinder Nega and Sileshi Hagos and two Swedish journalists, Johan Persson and Martin Schibbye. Referring to Ethiopia’s private press as ‘vagabonds,’ Zenawi accused the private press of not understanding their profession, according to local reports.”
Where Are the Environmental Journalists of Color?
“Where are the environmental journalists of color?” headlined a blog post Friday by Emilia Askari from the Society of Environmental Journalists conference in Miami.
“Some of us were at a network lunch table today devoted to discussion of how SEJ can help increase the diversity of voices reporting the news and serving as news sources. The discussion, led by Ayana Meade, co-chair of SEJ’s diversity task force, included four current SEJ board members, two former board members, one Latino scientist, three journalists who had been laid off, one member who joined last week, two members who were at SEJ’s first conference 21 years ago, several African American journalists, several European American journalists, one Canadian and French journalist, one Middle Eastern American journalist, several freelancers and two news entrepreneurs.
“It was a diverse group. But it wasn’t really big enough to fully address the issues. We need your help.”
Some ideas:
- “Steve Curwood of Living on Earth suggested that SEJ should try hosting a future conference at a historically black college or university — or possibly at such an institution that partners with other nearby colleges and universities. . . .
- Emilio Bruna, a plant ecologist and speaker from the University of Florida, suggested that we might want to pull together a directory of experts of color who could be quoted on environmental issues . . .
- Ayana Meade reported that SEJ’s task force has an open listserv for SEJ members and anyone else who might be interested in discussing issues of diversity and environmental journalism. . . .
- Curwood offered several excellent suggestions about where to get funding to bring professional and student journalists of color to SEJ conferences. . .
- Noting that indigenous people are often involved in environmental stories yet are rarely represented in significant numbers at SEJ conferences, we wondered if it might be possible to seek grants to change that situation.
- We also wondered if it would be possible to ask SEJ members to list the other journalism groups to which they belong. That way we could ask SEJ members who might be going to the conventions of the four largest journalists-of-color organizations to spread around some SEJ membership forms and SEJournals.
- Those four organizations are the National Association of Black Journalists, the National Association of Hispanic Journalists, the Asian American Journalists Association and the Native American Journalists Association. Next August, three of them (all except NABJ) are meeting jointly in August. We wondered if SEJ could have a presence at this convention, called Unity, which happens just once every four years.
- Roger Witherspoon, a veteran black journalist, was voted onto the board of directors.
Short Takes
- “Pundit and MSNBC contributor Pat Buchanan’s new book, ‘Suicide Of A Superpower,’ is a veritable treasure trove of eye-popping assertions about the decline of America at the hand of increased diversity and multiculturalism,” Jillian Rayfield reports for the TPM website. He says of the group Unity: Journalists of Color, Inc. pushing for more diversity in journalism: “Half a century after Martin Luther King envisioned a day when his children would be judged ‘not by the color of their skin, but the content of their character,’ journalists of color are demanding the hiring and promotion of journalists based on the color of their skin. Jim Crow is back. Only the color of the beneficiaries and the color of the victims has been reversed.”
- “Remember when the 26,000-member Newspaper Guild called a boycott against the Huffington Post over its use of unpaid writers? Well, that’s over,” Jeff Bercovici wrote Friday for Forbes. “Seven months after it kicked off, the boycott ended today with a brief, conciliatory statement from the Guild.”
- Sharon Epperson, CNBC’s senior commodities and personal finance correspondent, will be part of a panel questioning the GOP candidates on “Your Money, Your Vote: The Republican Presidential Debate” on Nov. 9, newsonenews.net announced on Friday. CNBC’s Maria Bartiromo and CNBC’s Chief Washington Correspondent John Harwood will moderate.
- The Chicago Defender “is thousands of dollars behind in its lease with developer Elzie Higginbottom, owner of its 8,500-square-foot headquarters at 4445 S. King Dr., the landmark Metropolitan Funeral Home building in Bronzeville and the Defender’s third home since 2003,” Maudlyne Ihejirika reported Monday in the Chicago Sun-Times. In addition to the two editors whose layoffs were reported in this space, “An accounts receivables staffer also was laid off, and the paper’s only photographer switched from full- to part-time, according to staffers at the 106-year-old, once daily paper founded by Robert Abbott in 1905,” Ihejirika wrote.
- “A media research firm says Michelle Obama has gotten nearly 30,000 mentions in the press since her husband was elected president, more than tripling the attention paid her predecessor, Laura Bush, during the equivalent time,” Stephen Dinan reported Monday for the Washington Times. “HighBeam Research scoured the 6,500 publications it tracks . . . ” “Though it has long had a loyal audience, ‘Democracy Now! has gained more attention recently for methodical coverage of two news events — the execution of the Georgia inmate Troy Davis and the occupation of Wall Street and other symbolic sites across the country,” Brian Stelter reported Monday for the New York Times. Host Amy Goodman “broadcast live from Georgia for six hours on Sept. 21, the evening of the execution, and ‘Democracy Now!’ reporters were fanned out in Manhattan from the first day of the protests against corporate greed.”
- Scholars, experts, and news media executives plan to discuss “Evolving the Image of the African American Male in American Media” at the University of Pittsburgh Nov. 1, presented before an invited audience of 100 by Pitt’s Office of Public Affairs. The keynote speaker is Marc Lamont Hill of Teachers College of Columbia University. Panelists will include Paula Poindexter, vice president, Association for Education in Journalism & Mass Communication; Rod Doss, editor and publisher, New Pittsburgh Courier; John B. Smith, publisher, Atlanta Inquirer.; veteran journalist George E. Curry; Shirley Carswell, deputy managing editor, the Washington Post; David Shribman, executive editor, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette; and Lorraine Branham, dean, S. I. Newhouse School of Public Communications, Syracuse University.
The School of Journalism and Mass Communication (SJMC) at Florida International University (FIU), last month announced the appointment of Alejandro Alvarado, Ph.D., as the Telemundo Director of the school’s Hispanic Media Futures Program, “an innovative student development program to train future Hispanic journalists and communicators. . . . The director position is funded through a $300,000 grant from Telemundo Communications Group, Inc. . . . as part of the establishment of the Hispanic Media Futures program which was announced in May 2011.”
- “A veteran U.S. radio broadcaster was barred from entering India Sept. 23, ahead of his Oct. 2 interview with political activist Binayak Sen,” Sunita Sohrabji reported for India-West. “David Barsamian, founder and director of the Boulder, Colo.-based Alternative Radio, which offers its programming on public radio stations throughout the country, believes he was primarily denied entry because of his previous reporting from Kashmir.”
- “An influential Egyptian talk show host has suspended his show in protest of media censorship, he said in a statement on Friday,” Andy Sennitt reported Saturday for Agence France-Presse, amid rising discontent from journalists towards the ruling military. Yosri Fouda, host of the Last Word show on the private satellite channel ONTV, said there had been “a noticeable deterioration in media freedoms accompanied by a noticeable laxity towards the media’s bathos (triviality).”
- Deirdre Edgar, reader representative of the Los Angeles Times, explained to readers Friday that, “Yes, we really spell it ‘Kadafi'” “We began using Kadafi in 1969, when the rebel leader seized power, under guidance from our Middle East correspondent at the time. He advised that the sound that begins the leader’s name was best translated as a ‘k’. (That also explains our spelling of Koran vs. AP’s Quran.)”
- Three women were to be honored Monday night by the International Women’s Media Foundation, Matthew Fleischer wrote Monday for FishbowlLA, at Courage in Journalism Awards ceremony in Beverly Hills, Calif.: “Adela Navarro Bello, general director and columnist for Mexico’s Zeta news magazine; Parisa Hafezi, bureau chief for Reuters in Iran; and Chiranuch Premchaiporn, director and webmaster of Thailand’s Prachatai online newspaper. BBC’s Kate Adie will also receive a lifetime achievement award.”
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