Maynard Institute archives

Black, Asian Broadcast Ownership Dips

African Americans Own Just 10 of 1,348 TV Stations

Boston Globe’s Baron to Lead Washington Post

Romney Says Obama Bestowed “Gifts” to His Base

Trymaine Lee Leaves Huffington Post for MSNBC

Rick Sanchez to Join New MundoFox Network

U.S. Africa Command Creates News Websites in Propaganda Effort

Holmes Show Not Headed for Cancellation, BET Says

Burt-Murray Resurfaces With Site for Young Women

Marion Barry Tweaks Alternative Paper on Diversity

Short Takes

Catherine L. (Cathy) Hughes, shown with actor Denzel Washington, is founder and

African Americans Own Just 10 of 1,348 TV Stations

Bill O’Reilly can breathe a little easier.

“Last week while speaking about the reelection of President Obama, the Fox News commentator said, ‘The white establishment is now the minority,’ ” Joe Flint wrote Wednesday for the Los Angeles Times.

But when it comes to who owns the nation’s TV and radio stations, whites — and white males in particular— are still the majority.

“The Federal Communications Commission just released its report on the ownership of commercial broadcast stations which reveals that as of 2011, whites own 69.4% of the nation’s 1,348 television stations. That’s up from 63.4% in 2009, when there were 1,187 stations.

“While white ownership increased, most minority ownership decreased. Blacks went from owning 1% of all commercial TV stations in 2009 to just 0.7% in 2011. Asian ownership slipped from 0.8% in 2009 to 0.5% last year. Latino ownership increased slightly from 2.5% to 2.9%.

“Females owned 6.8% of all commercial TV stations in 2011, compared to 5.6% in 2009.

“It is a similar story in radio. Whites own almost 80% of all AM and FM radio stations, with more than 70% being owned by men.”

Translating the percentages into numbers, John Eggerton of Broadcasting & Cable wrote that people of color “owned only 30 full-power TV stations in 2009 and that number was the same in 2011.

“African-American ownership dropped from 12 stations in 2009 to 10 stations in 2011, or less than 1% of the total. Ownership of the balance of the 30 stations (about 1.5% of the total) was spread among Native Americans, Pacific Islanders, Asians and others.

“Hispanics and Latinos . . . saw their ownership climb from 30 stations in 2009 to 39 in 2011, or 2.9% of the total. Hispanics represent 16.7% of the population, according to the Census.

” . . . The report does not get into why those minority ownership figures have not significantly improved, or in some cases declined.”

The Free Press media advocacy group said in a statement, “If accurate, these data are largely in line with Free Press’ studies from 2007, Out of the Picture and Off the Dial, until today the only thorough accounting of female and minority broadcast ownership.

Despite the extremely low levels of female and minority ownership, the FCC is currently proposing relaxing its cross-ownership rule, which includes limits on ownership of television stations and newspapers in the same market. These appear to be the very same rule changes that former FCC Chairman Kevin Martin proposed in 2007 and that the public, Congress and a federal appeals court subsequently rejected. The FCC reportedly plans to vote on its latest round of proposed ownership rules before the end of the year.

“In 2011, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit threw out the agency’s 2007 effort to weaken the cross-ownership rule. In its decision, the court instructed the agency to first evaluate the impact of any rule changes on female and minority owners, who historically have been underrepresented in ownership of radio and television stations, before considering rule changes. The data released today counts who owns what but fails to address the impact of rule changes or meet the court’s demands.”

Craig Aaron, Free Press president and CEO, asked, “. . . Why is this FCC contemplating a giveaway to the nation’s largest media conglomerates when much of the rest of the industry has turned away from the failed consolidation model? Why would the FCC push forward a plan that has no purpose and little support when it could do so much harm? Why does this agency keep dodging the issue of diversity when they have the power to actually do something about it?”

In April, Boston Globe Editor Martin Baron looked on as film critic Wesley Morri

Boston Globe’s Baron to Lead Washington Post

Journal-isms asked Martin Baron, the Boston Globe editor named Tuesday to be the next executive editor of the Washington Post, to articulate his philosophy on newsroom diversity.

“I believe in diversity of coverage and diversity of staff,” Baron said by email on Wednesday. “It’s vital that we cover people in every corner of our community — their concerns, their interests, their daily lives. We also need people on staff who see the world through distinct perspectives. They come from different backgrounds, and they detect stories that others might not see. All of this enriches our journalism and makes us more relevant to those we aim to attract as readers. Over time, it means we serve our communities better.”

Baron succeeds Marcus Brauchli, executive editor for the last four years, who is to remain with the Post company as a vice president evaluating new media opportunities. Brauchli’s departure was rumored for months and news organizations, in reporting the change, noted tensions between Brauchli and Post Publisher Katharine Weymouth. “The relationship between Ms. Weymouth and Mr. Brauchli chilled as she pushed him to make newsroom cuts he was uncomfortable with, according to people in the newsroom familiar with the discussions,” Christine Haughney reported Tuesday for the New York Times.

From his 2008 appointment onward, Brauchli spoke unhesitatingly of his belief in diversity, at one point noting that he was the only white male in top newsroom management. That circle included Managing Editor Liz Spayd; Managing Editor Raju Narisetti, who is of South Asian background and has since returned to the Wall Street Journal; Sandy Sugawara, an Asian American who founded the universal desk and is now managing editor of WaPo Labs; Milton Coleman, an African American who is senior editor; and Shirley Carswell, a black journalist who is deputy managing editor.

However, some staff members complained that the diversity was not evenly spread throughout the newsroom.

The Post and the Globe reported similar statistics to the American Society of News Editors for its annual census. This year, each reported 8.0 percent Asian American and 3.8 percent Hispanic journalists. However, the Post had more black journalists, 12.9 percent, to the Globe’s 8.9 percent. The Post additionally reported .05 percent American Indians.

When the Globe was reported planning newsroom cuts in 2009, local chapters of the National Association of Black Journalists, the National Association of Hispanic Journalists and the Asian American Journalists Association jointly urged Baron to consider diversity. “For a city as diverse as Boston, where nearly half of its residents are people of color, a newsroom with a sizable percentage of Latino, African American, and Asian American staff is critical to providing accurate coverage of those communities that still lack decent media exposure,” they wrote.

In 2005, when the staff was again downsized, Baron said the paper “worked very hard” to minimize the impact on newsroom diversity, but lost Kenneth J. Cooper, who as national editor was the paper’s highest-ranking African American line editor.

Jube Shiver Jr., a retired black journalist who worked with Baron at the Los Angeles Times, told Journal-isms by email, “Marty was a very tough, but fair editor, when I worked for him at the Los Angeles Times. But Washington is a very different city than Boston, Miami and Los Angeles. Addressing diversity isn’t solely a numbers game, it’s about the particular sensibilities and history of the workplace you are in. There perhaps is no more storied a newsroom — both journalistically and racially — than the Washington Post and Marty will have to grapple with that.”

Romney Says Obama Bestowed “Gifts” to His Base

President Obama invoked the middle class 22 times Wednesday during his first full news conference since March, as Mitt Romney blamed his own overwhelming electoral loss on what he said were big “gifts” that the president had bestowed on loyal Democratic constituencies —including young voters, African-Americans and Hispanics.

In a conference call on Wednesday afternoon with his national finance committee, Mr. Romney said that the president had followed the ‘old playbook’ of wooing specific interest groups — ‘especially the African-American community, the Hispanic community and young people,’ Mr. Romney explained — with targeted gifts and initiatives,” Ashley Parker reported Wednesday for the New York Times.

” ‘In each case they were very generous in what they gave to those groups,’ Mr. Romney said . . .”

James Rainey wrote for the Los Angeles Times, “The first time Romney held forth on America’s moocher class, video captured the moment. This time, on Wednesday, it was the L.A. Times’s Maeve Reston and a New York Times reporter listening in as the Republican presidential nominee again delivered his version of the truth. And again, the audience consisted of the candidate’s fat-cat donors.”

At his news conference, Obama “even worked the plight of average Americans into questions — like one about climate change — that didn’t directly pertain to the economy. Obama argued that Congress should not ‘hold the middle class hostage’ — by refusing to extend tax cuts first approved under President George W. Bush, just to also extend tax cuts for the wealthy,” Rainey reported separately.

Obama called on Lori Montenegro of Telemundo for the third question of the news conference, bypassing Reuters, Bloomberg, and other major networks, the Wall Street Journal noted. 

When’s the last time Telemundo got a question near the top of a presidential news conference?Mark Silva of Bloomberg News asked.

“What was the Hispanic vote for president on Nov. 6?

“President Barack Obama 71 percent, Republican Mitt Romney 27 percent.

“Immigration reform, the president told his Telemundo questioner at a White House news conference today, is on the way.”

From the left, activists Cornel West and Tavis Smiley continued to push Obama to address black interests. “I’m hoping now for all those Black people who kept saying, ‘Let him get a second term,’ that we are mature enough and politically sophisticated enough to lovingly and respectfully push him to be a greater president, Smiley told Ebony.

In an appearance this week on Pacifica radio’s “Democracy, Now!” West had “very harsh words for Al Sharpton, Melissa Harris-Perry and frequent MSNBC guest host Michael Eric Dyson as apologists for the Obama administration, Jack Mirkinson reported for the Huffington Post. “I love Brother Mike Dyson, but we’re living in a society where everybody is up for sale,” West said. 

Obama was not the popular favorite among the celebrity panelists who were convened to recommend Time magazine’s annual “Person of the Year,” although Time has a track record of picking newly elected or reelected presidents for the distinction, Joe Pompeo reported Tuesday for

Trymaine Lee Leaves Huffington Post for MSNBC

Trymaine Lee, who joined Huffington Post last year and helped elevate the Trayvon Martin killing to national prominence, has left the website for MSNBC, Lee told Journal-isms on Tuesday.

“My last day was Nov. 1,” Lee said by email. “I’ll be joining MSNBC as a national reporter for the network’s new website later this month. This new adventure offers a great opportunity to write about important issues that I care about, but it also offers the opportunity to reach a wider audience through the networks television programming. My main focus will be writing, but there’s also the expectation that I’ll have a presence, to one degree or another, on the television side when it makes sense.”

Trymaine Lee

Lee came to the Huffington Post after covering Harlem as an intermediate reporter on the New York Times Metro desk. “Prior to joining The Times in late 2006, he was a staff writer at the Times-Picayune newspaper in New Orleans, where he was part of a team that won a 2006 Pulitzer Prize for Hurricane Katrina coverage,” a bio says. “He also contributed reporting to the Times’s 2009 Pulitzer Prize for breaking news coverage of the Eliot Spitzer scandal and is a past recipient of the National Association of Black Journalists Emerging Journalist of the Year Award.”

Early next year, is to be reborn as a stand-alone site for the cable channel MSNBC, Brian Stelter reported in July for the Times.

In addition, “The NBCUniversal News Group has announced that iVillage will be run as part of its portfolio of digital news operations and that it will be overseen by Vivian Schiller, senior VP and chief digital officer at NBC News, who leads NBC News Digital,” George Winslow reported Wednesday for Broadcasting & Cable.

“. . . The NBC News Digital portfolio now includes iVillage,,,,,,,, and as well as a wide variety of apps and other digital properties tied to those sites.”

Rick Sanchez to Join New MundoFox Network

Rick Sanchez, the former CNN news anchor, will join the national news team of MundoFox, the newest Spanish-language network in the United States,” Tanzina Vega reported Tuesday for the New York Times.

Rick Sanchez

“Mr. Sanchez, who is bilingual, will contribute daily segments to the network in Spanish and will also host several news specials a year. He will be based in Miami.”

“. . . ‘I’m excited about MundoFox especially because MundoFox is really about the conversation that we’ve had about reaching out to that highly interactive first-, second- and third-generation Latino who reside in the United States and who, for the most part, have not been represented in the dissemination of news in the Unites States,’ Mr. Sanchez said in an interview.

“. . . Mr. Sanchez, who has been a vocal critic of the lack of diversity in the news media, said he considered the rates of diversity today ‘somewhere in between weak and deplorable.’

“. . . In 2010, Mr. Sanchez was fired from CNN after he commented during a radio interview that Jon Stewart, the host of ‘The Daily Show’ on Comedy Central, was a bigot and that ‘everybody that runs CNN is a lot like Stewart.’ “

A week later, Sanchez appeared on ABC’s “Good Morning America” and said his comments were wrong and offensive, but added that “I went into the interview with a chip on my shoulder” because of the lack of Hispanics, Asian Americans or African Americans hosting prime-time news shows on the mainstream cable networks.

U.S. Africa Command Creates News Websites in Propaganda Effort

The website’s headlines trumpet al-Shabab’s imminent demise and describe an American jihadist fretting over insurgent infighting. At first glance it appears to be a sleek Horn of Africa news site. But the site — — is run by the U.S. military,” Jason Straziuso reported from Nairobi, Kenya, Tuesday for the Associated Press.

“The site, and another one like it that centers on northwest Africa, is part of a propaganda effort by the U.S. military’s Africa Command aimed at countering extremists in two of Africa’s most dangerous regions — Somalia and the Maghreb.

Omar Faruk Osman, the secretary-general of the National Union of Somali Journalists, said Sabahi is the first website he’s seen devoted to countering the militants’ message.

” ‘We have seen portal services by al-Shabab for hate and for propaganda, for spreading violence. We are used to seeing that. In contrast we have not seen such news sites before. So it is something completely unique,’ Osman said.

“But although he had noticed prominent articles on the site, which is advertising heavily on other websites, he had not realized it was bankrolled by the U.S. military.

“The U.S. military and State Department, a partner on the project, say the goal of the sites is to counter propaganda from extremists ‘by offering accurate, balanced and forward-looking coverage of developments in the region.’ “

“. . . The site clearly says under the ‘About’ section that it is run by the U.S. military, but many readers may not go to that link.”

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