Maynard Institute archives

Journalisms Fri Mar 27

WTHR reporter Bob Segall interviews an undocumented worker who says his address was used to file tax returns from four other undocumented immigrants who did not live there. They received $29,000 in IRS refunds. (Video)

Story on Tax Abuse by Undocumented Workers Earns Peabody

A six-month investigation by WTHR-TV in Indianapolis that documented IRS mismanagement resulting in billions of dollars in fraudulent tax refunds, many going to immigrants in the country illegally, was among the recipients Wednesday of a Peabody award, the oldest awards in broadcasting.

The national response to WTHR’s ‘Tax Loophole’ investigation has been huge,” the station said. “Millions of people have watched the videos that show how undocumented workers are tapping into an IRS loophole — a loophole that allows illegal immigrants to claim billions of dollars in tax credits.”

The station also said, “The investigation was viewed online more than 14 million times and triggered IRS reforms designed to save U.S. taxpayers billions of dollars.

“In announcing 39 Peabody recipients Wednesday morning at the University of Georgia’s Grady College of Journalism and Mass Communication, the Peabody judges wrote ‘WTHR’s stunning investigation exposed not only how illegal immigrants were bilking billions in tax refunds from the Internal Revenue Service but also how the IRS had known of the scamming and failed to stop it,’ ” the station reported.

Other winners included CBS-TV’s “60 Minutes” for “Joy in the Congo,” which celebrated the emergence of a home-grown symphony orchestra in the war-ravaged African republic; “D.L. Hughley: The Endangered List,” “a mock documentary on Comedy Central in which the comedian campaigned to get black men the ‘same EPA protections’ as the Kaman cave cricket and the Texas kangaroo rat; the Smithsonian Channel’s “MLK: The Assassination Tapes,” “in which rare archival footage was fused into a gripping reconstruction of the events surrounding the Civil Rights leader’s 1968 murder.”

Also, “The Loving Story,” “a poignant film shown on HBO about a couple infamously arrested in 1958 for daring to marry across racial lines”; “Summer Pasture,” “an ‘Independent Lens’ film that chronicled a nomadic Tibetan family’s natural and political hardships; and ‘Why Poverty?,’ a collection of eight distinctively different films from Steps International that explored aspects of that human condition historically and here and now,” “What Happened at Dos Erres,” a “This American Life” spellbinder “about a Guatemalan immigrant who learns that the man he believed to be his father actually led the massacre of his village”; “Rapido y Furioso (Fast & Furious),” “Univision’s Mexican perspective on the infamous ATF gun-tracking debacle”; and “Real Sports with Bryant Gumbel,” “a sterling magazine series that springboards from athletics,” among others.

Apple, Google, Facebook Still Stonewalling on Diversity

A CNN Money report finds that Google (GOOG), Apple (AAPL) and other tech titans continue to stonewall questions on the diversity of their workforce, five years after the Mercury News kicked off a quest to find out the racial makeup of the workforce at the country’s most important technology companies,” Jeremy C. Owens reported last week for the San Jose Mercury News.

“CNN Money, which began its own investigation in 2011, reported Monday that its attempts to obtain the data — which companies with more than 100 employees must provide to the federal government annually — from 20 prominent tech firms in the U.S. have hit the same roadblocks. Of the 20, only Intel (INTC), Dell and Ingram Micro voluntarily released the data.

“Ten companies were able to block the release of the data from the U.S. Department of Labor because they are not federal contractors: Facebook, LinkedIn, Netflix (NFLX), Twitter, Yelp, Zynga, Amazon, Groupon, Hulu and LivingSocial.

“Apple, Google, Hewlett-Packard (HPQ), IBM and Microsoft successfully appealed to the Labor Department to keep their information private, claiming that public release of the data would cause ‘competitive harm.’ Cisco (CSCO) and eBay (EBAY) data was released through the Freedom of Information Act, or FOIA, filing, providing the news organization with information from five of the 20 companies it originally contacted.

“The Mercury News attempted to obtain the same data from the 15 largest tech companies in Silicon Valley in 2008, and nine companies — including Cisco, Intel and eBay — turned it over. After six companies refused the request, an 18-month legal battle ensued that forced the release of the data from HP, but not the other five companies: Apple, Google, Yahoo (YHOO), Oracle (ORCL) and Applied Materials. . . .”


Demonstrators for and against same-sex marriage spent hours in front of the Supr

Gay Journalists Urge “Same-Sex,” Not “Gay Marriage”

Just before two days of Supreme Court arguments on same-sex marriage issues began on Tuesday, the National Lesbian & Gay Journalists Association issued suggestions on covering the topic.

The arguments concluded Wednesday with the court appearing ready to strike down a central part of a federal law that defines marriage as the union of a man and a woman, as Adam Liptak and Peter Baker reported for the New York Times. A majority of the justices expressed reservations about the Defense of Marriage Act, they wrote.

NLGJA said, “Journalists should consider diversity of opinion when bringing these stories to readers, viewers and listeners. Look beyond preconceived ‘pro’ and ‘con”‘sides. Not all LGBT community members are in favor of marriage for same-sex couples; not all members of communities of faith are opposed.

“Reporters should note the differences between marriage law and the legal designation of civil unions. Civil unions are presumed to extend many marriage benefits and protections; however, they do not include the federal protections and benefits available to married couples.

“As NLGJA has previously noted, the oft-used term ‘gay marriage’ is both inaccurate and misleading. ‘Gay marriage’ implies the creation of a new set of legal standards and guidelines as opposed to what is being sought by most advocates ? the extension of currently existing benefits and responsibilities to include same-sex couples. More appropriate terminology in discussing such legislation would be ‘marriage rights for same-sex couples.’ Or, in those instances where a briefer description is necessary, ‘same-sex marriage’ as ‘same-sex’ is a more accurate and inclusive description than ‘gay.’ “

In Hollywood, TV Writers See Disconnect on Diversity

In its latest analysis of the state of diversity in writing for TV, the Writers Guild of America, West finds that while there have been some recent job gains for minority and women writers, the employment playing field in Hollywood is far from level,” the guild said Tuesday.

“The 2013 TV Staffing Brief analyzes employment patterns for 1,722 writers working on 190 broadcast and cable TV shows during the 2011-2012 season, highlighting three specific groups who have traditionally been underemployed in the TV industry: women, minority, and older writers.

“ ‘It all begins with the writing,’ said Dr. Darnell Hunt, author of the report and director of the Ralph J. Bunche Center for African American Studies at UCLA and professor of sociology. ‘From concept to characters, from plot to narrative, writers play a fundamental role in the fashioning of stories a society circulates about itself. But in the Hollywood entertainment industry, unfortunately, there has all too often existed a disconnect between the writers hired to tell the stories and an America that’s increasingly diverse with each passing day.’

The guild added:

“Minority writers nearly doubled their share of staffing positions since the millennium, but remain severely underrepresented. Between 1999-00 and 2011-12 seasons, minority writers’ share of TV employment increased from 7.5% to 15.6%. Despite this increase, minorities as a combined group remain underrepresented by a factor of more than 2 to 1 in television staff employment in the 2011-12 season.

“Women and minorities continue to be underrepresented among the ranks of Executive Producers in television. In the 2011-12 season, women were underrepresented by a factor of more than 2 to 1 among the writers who run television shows; minorities were underrepresented by a factor of nearly 5 to 1.

“10% of shows of TV shows in the 2011-12 season had no female writers on staff; nearly a third had no minority writers on staff.

“In the 2010-2011 television season, only 9% of pilots had at least one minority writer attached, while just 24% of pilots had at least one woman writer attached. . . . “


Expect to See More of Al Roker on NBC

Al Roker

Another bit from the New York cover story on how NBC intends to bring ‘Today’ back to its former morning glory,” Chris Ariens wrote Monday for TVNewser. Joe Hagan writes:

“Last fall, Today producers used a research firm called Sterling to help analyze how viewers felt about the show. The producers flew to Florida to hang out in viewers’ living rooms, identifying themselves as researchers. A woman named Adrianna, for instance, thought the interviews went on too long, but she liked the weatherman. ‘People told us, “I love that Al Roker,” ’ says [‘Today’ executive Alex] Wallace. ‘So they’re getting more Al Roker. It’s not an anti-Matt [Lauer] thing at all.’

“Roker is already a fixture on the first three hours, he does another morning show, ‘Wake up with Al,’ on Weather Channel and he has his own production company that churns out shows for multiple networks. Still, you should expect to see more Al Roker. . . . “

Environmental Websites Looking for Freelancers

The Washington Post’s Darryl Fears wrote Sunday of the nation’s large environmental organizations, “the level of diversity, both in leadership and staff, of groups such as the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), the Sierra Club and the Chesapeake Bay Foundation is more like that of the Republican Party they so often criticize for its positions on the environment than that of the multiethnic Democratic Party they have thrown their support behind. . . .”

Peter Dykstra, publisher of Environmental Health News and its sister site, the Daily Climate, says the same thing is true of the environmental press.

“Science and environmental journalism is not a very diverse place,” Dykstra told Journal-isms by telephone Wednesday. The former CNN executive producer for science, environment, weather and technology coverage encourages “capable freelancers” to contact his staff after studying the sites to see what they publish.

Staff members work from home. Also available are entry-level jobs aggregating the 200 stories the sites collect daily, he said. Dykstra notes proudly that Environmental Health News won honorable mention in the Oakes Awards, bestowed by the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism for a 10-part series, “Pollution, Poverty, People of Color.”

Interested writers should contact Douglas Fischer, editor of the Daily Climate, or Marla Cone, editor of Environmental Health News, or Paul Haynes for the entry-level jobs. Contact information is on this page.

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