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Amid “Toxic and Unkind Spirit,” Sun-Times Lays Off Photo Dept.

Founders Exit Grio, MSNBC Takes Over From NBC News 

WorldStarHipHop Outdraws Black News, Celebrity Sites 

Who Are the Great Political Reporters in Each State?

Slain Driver Was “NewsHour” Family Member, Ifill Says

Ex-Reporter Apologizes Nine Years After Gary Webb Suicide

Fired White Male Anchor Alleges Black Woman Was Favored

Men of Huffington Post Step Forward

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Amid “Toxic and Unkind Spirit,” Sun-Times Lays Off Photo Dept.

John White’s 44-year career at The Chicago Sun-Times has been rooted in faith and professionalism. It’s a career he refers to as ‘an assignment from God,’” Kenneth Irby wrote Friday for the Poynter Institute.

“Earlier this week, that career came to an end on what some photographers have called the darkest day in Sun-Times photojournalism history. The paper announced Thursday that it had laid off its entire photojournalism staff and would rely on freelance photographers and reporters instead.

“White — who has seen the paper go through many owners and changes — says he never imagined that his and his colleagues’ careers would end so abruptly.

“In a phone interview, the 1982 Pulitzer prize-winning photojournalist and teacher recalled a day that he is still ‘trying to make sense of.’

“ ‘This is what I remember hearing: “As you know we are going forward into multimedia and video, and that is going to be our focus. So we are eliminating the photography department.’ Then they turned it over to HR,’ White recounted.

“White said it all began with an email alert on Wednesday evening directing the staff to attend a 9:30 am meeting on Thursday — which White said was ‘only the second meeting with the new managers.’ He called the meeting ‘intimidating’ and said ‘there was a toxic and unkind spirit in the office.’

“White said the 28 full-time photography department staffers who received the news seemed shocked: ‘It was as if they pushed a button and deleted a whole culture of photojournalism.’

“Those being laid off were asked to return company equipment, White said, and their access badges were demagnetized while they were receiving their layoff packages.

“The Sun-Times plans to rely on reporters to take photos and videos and has begun mandatory ‘iPhone photography basics.’ Its decision is just the latest example of a disconcerting trend in American media: professional photojournalism is being downsized and devalued, with news organizations increasingly turning to wire services, citizen-submitted content and independent/freelance contributions. . . .”

Founders Exit Grio, MSNBC Takes Over From NBC News

TheGrio, NBC’s news site targeting African Americans, is being moved from the bailiwick of NBC News to that of MSNBC, with co-founders David Wilson and Dan Woosley leaving to start another entrepreneurial venture, Wilson told Journal-isms on Friday. 

Yvette Miley, MSNBC senior vice president and executive editor, will add executive editor of the Grio to her portfolio, MSNBC President Phil Griffin and Vivian Schiller, senior vice president and chief digital officer at NBC News, announced on Thursday.

Wilson, 36, told Journal-isms he expected theGrio, which he co-founded in 2009 and sold to NBC in 2010, to reflect more of MSNBC’s “sensibility” with the switch. While NBC News does middle-of-the-road reporting, Wilson said by telephone, “MSNBC has a more progressive lean to it.” MSNBC is by far African Americans’ favorite cable news channel.

He said his new project would be created for the “digital entertainment space for African Americans,” and would be “something that no one else is doing.” He called himself an entrepreneur at heart.

TheGrio recorded 1,413,000 visitors during April, according to the comScore research company, behind such competitors as HuffPost BlackVoices and the Root but ahead of others such as NewsOne and BlackAmericaWeb.

Thursday’s announcement said that Wilson and Woosley would stay on in an advisor role. “As you know, Yvette is a fantastic leader with a strong editorial vision,” the announcement continued. “She has been instrumental in evolving MSNBC’s daytime and weekend programs and is a natural fit to join Joy-Ann Reid, who continues as Managing Editor of theGrio, to lead theGrio’s team of talented journalists and contributors.

“theGrio will be managed by MSNBC going forward, with Yvette continuing to report to Phil. Vivian’s team at NBC News Digital will support the site’s operations and technology. Under MSNBC, theGrio will be able to further build on its existing position of strength as a community for smart and engaging dialogue, opinions and perspectives, and continue to be an incubator for great stories and ideas for the entire NBCUniversal News Group.”

WorldStarHipHop Outdraws Black News, Celebrity Sites

WorldStarHipHop, a website featuring outrageous videos captured on cell phones, records twice as many unique visitors as MediaTakeOut, another site targeting African Americans by appealing to the lowest common denominator, April rankings by comScore research company show.

WorldStarHipHop recorded 5,096,000 unique visitors, compared with MediaTakeOut’s 2,736,000. MediaTakeOut specializes in celebrity gossip and lurid headlines.

According to figures provided to Journal-isms for selected sites, the more mainstream HuffPost BlackVoices, BET Networks and the Root also registered more than 2 million unique visitors: 2,692,000 for HuffPost BlackVoices; 2,572,000 for BET Networks and 2,062,000 for the Root.

They were followed by, 1,823,000;, 1,662;, 1,413,000; Essence, 880,000;, 876,000; BlackPlanet,com, 651,000;, 613,000.

Also,, 589,000;, 346,000;, 283,000;, 279,000;, 232,000; ebony, 178,000; and, 153,000.

In a story on WorldStarHipHop Tuesday for American Public Media’s “Marketplace,” Noel King reported, “The subjects of many WorldStar videos are African-American and critics say they perpetuate the ugliest stereotypes about life in urban communities.” However, Lee “Q” O’Denat, the founder of WorldStarHipHop, argued that one can find the same videos on YouTube.

Who Are the Great Political Reporters in Each State?

“In every state, there is at least one — and often many more than one — great political reporters, the one person that EVERY politico in the state reads,” Chris Cillizza wrote Thursday for the Washington Post.

“But, who is that person (or persons) in all 50 states? We wanted to know — and we asked the Fix community for help. And, you responded! After weeks of sorting and such — done by the incomparable Lindsey Cook, Rachel Weiner and Wilson Andrews — we are ready to unveil our 2013 list of the best state-based political reporters in each of the 50 states. (A reminder: These names are gathered from nominations we received via the blog, Twitter and Facebook.)

Inevitably when conducting a project like this, people get left off. This is an organic project that is MEANT to be improved on. So, let us have it — figuratively, not literally — by offering your own suggestions for who we missed in the comment section. . . .”

Political reporting is one of the least diverse fields in journalism, but the list included Kurtis Lee of the Denver Post; Philip Bailey of WFPL-FM in Louisville, Ky., and Gromer Jeffers of the Dallas Morning News.

Slain Driver Was “NewsHour” Family Member, Ifill Says

Julian was family to you. He was to us, as well,” Gwen Ifill of “PBS NewsHour” said Friday at a funeral service for Julian Dawkins. Dawkins, a driver for the “NewsHour” since 2010, was shot and killed in Alexandria, Va., on May 22.

Craig Patterson, a 44-year-old off-duty sheriff’s deputy in Arlington, Va., was charged in the killing after family and friends protested that no one had been charged in the death.

The two men argued, then parted ways,” Matt Zapotosky wrote Friday for the Washington Post. “But one of them, an off-duty Arlington sheriff’s deputy, came back — this time with his gun, handcuffs and badge, prosecutors said Friday.

“Deputy Craig Patterson shot Julian Dawkins, 22, in the chest, the prosecutors said. As the young man lay dying in an Alexandria yard early May 22, Patterson called 911 and said Dawkins had come at him with a knife.

“But that couldn’t have been true, according to prosecutors. Dawkins, a driver for the ‘PBS NewsHour,’ was carrying a knife, but it was folded and clipped in his pocket. . . . “

Ifill told the mourners, “I wish I could capture for you the outpouring of emotion that greeted the news of his passing. There were tears, yes. But there was also regret, and anger and fond memory. . . .”

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