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“The Bravest Girl You’ll Ever Meet”

Story Tells of Polio Victim Who Survived 10 Days in Forest

“. . . She Stole Our Hearts With Her Determination and Bright Eyes”

Memphis Paper Shifts Columnist After 10-Year Run

Pharrell Sorry He Wore Headdress for Elle U.K. Cover

Paul DeMain, Native Publisher, Certified as Wis. Candidate

Native American Journalists Turn to Crowd Funding

CNN Plans to Double Staff of Its Political Team

Media Critic Kurtz Says Obama Has “Checked Out”

Hollywood Diversity Report Shows “Dismal” Results

Black Press Group Parts Ways With Its CEO and President

Short Takes

Story Tells of Polio Victim Left for 10 Days in Forest

An Associated Press story about “The bravest girl you’ll ever meet,” in the words of a tweet Monday from the reporter, is winning kudos for its emotional power and its journalism. The story tells of a 10-year-old girl with polio who cannot walk and is left to fend for herself in a forest in the midst of a war between Christians and Muslims in the Central African Republic.

The wire service moved reporter Krista Larson’s story, datelined Carnot, Central African Republic, in advance for release on Monday. It began:

“When gunfire rang out through the village just after dawn, when neighbors dropped their coffee to flee, even when her mother grabbed three younger children and ran for her life, the 10-year-old girl did not move.

“It was not that terror pinned Hamamatou Harouna to the ground, although she was terrified. It was that polio had left her unable to walk.

“So all she could do was wait and watch, paralyzed, as the vicious war between Muslims and Christians in Central African Republic came to her village. The Christian fighters were going from door to door, and she wondered if she would die.

“That’s when her 12-year-old brother came to her rescue. Barely bigger than his sister, Souleymane struggled to hoist her, all 40 pounds of her, onto his back. Around his neck she clasped her calloused hands, dirty from pulling herself over the ground.

“They set off, barefoot, disappearing into the dense tropical forest as fast as they could manage. Her legs could not hook onto her brother’s back, and her body drooped like a dead weight.

“Hamamatou had never felt so heavy in her life. . . .”

At a meeting with members of the Association of Opinion Journalists in April, State Department officials said they counted three major humanitarian crises in the world: in Syria, in South Sudan and in the Central African Republic.

However, only Syria is receiving much media attention, and lack of coverage elsewhere can cost lives. Media attention brings funds to nongovernmental relief organizations, saves lives and guards against leaving swaths of territory unprotected and lawless, to become breeding grounds for worldwide terrorism, they said.

As the AP story explained, “Over the past year, conflict between Muslims and Christians has killed thousands of people in the Central African Republic, a nation of about 4.6 million that sits almost precisely at the heart of Africa. As families flee, it is often children who carry the weight of the crisis on their backs.

“Nearly half a million children have been displaced by violence in the country last year, with many hiding out in forests, according to UNICEF. Hundreds have become separated from their families, lost or simply too slow to keep up.

“That’s what left Hamamatou and her brother trudging along the red dirt path on an unlikely journey that would reflect a world turned upside down by the complexities of war. The AP pieced together the story from interviews with the girl over two weeks and information from witnesses, health workers, priests and medical records. . . .”

So far, the saga has at least one happy ending. A Christian family rescued the Muslim Hamamatou, although she has not since seen the brother who tried to carry her and left to get help, nor the mother who grabbed the other children and fled.

“There are three other girls with polio here, only one of whom has a mother to look after her. Hamamatou has been diagnosed with malaria, and her braids were shaved off because of lice. Just to go to the toilet, she must crawl past a maze of shelters until the red mud, still wet from showers, cakes her forearms and feet. . . .”

On Twitter, readers were moved. “Can this girl be adopted?” asked one. “Thank you for a truly amazing, fantastic piece of journalism. Hope it gets many many readers,” said another. “Hamamatou a’yeke wali gongu mingui’. Sango for ‘Hamamatou is one strong woman,’ ” said a third.

On the Facebook page of the Afro-American Newspapers, the story has been seen by more than 14,000 people, “liked” by more than 600 people and “shared” by close to 100 people so far, Jake Oliver, the Afro’s publisher and CEO, told Journal-isms by email on Wednesday.

“This tear-jerker reflects through its comments how sensitive our community is to the hardships and violence of war, regardless of what religion may be involved — even when the conflict is thousands of miles away,” Oliver messaged. “The comments also show how we continue to respect and use the power of the ‘almighty’ blessings of prayer.”

Larson tweeted to her Twitter followers Wednesday, “Thanks to all who want to help Hamamatou. We are trying to coordinate best way and I promise to keep you all posted.”

. . . “She Stole Our Hearts With Her Determination and Bright Eyes”

Reporter Krista Larson emailed Journal-isms on Thursday with additional information about how she got the story:

“I was in Carnot, Central African Republic to do a follow-up story about the Catholic church that was sheltering 900 Muslims. AP Photographer Jerome Delay spotted Hamamatou crawling through the mud on her way back from the communal toilets and snapped her photo. She stole our hearts with her determination and bright eyes.

“I went to her tent with my Sango translator and we did a first interview. I contacted my editor Mary Rajkumar in New York, who gave me more suggestions for questions to ask and people to talk to. We then interviewed her several times over the next day or so, and then we went to her home village of Guen where we learned more about the attack her family had fled.

“Then we traveled hundreds of miles to Garoua-Boulai, Cameroon in hopes of finding her mother and brother (we ultimately did not succeed), and we distributed dozens of her photos in case her family would come later. On our way back we came through Carnot again and met with Hamamatou, and also talked to the priests and [Doctors Without Borders] health workers who had been involved in her care. . . . We are working with aid agencies to see if they might be at one other location.

“It’s been touching to see how many people have reached out to help Hamamatou despite a lack of international interest in the conflict ravaging her country.

“What moved us most about Hamamatou was her determination and her strength, but also the fact her unlikely story underscores the complexities of this conflict. Her own mother left her behind to die, and then her life was saved by the one person she thought would take it. They often speak of it as a Christian-Muslim conflict but in fact there are shades of gray and signs of hope that these two communities can see each other as humans first and eventually live amongst one another again.

“Many ask now what is best for Hamamatou. She has received many offers of adoption but Central African Republic is not a party to the international treaties on foreign adoption. When I asked her what she wanted, she said she wanted to find her brother and to live someplace she would have help with daily living given her physical disabilities. As she is a Muslim child, there is the question of whether she would be safe in many parts of the country. All these factors are being taken into consideration. One couple has donated the $300 needed for a custom-made wheelchair but she needs to be assessed to see whether she has the arm strength for a hand-operated one.” [Added June 5]

Memphis Paper Shifts Columnist After 10-Year Run

The Commercial Appeal in Memphis has reassigned Wendi C. Thomas, its only columnist of color and only female columnist, in a reorganization focused on its digital platforms, Editor Louis Graham told readers on Wednesday.

Thomas, the paper’s first Metro columnist (“at least in my memory,” Graham wrote) told Journal-isms by telephone, “It came as a complete surprise. I am sad to be losing my column.” However, Richard Thompson wrote on his Mediaverse Memphis blog, “there’s some internal discontent with the move but Thomas may have little recourse. She’s a management employee and not a member of the Newspaper Guild, the bargaining unit, which has historically challenged such moves by management.”

Graham said Thomas would lead “expanded coverage of crime and justice in the Memphis area . . . . Thomas’ reassignment is part of the continuing realignment of resources to support significantly increased offerings to readers online and on mobile devices. She will lead a three-member team and continue to write as part of the new assignment.”

The city of Memphis is 63.3 percent black, and Shelby County, which includes Memphis, is 52.8 percent black. Mark Russell, a black journalist, was named managing editor of the newspaper last year, but Otis Sanford, who was editorial page editor, moved to the University of Memphis in 2011 but remains a Sunday columnist. The paper reported a staff of 16.4 percent black journalists in last year’s diversity survey of the American Society of News Editors. 

Thomas has written her column for 10 years. She said she had covered police and courts in previous jobs and had filled in as interim metro editor at the Commercial Appeal. She said she would bring a different perspective to her new assignment. “I don’t have any interest in sensationalizing,” she said, but rather “putting things in context.”

For example, Thomas followed up May 28 on a county commission meeting in which Henri Brooks, a Democrat, “squabbled with fellow commissioners over the high percentage of Hispanic employees and low percentage of African American workers at a county roofing contractor,” noting that his “legitimate concern was lost in the outrage over Brooks’ abrasive treatment of a Hispanic businessman.”

But although Shelby County has not tracked the share of contracts awarded to minority/women business enterprises in more than 20 years, Thomas found a private study that showed, “From July 2003 through December 2007, the value of private-sector commercial construction projects awarded to prime contractors in the Memphis MSA was $1.16 billion. Of that $1.16 billion, $1.15 billion, or 99.24 percent, went to white male companies. White women received $8.78 million, or .76 percent.

“Blacks, Hispanics, Asians and Native Americans didn’t receive a single dollar — even though in 2012 African-Americans made up 46.1 percent of the Memphis metro area, Hispanics 5.2 percent and Asian 1.9 percent. . . .”

Thomas said she planned to write more on her personal blog and on her personal Twitter and Facebook accounts.

Pharrell Sorry He Wore Headdress for Elle U.K. Cover

So much for Pharrell’s happy world,” Abby Phillip wrote Wednesday for the Washington Post.

“The ‘Happy’-singing music star, apparently tired of Mountie culture, traded his signature Smokey the Bear chapeau for a Native American headdress on the cover of Elle UK.

“The cover photo has incited anger and disappointment — and prompted Pharrell to apologize.

” ‘I respect and honor every kind of race, background and culture. I am genuinely sorry,’ he said this morning through his publicist.

“It’s unclear what prompted Pharrell’s fashion change, but in a promotional blurb on the Elle UK site, it appears the impetus might have come from the magazine’s staff. . . .”

Treye Green added for International Business Times: “The cover was first released on Elle’s Facebook page on Tuesday, immediately prompting comments from users upset with the use of the headdress as an accessory. Warbonnets are considered a sacred Native American headpiece, typically reserved for warriors and chiefs. So Pharrell donning one as a fashion statement outraged several people and led to the creation of a #NotHappy hashtag on Twitter. . . .”

Paul DeMain, Native Publisher, Certified as Wis. Candidate

Paul DeMain, a past president of the Native American Journalists Association and of Unity: Journalists of Color, Inc., was certified Tuesday as a Democratic candidate for the 29th State Senate seat in northern Wisconsin.

DeMain, 58, is a member of the Lac Courte Oreilles Tribe, CEO of Indian Country Communications, publisher of the newspaper News From Indian Country and board chairperson of the Navajo Times Publishing Co. He faces incumbent Sen. Jerry Petrowski, a Republican. No other Democrats filed, avoiding a primary.

“We can expect the 3rd parties to run as dirty of a campaign as they can afford,” DeMain wrote Sunday on his campaign’s Facebook page. “With the Koch Brothers already pouring $900,000 starting this week in Wisconsin in an attempt to shore up the lagging numbers for the current Governor, we can expect the same attack and efforts they recently funded in Iron County for the local Board of Supervisors race. The billionaires have arrived in Wisconsin, and they intend to try to tell you what will make you happy. I don’t think OUR Wisconsin wants to buy it, or be bought.”

Glen Moberg quoted DeMain in a May 20 story for Wisconsin Public Radio: ” ‘The fundamental reason I want to run is to provide a voice for those people who don’t have a voice,’ said DeMain. ‘Outside influences, individuals and corporations with a lot of buying power behind them, are distorting the voice of what the Wisconsin way of life actually is.

“DeMain promises to make the proposed Penokee Hills iron mine an issue. He claims that tribal concerns were ignored when recent mining legislation was drafted. . . .

“There are currently no Native American tribal members serving in the state Senate.”

DeMain was NAJA president from 1992 to 1994 and from 1997 to 1999, and was president of Unity for the first halfs of 1994 and 1999.

Native American Journalists Turn to Crowd Funding

With the demise of the American Indian Journalism Institute, which trained college students, and the Crazy Horse Journalism Workshop, which did the same for Native American high school journalism students, the Native American Journalists Association is turning to crowd funding to finance a Native American Journalism Fellowship.

The program will operate in conjunction with the Newseum Institute, Institute, successor to the Freedom Forum Diversity Institute, which had run both programs but was disbanded s last year for financial reasons.

“The goal is to help prepare Native American journalism students to enter the workforce by combining the expertise gained from two established programs: the former American Indian Journalism Institute, which was managed and funded by the [Freedom Forum Diversity] Institute; and the Native American Journalists Association’s college student projects held at the annual NAJA conference,” NAJA said in an announcement.

The two initiatives are melded into a single program designed to give students a range of journalism experiences during a one-year period. . . . The deadline for the 2014 NAJ Fellowship fundraising project is June 30. 

NAJA said its goal was “to raise $10,000 from members, partners and individuals to make the first year of the NAJ Fellowship a success.”

“I think its a creative way to get funding for an increasingly expensive program,” Valerie Hoeppner, former Diversity Institute education director who taught at AIJI and Crazy Horse, told Journal-isms by email. “This year it’s a mix of funding.”

CNN Plans to Double Staff of Its Political Team

Ed O’Keefe was recently hired by CNN to boost the network’s digital coverage of politics, a task he’s not going to undertake alone,” Erik Wemple wrote Tuesday for the Washington Post.

” ‘If you’re a top talent in D.C., expect to get a call from CNN politics,’ says the 36-year-old O’Keefe, whose title is vice president of CNNMoney and Politics. The political team now numbers approximately 20 people, according to a network spokesman; the plan is to double that staff in preparation for the 2016 presidential election. Scores of other CNN employees also contribute political coverage on the network’s Web site.

“There’s a reason why O’Keefe, who formerly served as editor in chief of NowThisNews, is supervising both CNNMoney and digital politics: The network is going to be doing similar things with both of them. CNNMoney is a site within a site — a semi-autonomous Web land — and the network announced yesterday in a memo that it had added ‘a new logo, new beats and fresh, inventive editorial.’ CNN assumed full control of CNNMoney this week; it had shared management with other outlets.

“’s politics stuff will get a similar treatment. ‘We are going to be out there aggressively hiring in the marketplace,’ says the New York-based O’Keefe, noting that the hires will be permanent personnel, and not just contractors working on 2016. ‘We are making a significant commitment to CNN politics and revitalizing it as a site within a site.’ The CNN Digital Network registers just shy of 70 million uniques per month. . . .”

But while CNN is hiring, others are contracting.

Hollywood Diversity Report Shows “Dismal” Results

“UCLA’s Ralph Bunche Center for African American Studies has released its 2014 Hollywood Diversity Report — predictably, for women and minorities, the results are dismal,” Phoenix Tso wrote Tuesday for “And when you break down the minority portion by race, the figures are even more depressing.

“The report analyzes 172 films that came out in 2011, as well as 1061 television shows that aired between 2011 and 2012 for the race and gender breakdowns of Lead Talent, Overall Cast, Show Creators, Writers, and Directors. Minorities and women were significantly underrepresented in each category. . . .”

Among the findings: “Minorities represented by a factor of more than 3 to 1 among lead roles in film.” “More than half of films had casts that were 10 percent minority or less.” “Minorities underrepresented by a factor of nearly 5 to 1 among film writers.” “Minorities fare better as leads in cable comedies and dramas.” “Minorities more likely to be leads on Reality and other shows than on comedies and dramas in broadcast.”

Black Press Group Parts Ways With Its CEO and President

William Tompkins, named in 2012 after a national search to the post of president and CEO of the National Newspaper Publishers Association, the trade organization of black-press publishers, parted ways with the group after the board decided he was costing too much money, Tompkins told Journal-isms on Wednesday.

Tompkins has been working since May 7 as vice president of advertising and marketing at the Philadelphia Tribune, helping President and CEO Robert Bogle “expand the revenue base,” Tompkins told Journal-isms by telephone. He said there had been no announcement, but that the Tribune, a member of the black press that publishes five times a week, planned to roll out new digital platforms.

At NNPA, Tompkins said, he raised the profile of the group — the black press is “alive and kicking,” he said, contrary to what some believe — but “it was a tough assignment, working around the clock. The board was looking at expenses and what we were doing” and decided to end the relationship, he said.

Cloves Campbell Jr., who chairs the NNPA board, did not respond to requests for comment.

Tompkins had been hired after a nine-month search and was to be charged with developing a new vision for the organization, which consists of 150 active members and another 50 who are publishing but are not in the association, Tompkins said. Before starting his own consultancy firm, Tompkins held positions at Eastman Kodak and the Washington Post.

Short Takes

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