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Journal-isms Mon July 21

3 U.S. Black Journalists Covering Gaza Crisis

Alphonso Van Marsh of CBS News, one of a handful of battle-tested U.S. journalists of color covering the Gaza crisis, stood outdoors Monday interviewing Micky Rosenfeld, spokesman for the Israel National Police, in Sderot, Israel.

“It is one of the heavier hit areas by Hamas rockets. Sunday evening, Israel’s Iron Dome defense system blew a Hamas rocket out of the sky over our heads at the same location,” Van Marsh messaged Journal-isms.

“Luckily, there was a concrete shelter nearby to run for cover from falling parts.”

A photo of the stand-up interview was taken by CBS producer David Hawthorne, a second black journalist, who with Van Marsh is in his third week covering the conflict.

A third black journalist in Israel is Karl Bostic, a veteran former NBC News producer who has covered the Mideast and other crisis spots. He is with Arise TV.

Last year, Van Marsh was named a London-based correspondent for News Services at CBS News, the network’s 24-hour television newsgathering service for CBS stations and broadcasters around the world.

“Previously, Marsh spent a decade reporting for CNN, where his assignments took him around the globe,” an announcement said. “As a war correspondent embedded in Iraq and Afghanistan, his work was featured on all of CNN’s platforms. Marsh broke the story of Saddam Hussein’s historic capture in Iraq, earning him a 2004 National Headliner Award. After that, he was a war zone and general assignment reporter in London. Before that, he was a Correspondent and Bureau Operations Director, reporting from Europe, Africa, the Middle East and the Asian subcontinent. . . .”

Hawthorne says on his LinkedIn profile, “I’m a field producer specialized in breaking news and major event stories. I’ve produced in Somalia, Haiti, Afghanistan, Iraq, Kuwait, Japan, Mexico, Cuba and more. . . . I am at my best in the worst of times. I thrive in the challenge. When it can’t be done and some aren’t ‘available’ I am. I’m not worried about reputation. I have a good one. I’m about survival, success and team.”

Bostic has lived in London, covering mostly the Middle East, but also Europe, North Africa and Haiti during its 2010 earthquake.

Bostic also survived a bombing in Baghdad in 2005, as the war in Iraq was raging.

NBC News anchor Brian Williams wrote then, “Our own producer Karl Bostic was in the traffic circle behind the bombing and the two bombings that preceded it. Karl’s report for air on our broadcast tonight is gripping. I just spoke with him by phone. He’s a warrior, totally dedicated, but having said that — I don’t know quite how he got through this. For the record, he’s crediting our security people.

“Also for the record, Karl survived three bombings (one of which lifted the armored car he was in off the ground) and a firefight. He should be in the thoughts of every employee of NBC News tonight. As he just put it to me on the phone, “I feel like I lost three lives tonight.” We came very close today, it is now clear, to losing some very special people. That we did not means we are, for now, on the side of the angels.” 

Foreign Minister Wants Al Jazeera Out of Israel

“Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman has said that Israel will work to prevent Al Jazeera TV from operating in Israel,” Jack Moore reported Monday for International Business Times.

” ‘Qatar (the Gulf state where Al Jazeera is based) has turned into a global problem. Al Jazeera is a central pillar of the propaganda apparatus of Hamas,’ he said.

“The news network employs several Israeli journalists. Freedom of the press is enshrined in Israeli law and, according to Anshel Pfeffer, a writer for the liberal daily Haaretz, only the Supreme Court could ban their reports.

Haaretz’ diplomatic correspondent Barak Ravid revealed the foreign minister’s comments in which he said that, just as Britain would not allow Der Sturmer (a notorious Nazi publication) in London or the United States would not permit al-Qaeda TV, Israel would seek to ban Al Jazeera.

Al Jazeera Arabic had earlier reported that Israel had been using phosphorus bombs in east Gaza, which it had pledged to stop using last year.

The company is also funded by Qatari owners, who Israel believe to be financing Hamas.

Meanwhile, “More than 40 Palestinian civilians were killed overnight, and more than 400 were wounded, in Al-Sheja’ia neighbourhood in the east of Gaza City,” the Middle East Monitor reported Sunday. “The figures were released by Dr. Nasser Al-Tatar, the Director of Al-Shifa Hospital.

The report also said, “As dawn broke, paramedics and journalists headed to the killing zone, only to be hit by Israeli fire. Journalist Khalid Hamad and a paramedic were killed.

“‘ The words disaster, war crime and genocide do not match the real description of what happened last night in Gaza,’ said Deputy Health Minister Yousif Abul-Rish. . . .”

A photo of Hamad’s body, camera resting on his waist and “Press” written in large letters across his chest, was posted on social media.

CNN’s Rosa Flores reported from Honduras. (video)

Correspondents Head for Central America in Border Crisis

Rosa Flores marked her one-year anniversary at CNN this week with a series of reports from Honduras on immigration, a fitting tribute to her career as a journalist: the former CPA decided to pursue reporting after hearing ‘heartbreaking stories of people living in extreme poverty’ while delivering food and clothing to indigent people on the U.S.-Mexico border,” Merrill Knox reported Monday for TVNewser.

“ ‘I felt a responsibility to tell their stories. It just happens to be that some of those stories were from Central Americans who had walked through Mexico, hoping to make it to the U.S.,’ Flores tells TVNewser. ‘Covering stories in Honduras for CNN brings my career as a journalist full circle, back to the stories that encouraged me to shed light where there was none.’ . . .”

Meanwhile, Fusion announced that Jorge Ramos will anchor ‘AMERICA with Jorge Ramos’ from the U.S.-Mexican border on Tuesday at 10 p.m. Eastern. “As Fusion continues to put a spotlight on the growing humanitarian crisis occurring at the border, Ramos will take an intimate look at the journey thousands of unaccompanied children are taking as they flee the increasing violence and economic hardship in their home countries,” an announcement said. “Ramos will also address the need for action by leaders in Washington to stem the ongoing crisis.

“The broadcast will also feature reports from Fusion White House Correspondent Jim Avila, Fusion Correspondent and Univision News anchor Enrique Acevedo, and Univision News’ Pedro Ultreras. ‘Fusion Live’ co-host Mariana Atencio will examine the crisis by the numbers with an ABC News / Washington Post poll outlining how Americans feel about the way President Obama and leaders in Congress have handled the crisis. . . . “

Univision previously announced that anchor María Elena Salinas would travel to El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala for a special report that aired Sunday night

Fund Created for Victims of Scam by Ex-Immigration Columnist

Hundreds of undocumented Latino immigrants who were scammed by a former Spanish-language newspaper columnist and television celebrity with false promises of legal immigration status will finally get some justice,” the Daily News in New York reported Monday.

“State Attorney General Eric Schneiderman will announce Monday that his office has established a $2.2 million restitution fund for victims of the International Immigrants Foundation Inc. and the International Professional Association Inc. as part of a settlement reached last year with the now-defunct nonprofit groups.

“Before authorities shut them down in 2010, both groups were headed by Eduardo (aka Edward) Juarez, who for years dispensed immigration advice in a column for El Diario-La Prensa and on Spanish-language radio and television. . . .”

“39 Pieces of Advice for Journalists And Writers Of Color”

For people of color, the writing industry can seem an especially challenging space, particularly for those just starting out,” Heben Nigatu and Tracy Clayton wrote Monday for BuzzFeed. “We spoke with 20 established writers of color — cultural writers, investigative reporters, broadcast journalists, and freelancers — and asked them three questions about the advice that they’d give beginning writers:

Participating were Cord Jefferson, Durga Chew-Bose, Jenna Wortham, Danielle Henderson, Mychal Denzel Smith, Joshunda Sanders, Rembert Browne, Lauren Williams, Bim Adewunmi, Corey Johnson, S. Mitra Kalita, Errin Haines Whack, Wesley J. Lowery, Akoto Ofori-Atta, Anna Holmes, Hugo Balta and writers who contributed anonymously.

White House Criticism of Paper’s Anonymous Sources Backfires

In a briefing Monday, White House press secretary Josh Earnest criticized a Washington Post story for what he said was relying on anonymous sources, but his accusation backfired when reporters called out the White House for its own penchant for off-the-record briefings and statements that can be attributed only to “senior administration officials.”

Andrew Beaujon reported for the Poynter Institute, “AP reporter Julie Pace asked: ‘So, Josh, would you guys commit then, when you have situations like today’s call, which is people specifically picked by the White House to roll out a policy of the White House, would you commit to have those people speak on the record?’

“ ‘Well,’ Earnest replied, ‘I — what I will commit to is a case by case evaluation of — of the background or the ground rules of each of these kinds of calls and a commitment to an open dialogue with you about the ground rules that will serve your interests and the White House interests the best.’ “

New York Times reporter Peter Baker tweeted, “@PressSec condemns anonymous sources. Just arriving in email: White House invitation to reporters for call with anonymous admin officials.”

Two weeks ago, the Society of Professional Journalists and 37 other media organizations sent an open letter to President Obama calling on him to stop stifling the media and provide greater transparency.

Columnist Apologizes for Quoting “Chink in the Armor”

Oakland Tribune columnist Tammerlin Drummond apologized Monday for quoting a political science professor using the phrase “chink in the armor” in discussing Oakland Mayor Jean Quan. “I apologize for anyone feeling that it was somehow racially or ethnically insulting,” Drummond told Journal-isms by telephone. “In retrospect, I would probably have done it differently.”

Randall Yip, a member of the Asian American Journalists Association, wrote on his AsAm News site Sunday, “The offensive phrase chink in the armor has once again surfaced in a news piece about a Chinese American.

“This time it occurred in a column written for the Bay Area News Group about Oakland Mayor Jean Quan and the credibility issues raised by a recent accident involving the mayor. The column included the following quote from political science professor David McCuan of Sonoma State University in California:

“ ‘So a fender-bender now becomes another chink in the armor of someone who has not moved forward smoothly.’ “

“One only has to go back to February 2012 to an online column written about Jeremy Lin to know that the phrase chink in the armor is highly offensive to Asian Americans in general and Chinese Americans specifically. . . .”

Yip quoted McCuan. ” ‘I meant no offense to the Mayor personally or to race relations or identity at all, said McCuan. And, of course, it goes without saying that I can see how it would be offensive.

“ ‘My meaning was merely about competence at City Hall & running as the Establishment this time out.’ ”

Drummond, who is African American, said she discussed the issue with editors after receiving Yip’s complaint and said she was not aware that the phrase was offensive.

Yip wrote, “Intentional or not, its use was inappropriate by all involved.”

Black Journalist Preceded Russia Today Anchor in Resigning

Another Russia Today anchor resigned Friday amid reports that a Malaysia Airlines plane was shot down over the Ukraine,’ Tracie Powell reported Friday for “Sara Firth tweeted this morning that she had left the US-based, Kremlin-owned television network.

“Firth resigned, she said, because she felt the news channel was ‘disrespectfully’ blaming the Ukraine for Thursday’s disaster that killed 298 people aboard the Malaysian airliner. ‘I couldn’t do it any more, we’re lying every single day. Every single day we’re lying and finding sexier ways to do it,’ Firth told [BuzzFeed]. She is the second news anchor to publicly quit Russia Today in recent months. Liz Wahl resigned on air in March, saying at the time that she could not ‘be part of a network funded by the Russian government which whitewashes the actions of (Russian President) Putin.’ But Wahl and Firth are not the first journalists who felt forced to leave the company due to questionable news coverage.

Jamila Bey, a former host for Russia Today’s sister radio station, Voice of Russia, was among a handful of journalists who left the station in November after complaining about plagiarism, bias and other ethical concerns in terms of the editorial product. Bey, who has also appeared on Russia Today and contributed to All Digitocracy, says the two companies, until this week, had been indistinguishable on paper.

“Voice of Russia was abruptly shut down on Monday amid allegations of tax dodging and employee discrimination, according to a report in The Washington Free Beacon. Bey is one of the employees who filed a discrimination complaint against the company with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission earlier this year. . . .”

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