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Journal-Isms September 16

Harney, Caviness Among Daily News Layoffs

Black journalists Jim Harney and Theo Caviness were among several newsroom staffers laid off Wednesday at the Daily News in New York. The cutbacks also snared columnist Mike Lupica, longtime national baseball columnist Bill Madden, and Teri Thompson, the assistant managing editor for sports.

Harney, 63, was one of a half dozen deputy metro editors after spending most of his Daily News career supervising or helping to supervise coverage of the city’s boroughs. In the late 1970s, he followed his favorite editor, Bob Herbert, from the Star-Ledger in Newark to the daily News.

Harney told Journal-isms by telephone that “at this point I would like to find a position as a spokesman for a government agency or an elected official,” though he would not foreclose any options. Caviness, 39, was design director. He messaged, “I’m not sure what is next. I need a few days to process and plan.”

Last year, the departures of Michael Feeney, Enid Alvarez, Simone Weichselbaum and Jennifer H. Cunningham left the newspaper an alarmingly low number of African Americans and Hispanics covering the majority-minority city, though in July, the News hired Leonard Greene, a black journalist from the New York Post, to work on the rewrite desk.

Feeney, who is president of the New York Association of Black Journalists, messaged Journal-isms, “I’m really disappointed that the New York Daily News continues find ways to decrease the number of black journalists that work for the paper, especially in a city where blacks make up a quarter of the population. From the death of Eric Garner to the killing of 12-year-old Tamir Rice, it is important, now more than ever, that our newsrooms reflect the diversity of our communities. They have to do better.”

Mike Lupica’s future as the high-profile sports columnist of The Daily News was in doubt Wednesday when the tabloid laid off several sportswriters and its managing editor for sports.

People across the paper’s newsroom were fired,” Richard Sandomir reported for the New York Times. “Mortimer B. Zuckerman, owner of The News, ended his efforts to sell the newspaper last month; it is said to be losing $20 million a year. The paper’s editor in chief, Colin Myler, resigned last week to return to London. . .”

Harney said he was told that the paper is looking to “reorganize its coverage” and that his job would be eliminated. He said he understood that to mean that the News would lean more heavily into digital efforts.

Robert F. Moore, managing editor for news and Metro editor, told Journal-isms by telephone, “I’m not answering any questions.”

Republican candidates debated Wednesday night on CNN. (Video)

How About Statues of Trump at the Border?

There’s a reason why you won’t see an Asian American on the main tier of CNN’s GOP debate. Or any presidential debate in the near or distant future,” Emil Guillermo wrote Wednesday for the Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund.

“Republican or Democratic, it doesn’t matter. Most people who see an Asian American simply don’t see ‘president.’

“Even with Donald Trump lowering the bar for presidential behavior, it’s not low enough to put Asian Americans on a candidates list. . . .”

Guillermo also wrote, “It’s 2015, and Asian Americans are still limited by the take-out box people automatically put us in.

“As far as the debates go, I don’t like Bobby Jindal because of his politics, but the way he’s being treated makes me feel sorry for the guy. I’m sure others don’t like him because they simply don’t see him as president.

“As Donald Trump might say, using the Carly Fiorina scale, ‘Look at that face.’

“Does Jindal look presidential?

“You mean like the guys on Mt. Rushmore — all white? Like Trump?

“In fact, here’s an idea. South Dakota — home of Mt. Rushmore — is nearly 90 percent white. It’s just 1.2 percent Asian. And 3.4 percent Latino. That’s almost SIX TIMES lower than the national average for Latinos (17.1 percent). So you want to cut down that minority immigration? Try the Rushmore effect. Maybe instead of a wall at the border, conservatives should just erect the stone faces of white guys like Trump at the border. That would really keep people away. It’s worked wonders in South Dakota. . . .”

Deep down, Delores Bailey knew her twins “would escape from ‘Chiraq,’ the name attached to Chicago for the dangerous ‘war zones’ that make up large portions of the city and the place where the twins’ father, Lonnie Seals, lost his life to gun violence after an argument with a friend in 2000.” (Credit: The Undefeated) (Video)

“The Undefeated” Takes On Chicago’s “Struggle for Hope”

The Undefeated, an ambitious website conceived by sportswriter Jason Whitlock to discuss the intersection of race and sports in America, is proceeding without Whitlock, a development outlined by Winston Ross on Sunday for Newsweek.

On Wednesday, the site published “Chicago and the struggle for hope,” the story of the murder of Demario Bailey, a twin, at 16. His brother, Demacio, survives.

“Demario was murder victim No. 399 last year in Chicago, a city in which 435 people were killed in 2014,” Bembry wrote. “That was the most murders in any city in the country. Even as many cities experience dramatic increases in murders in 2015 (murders in Milwaukee are up more than 70 percent from 2014, for example), Chicago, with 341 through Sept. 8, is poised to lead the nation in murders for a fourth straight year. Recently, the city experienced its deadliest day in more than a decade: Nine people in Chicago were shot dead Sept. 2.

“But the raw numbers don’t tell the story of the Second City and its second city. The numbers don’t speak of the violence in Chicago being concentrated in specific neighborhoods and leaving residents living in fear. The numbers don’t reveal the tens of thousands of young people in Chicago — good kids such as Demacio — who live lives of forced imprisonment, with their parents trying to shield them from the gang activity and violence that overwhelm some neighborhoods. . . .”

Opinion Writers Cite Islamophobia in Teen’s Treatment

Take a zero-tolerance mindset, mix it with a bit of Islamophobia and you get what happened to Ahmed Mohamed, an inquisitive 14-year-old model student at MacArthur High School this week,” Jim Mitchell wrote Wednesday for the Dallas Morning News.

“The attacks of Sept. 11, 2001 and the Columbine massacre in 1999 were seminal events in how this country now reacts to perceived threats. Irrational fears often supplant common sense, as Ahmed’s treatment shows.

“Personally, I think Islamophia was a key part of Ahmed’s treatment, and I dare say that Irving Mayor’s Beth Van Duyne anti-Islamic comments this past spring helped poison the water. Still, the handcuffing and detaining of Ahmed for proudly bringing a homemade clock to school is yet another example of a school administration that has taken zero-tolerance mindsets to absurd lengths. . . .”

The incident was also the subject of an Dallas Morning News editorial, “Overreaction in clock-bomb mix-up has chilling effect,” and column by Morning News columnist James Ragland, “News flash: Irving officials owe young Ahmed Mohamed a big apology.”

Journalists Risking Lives, Careers to Be Honored

The Committee to Protect Journalists will honor journalists from Ethiopia, Malaysia, Paraguay, and Syria with the 2015 International Press Freedom Awards,” the committee announced on Tuesday. “The journalists have endured death threats, physical attacks, legal action, imprisonment, or exile in the course of their work.

“The 2015 awardees are:

“Zone 9 bloggers of Ethiopia, a group of bloggers of which six were arrested, imprisoned, and charged with terrorism in retaliation for critical reporting; Zulkiflee Anwar Ulhaque, ‘Zunar,’ of Malaysia, CPJ’s first cartoonist awardee, who is charged with sedition and faces a potential 43-year jail term for drawings lampooning high-level abuse in the Malaysian government; Cándido Figueredo Ruíz, a Paraguayan journalist who faces death threats and has lived under 24-hour police protection for the past decade because of his reporting on drug smuggling on the Brazil-Paraguay border; and Raqqa is Being Slaughtered Silently, a Syrian citizen journalist collective and one of the few independent news sources that continues to report from inside the Islamic State’s self-proclaimed capital. . . .”

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