Maynard Institute archives

The White Girls’ Shirts Spelled “Ni**er”

Some Blur Faces; Media “Cautious With a Hurtful Image”

Japanese-Americans Still Fighting Use of “Jap”

Frustration Builds Among Blacks in Corporate Suites

Comcast, BET Among Best Firms for People of Color

Theory: Trump Makes Media Discuss What They’ve Avoided

Wolf Blitzer Says Bernard Shaw Changed His Life

Wickham Wants J-Diversity Money at Black Colleges

Flint Crisis Called Part of Environmental Racism

Short Takes

Some Blur Faces; Media “Cautious With a Hurtful Image”

A photo of six white Arizona high school girls who arranged their shirts to spell “Ni**er” (with actual asterisks) when they stood together went viral over the weekend after they posted it on social media.

The photo, taken Friday after the girls posed for their senior class photo at Desert Vista High School, outraged many. It also led local media outlets to block out the girls’ faces, even though they were clearly visible in the photo posted by the students.

Note: ABC15 has edited the photos due to the age of the students involved,” KNXV-TV in Phoenix wrote at the end of its story.

Nicole Carroll, vice president/news and editor at the Arizona Republic/, told Journal-isms by email:

“When the story first broke, we wrote in detail about the photo and outrage. The image was described in detail but we did not post the photo, being cautious with a hurtful image.

“Now this has gone from a breaking news story to a broader story about a painful moment in our community, how this could happen and how we move forward. The image is central to the discussion and we are publishing it.

“We have blurred the faces of the girls as they may be minors.”

Carroll added, “We generally use caution when identifying juveniles involved with wrongdoing. We’ll continue to evaluate that decision as the story evolves.”

By 9 p.m. ET on Monday, a petition calling on the girls to be expelled and the principal fired for imposing only a five-day suspension had gathered 41,099 supporters on

In addition, one of the girls came forward to tell protesters she was not a racist and to apologize for the photo. “Rachel Steigerwald said she was the last letter in the picture,” William Pitts reported Monday for KPNX-TV, known as 12News. His story featured her photo.

Newspapers who are members of the Associated Press received a story about the flap Saturday with no illustrations. “We did not have the photo in question and did not move a photo with our story,” AP spokesman Paul Colford told Journal-isms by email.

If media outlets had the image, whether to use it and how would have been their own decision, Mickey H. Osterreicher, general counsel of the National Press Photographers Association, messaged Journal-isms.

“I believe that there are no hard and fast rules,” Osterreicher said. “While some could look to the NPPA Code of Ethics for guidance (‘Editing should maintain the integrity of the photographic images’ content and context. Do not manipulate images or add or alter sound in any way that can mislead viewers or misrepresent subjects.’), such decisions are usually made pursuant to the publication’s or broadcaster’s individual or corporate editorial policy.”

The Society of Professional Journalists’ Code of Ethics says, “Show compassion for those who may be affected by news coverage. Use heightened sensitivity when dealing with juveniles. . . .”

The online petition mentioned a different sensitivity. “This hurtful use of a racial slur is a complete disregard for the dignity of the black community in Arizona and across the nation and the punishment does not fit the total ignorance and cruelty of the crime,” it said.

The students’ actions raised broader issues.

Pitts of 12News did a separate story headlined, “Has the N-word lost its meaning to kids?”

In that story, Dr. Neal Lester of Arizona State University “said it’s easy to blame the crossover of the hip-hop culture for that, but he believes that’s too simplistic. He said he doesn’t know why the girls at Desert Vista posed for the photo, but at least on some level, he believes they knew it was wrong.”

“I don’t know that it doesn’t mean anything,” Lester told Pitts. “Because in order to think it’s cute, you’ve got to know that it means something.”  

On Sunday, Jason Volentine of KPHO/KTVK reported that a former teacher at the school found the students’ insensitivity to be nothing new.

 ‘I told Desert Vista High School pretty much from the onset of my employment there were issues with race there,’ said Dr. Cicely Cobb, who left her job as an English teacher at Desert Vista in 2014.

“Dr. Cobb was teaching English in 2013-2014 when she said she witnessed racial discrimination and bullying against minority students — and was a victim herself on many occasions.

” ‘That is a hostile learning environment for these students,’ she said.

“Dr. Cobb left Desert Vista and filed a federal racial discrimination lawsuit that’s still pending. . . .”

In the Arizona Republic on Monday, columnist EJ Montini looked elsewhere for accountability. “The kids represent the community and the adults who live there — the White adults — need to own it.

“If this were a group of minority kids using an ethnic or racial slur in such a brazen way one of the first things we would have heard was, ‘Where were their parents?’

“There would have been comments, some public, some not, about certain [types] of kids (poor ones) growing up in certain types of neighborhoods (poor ones) among certain kinds of supposedly less-than-responsible parents (minority ones.)

“But in this instance the district’s PR representative explains it as ‘six students who made a really bad decision.’

“That’s true. But why would the girls feel comfortable taking such a photograph?

“The answer is simple: because they could.

“Because they felt safe. 

“Where I grew up if teens played a photographic prank like this they had better be ready to fight. It was a town with mixed races and mixed national origins. Not everyone appreciated everyone else but there was, at least, respect. . . .”

Japanese-Americans Still Fighting Use of  “Jap”

Starting in the 1950s, Shosuke Sasaki, an internee during World War II, campaigned to have the word “Jap” eliminated from print media. (video)

” ‘Jap.’ It’s a violent racial slur that has long since fallen out of use. Or so we thought,” the Seattle-based Densho: The Japanese American Legacy Project, wrote on Thursday.

“It’s been fifty-three years since Shosuke Sasaki and the JACL [Japanese American Citizens League] effectively lobbied the Newspaper Guild of New York to stop using the slur; another forty-two years since the editors of the Merriam-Webster dictionary finally reclassified it as a disparaging term; and twelve years since citizens in Texas rallied and succeeded in having ‘Jap Road’ renamed.

“So you can imagine our surprise when a member of the Densho community brought to our attention the fact the popular reference sites, and use the word with inconsistent acknowledgement of the fact that it’s a racist and derogatory term.

“ does note that the term is ‘Extremely Disparaging and Offensive,’ but the accompanying usage note leaves much to be desired. It claims that this once-neutral term became racially charged during World War II ‘because the Japanese were the enemy.’ There is no acknowledgement of the word’s history as a racial slur used against Japanese Americans during the charged era of mass incarceration, and for far too long in its aftermath. Even the historical examples provided by . . . reproduce hateful characterizations of people of Japanese ancestry.

“Click over to the sister site and things get worse. . . .”

The authors also wrote, “It has been over a month since our correspondence with the company and no changes have been made. . . .”

Frustration Builds Among Blacks in Corporate Suites

Numbers “don’t capture the frustration that many black executives feel as they try to thrive and compete in a realm where race is often seen as an asterisk on their résumés and an unspoken subtext in conversations about career advancement,” Ellen McGirt wrote for the Feb. 1 issue of Fortune.

“Black women, to be sure, face biases related to both gender and race — a double whammy of headwinds in the flight up the company ladder. For black men, though, the challenges of the corporate life are daunting at least in part because they are sometimes hard to pin down — influenced as much by age-old prejudice as by cultural preconceptions, the subtleties of psychology, and the weight of human history (more on that soon).”

McGirt also wrote, “A team of psychologists from the University of California at Santa Barbara and the University of Washington, for instance, recently reported that the mere fact that a company has a diversity policy can lead some white employees (even those who had previously considered themselves allies of the diversity cause) to believe they are being treated unfairly.

“For many black men in corporate America, this new antagonism over diversity programs has only added to the frustration and sensitivity. It is a strange catch-22: The more that issues of race in the workplace are brought to light, the more prone and isolated some black executives feel. And yet the less often issues of race in the workplace are brought to light, the easier it is for the unsaid to negatively influence careers — and the more prone and isolated some black executives feel.

“After the shooting death of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Mo., Bernard Tyson, chairman and CEO of Kaiser Permanente, “wrote a candid essay on LinkedIn about being a black man in America. ‘It was the image of an African-American kid, shot down and left in the street,’ he says. ‘Regardless of how it happened, you personalize that.’ Then he pauses, leaving unsaid the sentiment that many black men feel: It could have been me. His post, titled ‘It’s Time to Revolutionize Race Relations,’ laid bare his own experiences as a black man and touched a nerve. The essay generated nearly 450,000 views and close to 3,000 comments and more than a thousand Twitter . . . mentions. . . .”

McGirt also wrote of Twitter, “Last year two black executives from Twitter abandoned their separate quests to dismantle the meritocracy trap. Leslie Miley, the highest-ranking black engineer (he won’t give his age), and Mark Luckie, 32, the second-highest-ranking black employee, both quit. Loudly. Then, in separate posts on Medium, they went public with personal treatises on their experiences inside a company that they claim failed to recruit, hire, and develop black talent in any meaningful way. . . .”

Comcast, BET Among Best Firms for People of Color

NAMIC — National Association for Multi-ethnicity in Communications — “named five cable operators and five programmers as its 2015 Top Companies for People Of Color, the diversity organization said Monday,” R. Thomas Umstead reported for Multichannel News.

“The list, compiled by NAMIC and global talent consultant Mercer and funded by The Walter Kaitz Foundation, featured five operators — Bright House Networks, Comcast Corp., Cox Communications, Midcontinent Communications and Time Warner Cable — and five programmers, including BETNetworks, Discovery Communications, Disney ABC Television Group, NBCUniversal and Turner. . . .”

Theory: Trump Makes Media Discuss What They’ve Avoided

Donald Trump’s presidential campaign has tapped into voters’ resentment of the Republican establishment,” Valeria Pelet wrote Sunday for the Atlantic. “But his aggressive rhetoric has also revealed the pervasiveness of a class-based divide between the media and many Americans.

” ‘What Trump has managed to do is tap into that cynicism or skepticism to construct a message,’ Alex Williams, a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Pennsylvania who studies trends in journalism, told me. ‘You can’t trust politicians or experts to make America great again, but you can trust me because I speak the blunt truth.’ Trump’s bombast reveals tensions in the United States that, at their root, have much to do with the lack of diversity in the media. . . .”

Pelet also wrote, ” ‘Journalists are being forced to talk about the viewpoints that Trump is bringing up — even though they have typically been avoided in the past.’

” ‘With a leading presidential candidate,’ Williams adds, ‘journalists are being forced to talk about the viewpoints that Trump is bringing up — even though they have typically been avoided in the past because they are offensive and politically infeasible.’ . . .”

Bernard Shaw, left, and Wolf Blitzer still “touch base and trade stories” whenever they can, Blitzer says. (video)

Wolf Blitzer Says Bernard Shaw Changed His Life

My first day at CNN was May 8, 1990,” Wolf Blitzer explained Thursday as he discussed “How ‘Bernie’ changed my life” on CNN.

“I was very excited but also pretty nervous. I was making the transition from print to broadcast journalism; while I had appeared in the past on news programs as an interview guest, I was jumping into the deep end as a TV reporter. I knew my reporting skills were solid, but I worried about all the other things that went into being in front of the camera.

“Fortunately, I had already made a friend named Bernard Shaw — or, as we all called him, Bernie.

“Bernie was CNN’s principal Washington anchor when I arrived at Ted Turner’s network. . . .”

Blitzer also said, “Little did I know he would become a friend, a mentor and a role model. I learned so much by watching this TV news legend in action. . . . Bernie and I don’t see as much of each other these days — we both have busy schedules — but whenever we can, we touch base and trade stories. He’s a terrific friend and a world-class journalist who made a difference in the world and in my life. He inspired me and helped me get to where I am today. And I will forever be grateful.”

The piece was part of a CNN series, “The person who changed my life.”

Flint Crisis Called Part of Environmental Racism

The water crisis in Flint, Michigan is more than just a natural disaster or a series of unfortunate, environmental events — it is an inexcusable, egregious human and health rights violation against a majority black city, where 56 percent of the population is African-American,” Jaimee A. Swift wrote Sunday for

“With full cognizance of the hazardously, toxic water supply since 2014, Governor [Rick] Snyder’s lack of political action on this issue fits perfectly into the narrative that not only was this intentional, but as Flint native Michael Moore has declared, it is a racial killing and genocide.

“Unfortunately, Flint is not the only city where African-Americans and people of color are suffering from the onslaught of environmental racism and discrimination.

“Detroit schools are so heavily infested with rats, roaches and mold that more than 85 schools closed on Wednesday, as teachers staged a sickout in protest to the deplorable conditions.

“In Baltimore, the levels of lead poisoning among children is three times the national rate. Before Freddie Gray became a victim of racialized state violence in Baltimore, he too, was a victim of lead poisoning as a young child; tests showed that his blood lead levels were as high as seven times the reference level given by the Centers for Disease Control [and Prevention].

“Louisiana’s ‘cancer alley'[;] the polluting garbage and medical waste facilities in Chester, Pennsylvania; and the crude oil plant in Richmond, California are only but a few further examples to correlate that the water problem in Flint is not an isolated event — the poisoning of Black communities in America is certainly not a new phenomena.

“Historically and contemporarily, people of color, especially in low-income communities, have and are continuing to be killed slowly, softly, and silently in their households, in their schools, and on their jobs with impunity — and at a greater rate than police killings and racialized state violence. . . .”

Short Takes

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