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Baquet: ‘Flawed’ Story on Gay Talese Points to Diversity Issues

Piece Had Unfair ‘Swipe’ at Writer the Editor Hired

Mashable Changes Focus; 3 of Color Among Layoffs

Med Students Think Blacks Absorb Pain More Easily

ESPN Asks Jones to Cover His ‘Caucasians’ Shirt

Opinion Editor Says Sanders Offers Little but Anger

On ‘Offensive’ Headline, a Different Explanation

Covering Anti-Black Violence, Then and Now

Black, Hispanic, Native Press Fill Gaps in Michigan

Short Takes

Dean Baquet: "Too often, we are clumsy in handling issues of race and gender and this story was another unfortunate example." (Credit:
Dean Baquet: “Too often, we are clumsy in handling issues of race and gender and this story was another unfortunate example.” (Credit: National Association of Black Journalists via

Piece Had Unfair ‘Swipe’ at Writer the Editor Hired

The story of writer Gay Talese and his offensive remarks to New York Times writer Nikole Hannah-Jones became a story about the Times itself Thursday when Executive Editor Dean Baquet rebuked the Times’ report on the incident and tied it to the news organization’s difficulties with newsroom diversity and inclusion.

Talese, who at 84 has been a celebrated writer for decades, and Hannah-Jones, an investigative reporter for the New York Times Magazine who has won kudos for her reporting on latter-day racial segregation, were each speakers last weekend at Boston University’s The Power of Narrative Conference.

At the conference, Talese asked her how she got her job at the Times Magazine and whether she was leaving the room to get her nails done.

Hannah-Jones was the only black person in the room. She described her reaction to the exchange on Monday with writer Amy Littlefield: “I just come from a family where respect for your elders is very ingrained, but part of it is feeling like, honestly, as a Black woman, that it would be very hard for me to say something without coming off looking like all the stereotypes that women and Black women get. It was a hard moment for me to realize that even at this point in my career I could still be silenced.”

Talese was pilloried on Twitter for other, public remarks at the conference. He was asked by Verandah Porche, a poet from Vermont: “In addition to Nora Ephron, who were the women who write who were most, who have inspired you most?”

His answer, which began, “As writers. Uh, I’d say Mary McCarthy was one. I… would, um, (pause), think (pause) Of my generation (pause) um, none,” infuriated women who thought that Talese was calling female writers unworthy.

That was the topic of the Times story by Sridhar Pappu posted Wednesday under the headline “Gay Talese Goes Through the Twitter Wringer.”

Well into the story, Pappu wrote of Talese, “A tweet that got under his skin was posted by a fellow keynote speaker at the conference, Nikole Hannah-Jones, an investigative reporter who covers racial injustice for The New York Times Magazine: ‘It is inevitable: Your icons will *always* disappoint you.’

“Mr. Talese said, ‘That’s the one that truly hurt me.’ He added: ‘I’d like to talk to her sometime. Why did she have to ask for a selfie after what I said made her so upset? I want to know why.

[It was unclear whether Talese was calling a photo of Talese’s stylish shoes, which Hannah-Jones posted on Twitter, a selfie, but Erik Wemple, writing for the Washington Post, wrote Friday, “In an email, Talese tells the Erik Wemple Blog that the selfie at issue was not the shot of his shoes.’“It was the next-to-next posing…I think with my arm around her shoulder…get that photo and see what you see,’ he wrote.”]

“ ‘They said people walked out. Why didn’t she walk out? And she’s a person of great personal achievement. She’s a serious journalist, and I respect her. How could she be so duplicitous as to write me off with a quote?’ . . .”

Duplicitous? That drove Baquet, who is the Times’ first African American top editor and who hired Hannah-Jones, to post a rare statement Thursday on the Times corporate website.

In attempting to defend his remarks, Talese was quoted in our story calling her ‘duplicitous.’ Nikole was not given a chance to respond to that, nor was I,” Baquet wrote.

“Here is what I would have said: I hired Nikole because she is one of the most accomplished and prominent journalists of her generation. She has made it her mission to write about some of the most pressing, intractable issues in American life, particularly racial inequality in education and the re-segregation of American schools.

“She is a unique combination of a reporter with investigative zeal, unfailing integrity and a writer’s eye for telling, human detail. One of my proudest moments as editor was when Nikole said ‘yes’ and agreed to come to The Times.

“Yesterday’s story was flawed and Nikole was treated unfairly. But this incident is larger than the exchange between her and Gay Talese. Too often, we are clumsy in handling issues of race and gender and this story was another unfortunate example. We have made strides in our coverage and culture, but the best solution is to continue building a more diverse, inclusive newsroom.”

In Slate magazine Thursday, L.V. Anderson republished seven supportive tweets from Hannah-Jones’ immediate boss, Jake Silverstein, editor-in-chief of the New York Times Magazine.

“…It’s deeply frustrating and enraging to see such an exemplar of what it means to even BE a journalist get maligned like this…,” one said.

Times Public Editor Margaret Sullivan sided with Baquet and Silverstein. “To put it simply, the story about Gay Talese that went online Wednesday wasn’t ready for prime time,” Sullivan wrote on Thursday.

“If it were going to be published at all, it needed a few changes from Times editors. Apart from its rather one-sided sympathy for the celebrated writer, it included an unanswered swipe at one of The Times’s own journalists, Nikole Hannah-Jones. . . .”

[In an update, Sullivan quoted from an email that Pappu sent Hannah-Jones asking for comment, noting that the message did not say that Talese had called her “duplicitous.”]

Sullivan concluded, “It’s good that Mr. Baquet addressed what happened, and acknowledged the larger issues behind it, which have come up many times. This story has characteristics of something driven (possibly too fast) by ‘wanting to be part of the conversation.’

“What seems obvious now is that a deeper kind of conversation is required.”

Juana Summers occasionally hosts C-SPAN's "Washington Journal"
Juana Summers occasionally hosts C-SPAN’s “Washington Journal.”

Mashable Changes Focus; 3 of Color Among Layoffs

Three journalists of color are among the casualties as Mashable, an 11-year-old company covering global news, politics, entertainment and lifestyle, changes course, pivoting into video and laying off its entire politics team.

Mashable had hired NPR’s Juana Summers as its first politics editor last summer. “I’m no longer with Mashable effective earlier today,” Summers confirmed by email.

Sergio Hernandez, who describes himself on LinkedIn as “U.S. & World reporter at Mashable where I cover everything from criminal justice to cybersecurity, politics, and law,” and Quincy G. Ledbetter, a video producer who also calls himself a filmmaker, musician, writer and actor, confirmed their layoffs in messages on social media.

Today’s staff shake-up comes after last week’s $15 million investment, led by Turner, which includes TBS, TNT and CNN in its stable of properties,” Tim Baysinger reported Thursday for Adweek. “Mashable becomes the latest digital media company to get a foothold in linear television following the likes of Vice, Vocativ and Vox.

“Mashable, which will present for the first time at the Digital Content NewFronts in May, had been pushing [more heavily] into video, especially premium content. Last June, the company launched Mashable Studios, which creates serialized video programming and branded entertainment. . . .”

Before joining Mashable, Summers was a congressional reporter on NPR’s Washington desk. Prior to that, Summers reported for Politico and Politico Pro. She occasionally hosts C-SPAN’s “Washington Journal.”

Hernandez wrote in his bio, “I was the business and technology editor at The Week, and an intern/contributor for ProPublica, where I won a GLAAD Media Award for a year-long investigation into HIV criminalization. . . .”

Ledbetter is CEO and founder of The Big Bang Theory, “an alternative source of entertainment providing a unique and artistic brand of content by the best under-the-radar filmmakers, artists, and creatives.” He has posted this video reel as a calling card.

Summers tweeted to her followers, “No matter how it ended, no matter how brief, it was all worth it.”

Med Students Think Blacks Absorb Pain More Easily

Taneisha, a black woman, hobbles into an emergency room with a leg fracture and is in obvious pain,” Rosalind Bentley wrote Thursday for the Atlanta Journal-Constitution. “Five minutes later, Katelyn, a white woman, walks into the same emergency room with a fractured wrist. She, too, is hurting.

“They’ll both get the appropriate assessment and treatment for their pain, right?

“A University of Virginia study released this week says that racial bias, down to the perception of whether a patient has a stereotypical African-American or white name, can determine whether or not the patient’s pain is correctly diagnosed and treated.

“Taneisha and Katelyn, along with Jermaine and Brett, were among the names given to mock patients referenced in the U-Va. study.

“The study found that white medical students who hold false beliefs about biological differences between blacks and whites were more likely to believe a black patient was in less pain than he or she actually was. Those false beliefs, such as black people have thicker skin than white people and black people’s nerve endings aren’t as sensitive as whites’, also led the medical students to make inadequate pain treatment recommendations.

“The U-Va. study echoes a 2000 Emory University study that found black emergency room patients were less likely to get adequate painkillers than whites. The Emory study, in fact, found that black patients were 66 percent more likely to receive no pain treatment than whites with similar levels of pain.

“Both the U-Va. and Emory studies add to the volume of similar research, stretching back to the 1800s, that documents the role of racial bias in health care for African-Americans. . . .”

The University of Virginia study did not identify the source of the white medical students’ false beliefs, or whether the news media play a positive or negative role in them. That sounds like a question for another study.

Bomani Jones , who appeared on ESPN's "Mike & Mike," discussed the idea behind his shirt: It would be weird to have the Caucasians as a sports mascot, so why is a baseball team still called the Indians?
Bomani Jones, who appeared on ESPN’s “Mike & Mike,” discussed the idea behind his shirt: It would be weird to have the Caucasians as a sports mascot, so why is a baseball team still called the Indians?

ESPN Asks Jones to Cover His ‘Caucasians’ Shirt

Bomani Jones filled in for one of the Mikes on ESPN’s Mike [&] Mike this morning and wore a ‘Caucasians’ shirt, which featured a parody of the Cleveland Indians’ Chief Wahoo logo,” Samer Kalaf wrote Thursday for Deadspin.

Molly Qerim and Jones actually dedicated airtime to the shirt, which was supposedly ‘dominating the social media conversation’ as the show progressed.

“After saying that he chose to wear the shirt because ‘it was clean,’ Jones discussed the idea behind it: It would be weird to have the Caucasians as a sports mascot, so why is a baseball team still called the Indians?

“A partial transcript:

“Jones: The reason they won’t get rid of Chief Wahoo, which is completely indefensible, is they could still sell stuff with it. They can say they’re gonna de-emphasize it, but they’re not just gonna set money on fire. I thought [the shirt] was the exact same thing, and I could see the value in the design, so I was like, hey, we might as well give this a run.

“Qerim: I think more thought went into it. I think you were trying to make some kind of statement.

“Jones: The statement is obvious. This [shirt] is the same thing. What we have here, this is the same thing that goes on with the logo for the Cleveland Indians, right? So, to have a problem with the logo of this, would be to have a problem with the Indians, but if you’re quiet about the Indians, and you got something to say about my shirt, I think it’s time for introspection. I think that’s a fair thing to ask.

“Later in the show, Jones’s sweatshirt was partially zipped:

“When asked for comment, an ESPN spokesperson said this:

” ‘As the show progressed, we felt Bomani had made his point and had openly discussed why he was wearing the shirt, and we wanted to keep the focus to the topics of the day.’

“The spokesperson declined comment on whether there were any known instances of an ESPN personality being asked to cover up the Chief Wahoo logo.”

Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont spoke Wednesday before an endorsement meeting of the Philadelphia Inquirer editorial board. Editorial Board Editor Harold Jackson compared him to "Network's" Howard Beale, writing that Sanders "misleads people to believe that all they need do to change the world is open up a window and yell, 'I’m as mad as hell, and I’m not going to take this anymore!' ”
Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., spoke Wednesday before an endorsement meeting of the Philadelphia Inquirer editorial board. Editorial Board Editor Harold Jackson compared him to the fictional “Network” anchor Howard Beale, writing that Sanders “misleads people to believe that all they need do to change the world is open up a window and yell, ‘I’m as mad as hell, and I’m not going to take this anymore!’ ” (Credit: Jessica Griffin/

Opinion Editor Says Sanders Offers Little but Anger

Forgive me, but I can’t help comparing Bernie Sanders’ presidential campaign to Howard Beale, the fictional news anchor in the 1976 film ‘Network’ who sparks a movement based on anger,” Harold Jackson, editorial page editor of the Philadelphia Inquirer, wrote on Friday. “Let me stress that my comparison ends there. Sanders isn’t really like the suicidal character so magnificently played by Peter Finch. But the ‘Feel the Bern’ movement is similarly based on people getting angry with the status quo.

Harold Jackson
Harold Jackson

“ ‘The subtext of this campaign is called a political revolution,’ Sanders said Wednesday in an endorsement meeting with the Inquirer Editorial Board,” providing a link to the Inquirer board’s question-and-answer session with Sanders. “ ‘It’s too late for establishment politics,’ he said. ‘I think the bottom line is that American people are really tired of establishment politics and establishment economics.’

“I agree that people are tired of politics as usual, and many are angry about it, but I’m not sure that Sanders has the right answers.

“Having been a socialist independent for most of his political career, the senator seems to have become accustomed to leading efforts that may not succeed. He seems very good at pointing out what people should be mad about, but has not been so good in outlining how a President Sanders would succeed after the ‘revolution.’

Jackson also wrote, “The dearth of details in Sanders’ speeches is particularly intriguing to African Americans like me who have grown tired over the years of hearing that black people vote with their hearts rather than their minds. It’s white voters, especially younger ones, who seem to have fallen so in love with Sanders that they ignore his faults. . . .

“This would still be a segregated nation if Martin Luther King Jr. thought black people’s anger at being treated like second-class citizens would be enough to get a Southern president to push for passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Voting Rights Act of 1965. . . .”

Washington Post headline was changed to " "How Yao Ming subverted stereotypes and brought basketball to millions."
This Washington Post web headline was changed to “How Yao Ming subverted stereotypes and brought basketball to millions.”

On ‘Offensive’ Headline, a Different Explanation

Without knowing more, a reader could see why Ed Diokno, who writes for the AsAmNews website about Asian Americans, went into high dudgeon.

No Really?” Diokno wrote Tuesday about the Washington Post headline, “Hall of Famer Yao Ming redefined ‘Chinaman’ for the NBA and brought the game to hundreds of millions.”

“Which Washington Post copy editor wrote this headline and what editor allowed it to go online?

“Do we attribute this to an East Coast bias for journalists who are not used to seeing or hanging out with a lot of Asian Americans?

“Imagine if the racial slur for African Americans — the dreaded N-word — was used instead of the derogatory slur against Chinese? Can you imagine the uproar from the community and the heads rolling at the Washington Post?

“I’ve worked on the Rim and I’ve worked as the Slot in mainstream newsrooms. If I, as a copyeditor on the Rim wrote a headline like that, I’d get a terse email from the Slot or get taken to the hallway for a brief finger-wagging lecture on racial sensitivity. . . .”

Diokno also wrote, “At any rate, SOMEBODY complained. Perhaps the author, herself, Yanan Wong. Shortly after the April 5 headline appeared, the headline was changed to something more acceptable. . . .”

As it turns out, according to Fred Barbash, who edits the Post’s “Morning Mix,” where the story appeared, the story and headline were written by a Chinese-American “who is quite sensitive to this issue.” She used the word “Chinaman” in her story as an example of the slurs to which Ming was subjected:

During a Rockets game in 2004, former basketball player and TNT broadcaster Steve Kerr also referred to Yao as a ‘Chinaman,‘ a derogatory term dating back to the mid-1800s, when Americans feared that the ‘Yellow Peril’ would dominate the labor force. (Kerr later apologized.). . . .”

Barbash told Journal-isms by telephone, “I realize that some people find it offensive. I found it germane to the story and avoided sugar-coating it.”

Barbash messaged later, “Having now read this, it’s way off base. The ‘author herself’— Yanan Wang (not Wong — which copy editor let that through?) is quite familiar with the Asian American community in North America (she’s from Canada, her family immigrated from China) and wrote the headline, which was approved by me. It was changed long after we went to bed (we work all night) by someone else.” Headlines are changed sometimes three or four times in the course of their web life, Barbash said. There was no apology.

Wesley Lowery, left, and Simeon Booker (Credit: Instagram)
Wesley Lowery, left, and Simeon Booker (Credit: Instagram)

Covering Anti-Black Violence, Then and Now

Wesley Lowery of the Washington Post paused to be photographed with the legendary reporter Simeon Booker Friday at Long Island University’s George Polk Awards luncheon ceremony at Manhattan’s Grand Hyatt Hotel.

Lowery, 25, was part of a team that won the National Reporting prize for the Post for its exhaustive study of killings by police officers.

Booker, 97, who reported on the civil rights movement for more than half a century for Jet magazine, was the 34th recipient of the George Polk Career Award.

Lowery wrote on Facebook, “In 1952 Booker became the Washington Post’s first full time black reporter (he quit a year later, feeling harassed and misutilized). I had the honor of meeting him once before, a few years back when he was inducted into NABJ’s hall of fame, which spurred me to study his work covering the civil rights movement.

“His work for JET magazine was peerless — including his coverage of the lynching of Emmett Till, which began when he traveled to Chicago and watched as the boy’s mother viewed the mangled and mutilated body for the first time. He then convinced her to allow his colleague to take photographs, one of the crucial acts that helped turn what could have been a small town injustice into a national outrage. . . .”

Carol Booker, Simeon Booker’s wife, messaged Journal-isms, “As usual these days, Simeon did not have prepared remarks, but spoke from his heart in accepting the Polk career award. Here is a transcript:

” ‘I am happy to have lived this long — almost 100. And I hope I can make it to 100! It’s been a very inspiring life — to start at the bottom and work your way up. When I started, Blacks didn’t even think about writing letters to one another, let alone writing columns, weekly news stories and other journalistic items. I appreciate your recognizing me, and recognizing the struggle that Blacks have had in this country to gain a footing. I don’t want to deliver a sermon, even though my father was a preacher and I’ve learned a lot of the tricks of the trade. (Laughter) But I appreciate it. Thanks a million. And God bless you.’

“He received two standing ovations, one before and one after he spoke. He was wonderful, as always. And it was a beautiful event.”

Levi Rickert is founding editor-in-chief of Native News Online, a Grand Rapids-based website that covers news concerning the American Indian community on a national scale.
Levi Rickert is founding editor-in-chief of Native News Online, a Grand Rapids-based website that covers news concerning the American Indian community on a national scale.

Black, Hispanic, Native Press Fill Gaps in Michigan

Wayne State University professor Alicia Nails, who directs the school’s Journalism Institute for Media Diversity (JIM), an honors program that trains high-achieving students for careers in media, says the challenge communities of color face in the media today isn’t just about reaching a certain level of representation in newsrooms.

It’s “also about maintaining the level of experience and institutional knowledge required to serve unique ethnic and geographic communities in the face of mass layoffs and the departure of veteran reporters of color,” Steven Thomas Kent reported Thursday for

Alicia Nails
Alicia Nails

“ ‘When you’re bringing in a new, green person — just because they’re African American, can they really replace Cassandra [Spratling] at the Detroit Free Press?’ Nails says of the veteran Black reporter who recently accepted a buyout as the Free Press’s parent company, Gannett, continues to restructure its newspapers across the country.

” ‘Because it’s not just sitting there and being Black or Latino or Asian in the room. You also have to look at the strength of that voice and will it be respected; do they know how to be heard? And an entry level reporter won’t have that skillset compared to someone who’s been there 30 years.’

“As one example, Nails points to the coverage surrounding the confirmation hearings of U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch, which sometimes expressed confusion about the prominent presence of people in red garb: Lynch’s sorority sisters from Delta Sigma Theta — an African-American Greek organization with a long history of social justice activism.

“Nails, a Delta Sigma Theta member who serves as the state journalist for the sorority’s Michigan chapter, says that many younger reporters, African-American and otherwise, lack a historical understanding of Black sororities and their prominent leadership role in the African-American community during the Civil Rights Movement and beyond — which in turn leads to a lack of emphasis in news coverage, despite the leadership role and political influence these organizations still hold in the Black community. . . .”

Andres Abreau
Andres Abreau

Kent also quoted Andres Abreu, the founding editor of the Grand Rapids, Mich.-based Latino newspaper El Vocero Hispano.

Abreu said he had observed a segmentation in both news audiences and outlets during his tenure.

“Abreu, a former reporter and press director from the Dominican Republic who founded El Vocero in 1993, says that his paper used to have ongoing channels of communication with mainstream local outlets. The Grand Rapids Press hired a number of his writers who then kept in touch with El Vocero, and the news director at the Press often did the same, he says; meanwhile, WOOD TV8 allowed El Vocero to print their weather reports in exchange for help with occasional spot-news segments.

“Since the major area news organizations have started to re-structure newsrooms over the last several years, though, those lines of communication have gone quiet, Abreu says. . . .”

Kent talked with Levi Rickert, a Grand Rapids-born American Indian and tribal citizen of the Potawatomi Nation. Rickert is founding editor-in-chief of Native News Online, a Grand Rapids-based website that covers news concerning the American Indian community on a national scale.

“ ‘I’m pretty proud of where we are, and when I make speeches and talk to Native youth about becoming journalists, I basically say: “We know how the other side has told our story,” Rickert says. ‘American Indians have not been positively depicted by Hollywood film, American literature, or news media across the country, and I like to tell our people, ‘It’s our time to tell our stories.’ And to me, that’s what Native News Online is about and now what the Tribal Business Journal is about. . . .’ ”

Short Takes

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Richard Prince’s Journal-isms originates from Washington. It began in print before most of us knew what the Internet was, and it would like to be referred to as a “column. Any views expressed in the column are those of the person or organization quoted and not those of any other entity.
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David Gonzalez April 9, 2016 at 3:34 pm

Speaking of Diversity, Chris Chivers – the NYT reporter who is perhaps the premier war correspondent of his generation – posted some very good observations about diversity on his FB page. Well worth reading:

“Several years ago (maybe six?) I opened an email that had landed in my work account from a reader I had never heard from before. He was, I would soon learn, an explosive ordnance disposal tech who had served a tour in Iraq during the height of the IED badness and had made it a passion to understand more fully the weapons that were stealing away life after life, and limb after limb, in conflicts raging across too much of the world. He was writing — I don’t remember the exact words — to compliment the NYT’s At War blog, which at the time was a free-wheeling and rather experimental little corner of the NYT site that was covering war in quirky (and sometimes obsessive) ways. This reader approved, and he said so, and in particular he was appreciative of the blog’s efforts to identify, inventory and analyze weapons used by the Taliban, which came in many forms. A regular correspondence between us followed, until this write-in reader, a veteran and bomb-disposal expert with a rich library and many friends in many interesting places, became a go-to resource, helping identify and trace ordnance that was scattered about ever more spots on this earth. One day I suggested over the phone, more or less, this: Man, why don’t you do this yourself? Why be a source when you can be the journalist instead? You have this shit in your heart and your head. Not too long after that talk this reader had written his first piece, which appeared on that same killer blog. Then he wrote a few more pieces and by 2013 (do I have this right?) he had started at Columbia University’s Graduate School of Journalism. Yes I think that’s right. He graduated in 2014, in time to help me, as a contract writer, close out a long investigation into remnant chemical weapons in Iraq, and the people they had harmed — a project he had been a voice in from the start. And today? Today that same write-in reader from several years ago attended the luncheon for the Polk Awards, where he was feted for his part as a contract writer in helping a marquis NYT team win one of our industry’s most prestigious prizes, in this case for pathbreaking investigative and explanatory coverage of the Navy SEALs and the changes and strains they have undergone in 15 years of unceasing war. Journalism awards are often bullshit, and hunger for them at institutional and personal levels can give rise to behaviors that are hard to stomach. But this example offers good things to think on. Here’s why: That team won in part because that write-in reader knew many SEALs and opened many doors. Writing about war? Vets can do that because they know many of the players and most of the problems, and the way the bond works is this: We talk to our kind in a way we talk to almost no one else– a rule that tends to get stronger the more difficult, painful or sensitive the subject. So who was this dude? His name is John Ismay, he wrote an email one day and pushed it out into the ether, on faith (drawn to an analysis associated w photos not unlike the image posted here, of a Romanian PSL designated marksman rifle I inventoried this winter in the 4th RTB Armory at Fort Benning, on an assignment doing, as ever, other things). And that email set him on a course where he js now contributing to a leading conversation about organized violence and all (all) that it costs and all that it brings. What morals are there to this story? The first one is easy: Read and answer your damned mail. (It would have been so simple, so fucking normal, to miss that note.) But deeper is the heavier lesson, which is harder to pull into the light. It is this: Our troubled industry can be at its best when it looks beyond the traditional pools for talent and applicants, and takes risks, and recognizes that if it wants great people and access to largely untraveled and misunderstood provinces of the human experience, and the ringing stories that wait there untold, then it should value diverse backgrounds. And this means veterans, too, who are arguably among the very most under-represented cohort in our industry, and yet who often understand, in their bones, much about one of the most expensive and certainly the most dangerous and morally freighted things that humans do, which is war. Congratulations John. The walk ahead will not be easy. But you’re going to do meaningful things, no matter who notices or supports you. You already have. Better awaits.”

richard April 11, 2016 at 4:29 pm

Comments from The Root:

Jessica Campbell

It doesn’t surprise me at all that Talese is trying to play the victim here. It seems like most privileged people do when they get called out on their ignorance. Instead of admitting they were wrong and possibly racist, they always want to reframe the conversation as “If what I did was so wrong, why xyz?”

I am glad to see the Times upper level staff standing up for and behind Nikole. It just seems like too often journalists of color are left to blow in the wind when they call out BS.

And shout out to her for being such an accomplished journalist at such a young age that her work speaks for itself.

Zora Neale Hurston

I saw Gay Talese on the Tavis Smiley show in the late 90s or early Aughts and he creeped me out. He said the only way to end racism was miscegenation. He thought this was how to deal with America’s narrative. I saw it as an idea of erasure and to deflect dealing with renumeration and reparation. Tavis said nothing and just giggled. I kind of think Tavis was uncomfortable but was trying to be nice because our generation wasn’t taught to to take elders to task. We left old Whtie People act up. Shrugs.


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