Condoleezza Rice: ‘Enough!’; Michael Steele Gloomy

Condoleezza Rice: ‘Enough!’; Michael Steele Gloomy
Dr. Ben Carson, who with boxing promoter Don King and Theresa “Omarosa” Manigault is vying for the title of Donald J. Trump’s most conspicuous African American supporter, wrote Saturday that the release of lewd comments by Trump is part of a conspiracy by progressives.
The surgeon and former GOP presidential primary contender said he believes that the progressives plan to release more damaging material.
Friday’s revelation of the 2005 Trump videotape — in which Trump talks in explicit sexual terms about women — has caused some Republicans to denounce the nominee and others to distance themselves.
“By midday, no fewer than 21 Republican members of Congress and governors who had backed Mr. Trump disavowed his candidacy, an unprecedented desertion by the institutional Republican Party of its own standard-bearer,” Jonathan Martin, Alexander Burns and Maggie Haberman reported Saturday for the New York Times.
They were later joined by Condoleezza Rice, former secretary of state. Michael Steele, former chairman of the Republican National Committee and an African American as is Rice, was pessimistic about the GOP’s chances going forward.
— Condoleezza Rice (@CondoleezzaRice) October 8, 2016
David Corn of Mother Jones said he contacted Steele Saturday afternoon.
“Trump’s declaration aside, the question of the day is: Is it over for the reality TV celebrity? Has he unintentionally fired himself?” Corn wrote.
“Michael Steele, the former chairman of the Republican Party, believes it is. On Saturday afternoon, I asked him for his reaction to the Trumpocalypse under way. He cut to the chase:
“This is a devastating blow to the Trump campaign and to the party, and there is not much either can do to salvage it. It almost doesn’t matter what Trump does in the next debate.”
In a story Saturday headlined, “Black Republicans torn over Trump as party leader,” Alva James-Johnson of the Ledger-Enquirer in Columbus, Ga., quoted Nate Sanderson, a black Republican who is a former president of the local NAACP branch, saying he could no longer support his party.
“He’s alienated every social group, ethnic group — I mean, you name it,” Sanderson said. “He’s practically offended every group, except white males. You pick a group, and he’s said something about it, even white females.”
In a statement appearing Saturday in the Capitol Hill newspaper The Hill, Carson said he deplores “any form of disrespect toward women,” but wrote, “I feel fairly certain that the progressives have had knowledge of this conversation for a long time and dropped it at this point in time in an effort [to] obscure the release of damaging information about Hillary Clinton and her desire for open borders.”
The latter is apparently a reference to hacked emails made public Friday by WikiLeaks in which “Clinton’s paid closed-door speeches to Wall Street banks apparently included her dreams of ‘open trade and open borders,’ ” Rosalind S. Helderman and Tom Hamburger reported Friday for the Washington Post.
Jennifer Yingling, deputy managing editor/special projects director of The Hill, told Journal-isms by email Saturday that her publication merely published Carson’s statement, which was not written specifically for The Hill.
Carson also wrote of the progressives, “I believe that they have more material that they will release periodically up until the election to keep a negative focus on Donald Trump. They do not want to discuss the vital issues that are destroying our nation and the future of our children, because they do not have logical solutions and offer more of the same that has gotten us into this precarious situation.
“Those of us who do not want to see America fundamentally devolve into something worse must be wise enough to recognize the scheme that is being played out here. We must demand not only that the issues be discussed but also that we make our decisions based on issues and not on personalities or decade old statements and behavior by Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump. . . .”
In fact, according to a report Friday by Paul Farhi in the Post, the story developed after “Reporter David Fahrenthold got a phone call around 11 a.m. Friday from a source with a tip about Donald Trump. The source asked: Would Fahrenthold be interested in seeing some previously unaired video of Trump?”
Farhi also wrote, “As it happens, Fahrenthold was racing to produce his story in competition with ‘Access Hollywood’ itself. The syndicated show, owned by NBC Universal, had found the Trump recording in its archives and was preparing its own story. NBC News, tipped by “Access Hollywood,” was also aware of the tape and was preparing a story, which it intended to broadcast after the entertainment show aired the recording. . . .”
- Adrian Carrasquillo, BuzzFeed: As Trump Falters, Ana Navarro Is Having The Last Word
- Mary C. Curtis, Roll Call: So the Republican Party Finally Gets Trump?
- Pamela Engel, Business Insider: Top Ben Carson adviser: He stands by Trump, recording ‘is the kind of language that we hear in rap music’
- Jason Linkins, Huffington Post: Ben Carson Is Donald Trump’s Most Confusing, Confused Ally
- Sophia A. Nelson, Daily News, New York: Women still supporting Trump ought to be ashamed — Republicans can lose an entire generation of female voters
- Ali Vitali and Benjy Sarlin, NBC News: Donald Trump Defiant as Top Republicans Flee Candidacy
Black ISIS Member Deceived News Outlets
October 7, 2016
Video Shows Fighter Lied in Saying He Did Not Kill
AAJA Invites Fox to Town Hall as Outrage Spreads
Climate Change Must Be Part of Storm Coverage
. . . On Haiti, a Plea for Local Control of Recovery
Editorial: Race Is at Heart of Clinton-Trump Choice
‘A Community Built From the Ground Up’
Columnist Weathersbee Moves to Memphis
Activist Editor Led Protest of First ‘Birth of a Nation’
Baltimore Library Adding ‘Wickham Collection’
Video Shows Fighter Lied in Saying He Did Not Kill
Since escaping from Islamic State-controlled Syria, former militant Harry Sarfo, a German-born black man of Ghanaian descent who moved to England with his family as a teenager, has told German authorities and at least half a dozen media organizations that he witnessed ISIS atrocities but refused to take part in attacks.
Sarfo was arrested while trying to return to Germany in 2015 but, in exchange for his cooperation, is serving only a three-year sentence on a terrorism charge.
“But in depicting himself as a disillusioned fighter who refused to commit violence, Sarfo left out some potentially incriminating scenes,” Souad Mekhennet and Greg Miller reported Tuesday for the Washington Post.
“Previously unreleased video shows Sarfo moving doomed hostages into position for a public execution in Palmyra last year, and then apparently firing his own weapon at one of the fallen men.
“Rather than resisting involvement in the gruesome propaganda spectacle, Sarfo is shown shouting Islamic State slogans to whip up the gathering crowd, pledging his loyalty in a pre-execution huddle and raising his fist in celebration at the burst of machine-gun fire.
“The footage is at odds with almost every account Sarfo, 28, has given of his time in Syria, including his statements to German authorities that he merely ‘stood on the side’ while the shooting took place and adamantly ‘said no to the killing.’ . . .”

News organizations that interviewed Sarfo and published his comments are on the spot.
A large photo of Sarfo dominated the front page of the Aug. 4 edition of the New York Times over the headline, “A Global Network of Killers, Built by a Secretive Branch of ISIS,” and story by Rukmini Callimachi.
Michael Calderone reported Thursday for the Huffington Post, “Since the Post’s report contradicted Sarfo’s portrayal of himself, several prominent journalists, including The Times’ C.J. Chivers and Ben Hubbard, questioned his credibility on Twitter.
“Times international editor Michael Slackman told HuffPost that Sarfo ‘was one source in the story’ and ‘where we quoted him on the internal operations of ISIS, that information was corroborated by multiple sources.’ ”
Calderone also wrote, “Though the Post’s report never specifically said Sarfo misled the Times, Callimachi pushed back aggressively on social media over questions about her report given the new revelations about its most prominently featured source.
“On Wednesday night, she questioned whether the media publishing this new ISIS video was ‘complicit’ with the terrorist group in trying to discredit Sarfo.
“ZDF deputy editor-in-chief Elmar Thevessen asked in response if journalists ‘should sway facts under [the] carpet, if they come from extremists. . .”
“. . . Callimachi later tweeted that she ‘got a bit carried away earlier’ and didn’t mean to suggest the Post’s piece ‘wasn’t a legitimate one to do.’ . . .”
Callimachi reported Tuesday on the video delivered to the Post.
“In the video, Mr. Sarfo can be seen shouting and cheering as he and other militants drive into a Syrian city. Later, he and others can be seen rounding up prisoners, who are forced to lie on the ground. He is standing to the side as the other jihadists open fire. Then Mr. Sarfo appears to cock his handgun and shoot, though the scene is partially blocked.
“In interviews with German officials and news organizations, including The New York Times in August, Mr. Sarfo said that he never killed anyone during his time in Syria. That and his cooperation were factors in officials’ decision to sentence him to only three years on a terrorism charge after he was arrested while trying to return to Germany in 2015. . . .”
Although ISIS members are most often portrayed in the news media as Middle Eastern, “there’s a lot of blacks in ISIS. You would be very surprised,” counterterrorism expert Malcolm Nance, author of “Defeating ISIS: Who They Are, How They Fight, What They Believe,” told Journal-isms by telephone on Friday.
“The Muslim world is without color. Their [ISIS’] advertisements make them look like the United Colors of Benetton.” The Islamic State counts among its members the Boko Haram in Nigeria, Somalis, Malians, Sudanese and Chadeans, he said, as well as some Somali-Americans, one of whom, Abdirahmaan Muhumed, was killed in action.
“There is no such thing as ‘I didn’t participate in murder in ISIS,’ Nance continued. “Once you go through your indoctrination, you must kill people.”
The best way to ensure that Sarfo does not return to ISIS after serving his sentence, Nance said, is to “burn the hell out of him” — advertise that he has become a German and U.S. asset.
Nance also predicted that the ISIS self-declared caliphate, based in Raqqa, Syria, “will die in six to 12 months.” It is surrounded, he said.
He said he agreed with the approach of Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, who said during the September presidential debate that the U.S. must “support our Arab and Kurdish partners to be able to actually take out ISIS in Raqqa.”
Tonight at 11/10c, correspondent Ronny Chieng reports on the Fox News/Jesse Watters racist Chinatown segment.
— The Daily Show (@TheDailyShow) October 7, 2016
AAJA Invites Fox to Town Hall as Outrage Spreads
“Elected officials and activists staged a protest outside the Manhattan headquarters of Fox News on Thursday over a segment in which a correspondent conducted a series of mocking interviews of Asian-Americans in New York City’s Chinatown that critics said trafficked in stereotypes and veered into racism,” Liam Stack reported Thursday for the New York Times, one of several mainstream news outlets reporting on the controversy.
“The correspondent, Jesse Watters, who has been accused of stalking and harassment for his ambush-style interviews on the street, expressed ‘regret’ late Wednesday after provoking a storm of criticism for the segment that was broadcast on Monday.
“Mayor Bill de Blasio called the segment ‘vile.’ And Councilman Peter Koo said in a statement: ‘Passing off this blatantly racist television segment as “gentle fun” not only validates racist stereotypes, it encourages them. The entire segment smacks of willful ignorance by buying into the perpetual foreigner syndrome. . . .”
Meanwhile, the Asian American Journalists Association, which on Wednesday said it “demands an apology from Fox News to our community” said that David Tabacoff, executive producer of “The O’Reilly Factor,” on which Watters’ segment appeared, invited AAJA President Paul Cheung to appear on Friday’s show to discuss AAJA’s concerns.
Instead, AAJA invited Fox News staff members “to participate in a conversation with the Asian American and Pacific Islander communities at a town hall to be held in New York’s Chinatown. We encourage Jesse Watters, his producers and other Fox News staff members to attend,” AAJA said in a statement.
“The town hall will take place Sunday between 2 p.m. and 4 p.m. at the Museum of Chinese in America in Chinatown; additional details will follow.”
There were no indications that Fox News had accepted the invitation.
- College staff, USA Today: About that Fox News segment filled with Asian-American stereotypes … we #FixedWattersFail (video)
- Josh Feldman, Mediaite: Go F*ck Yourself!’: The Daily Show Shreds Fox’s Jesse Watters Over Chinatown Segment
- Chris Fuchs, NBC Asian America: Chinatown Responds as Fox Reporter Defends ‘Tongue-In-Cheek’ Segment
- Jon Keller, WBZ-TV, Boston: Keller @ Large: Not All Political Correctness Is Bad
- St. Louis Post-Dispatch: Activists blast ‘O’Reilly Factor’ Chinatown piece as racist
- James Warren, Poynter Institute: Asian-American journalists ‘shocked’ by bigoted O’Reilly segment
- Erik Wemple, Washington Post: Jesse Watters compounds backlash over his Chinatown segment with clueless tweets
- Matt Wilstein, Daily Beast: ‘The Daily Show’s’ Ronny Chieng Destroys Fox News’ Jesse Watters: ‘You Ignorant Sack of Sh*t!’
Crew and I just touched down in Orlando. About to caravan to the coast. Anchoring @NBCNightlyNews from Florida tonight. #HurricaneMatthew
— Lester Holt (@LesterHoltNBC) October 6, 2016
Climate Change Must Be Part of Storm Coverage
“Hurricane Matthew was reportedly the strongest hurricane to hit Haiti since 1964, and the National Hurricane Center is now warning that there is ‘a danger of life-threatening inundation during the next 36 hours along the Florida east coast and Georgia coast,’ ” Andrew Seifter wrote Thursday for Media Matters for America.
“Alerting the public to the threat and urging people to take all precautions necessary to stay safe are the top priorities for reporters covering this historic storm. But media outlets should also keep the broader climate change context in mind as they report on Hurricane Matthew in the coming days.
“When record-breaking rainfall and flooding struck Louisiana in August, major newspapers like The New York Times and The Washington Post addressed how the devastation was in line with the predicted impacts of a warming planet, but the major TV networks’ nightly newscasts did not.
“As CNN senior media correspondent Brian Stelter noted at the time, it’s essential for media to explain that extreme weather events ‘are happening more often due to climate change and are more extreme due to climate change,’ particularly in the ‘early stages’ of covering a weather disaster.
“Time will tell if the major television networks cover the relationship between climate change and Hurricane Matthew, but the scientific evidence is clear. . . .”
. . . On Haiti, a Plea for Local Control of Recovery
“Days after Hurricane Matthew lashed Haiti, leaving widespread devastation, the death toll has climbed over 800,” Ada Carr wrote Friday for the Weather Channel. “After being unable to establish communication with some of the hardest-hit towns, aid is finally beginning to pour into the affected areas.”
Matthew clobbered the Caribbean country on Tuesday. That night, Mark Schuller, associate professor at Northern Illinois University and affiliate at the Faculté d’Ethnologie, l’Université d’État d’Haïti, wrote for Common Dreams about the “disaster narrative” he hoped would not be repeated.
“Aside from random notes trickling in here or there, the coverage has been minimal. This is in direct contrast to the earthquake that rocked the country on January 12, 2010,” Schuller wrote.
“Anthropologist Gina Athena Ulysse has inspired a generation of scholars, challenging us with a deceptively simple call: ‘Haiti needs new narratives.’ The coverage of this storm is an urgent case for why.
“Disaster aid is [faciltiated] by media coverage. An article in Disasters demonstrated a correlation in the amount of seconds allocated on prime time news to a particular disaster and the generosity of the response. However, the Haiti earthquake’s high media profile — and the generosity it inspired — came at a price.
“With stories of devastation, appearing to many foreign observers as hell on earth with phrases like ‘state failure’ often repeated, foreign media coverage also naturalized foreign control of the response.
“The media coverage — then and now — highlights the importance of what can be called ‘disaster narratives.’ What is covered, what is not, who is hailed as a hero, whose efforts are ignored, shape the results. . . .”
Schuller continued, “Many people, including Haitian scholars, journalists, and social movements, have taken stock of the lessons learned from the humanitarian aftershocks.
His list of seven points began with, “Support the initiatives led by Haitian people and groups . . .”
Schuller concluded, “The storm will leave, the flood waters recede. I hope the world’s attention span will last at least a little longer, so that we will finally apply lessons at least Haitian people learned.”
- Lizette Alvarez, New York Times: What It’s Like to Be Trapped by a Category 5 Hurricane
- BBC: Hurricane Matthew: Matt Drudge conspiracy comments kick up storm
- Hal Boedeker, Orlando Sentinel: Hurricane Matthew: Governor praises press
- Philip Bump, Washington Post: The political complexity of Hurricane Matthew Drudge
- Juan Gonzalez and Amy Goodman with May Boeve, “Democracy Now!”: As Hurricane Matthew Lashes U.S., Are TV Networks the Last Bastion of Climate Denial?
- Paul Greeley, TVNewsCheck: Track Local TV Coverage Of Hurricane Matthew
- Mark Joyella, TVNewser: Hurricane Matthew Dominates Evening Newscasts
- Mark Joyella, TVNewser: Furor After Weather Channel Meteorologist Says Children in Haiti Eat Trees
- New York Times: After Hurricane Matthew, Devastation in Southern Haiti
- Mimi Whitefield, Miami Herald: For Cuba, the task of cleaning up after Hurricane Matthew has begun
Editorial: Race Is at Heart of Clinton-Trump Choice
“The problem with this election isn’t that Donald Trump is racist. The problem is that we are,” the Hartford Courant editorialized on Friday in endorsing Hillary Clinton for president.
It is among the few editorials from a mainstream news organization that put race at the center of issues separating Trump and Clinton.
“Now, before everyone gets all nervous and defensive, pause a moment,” the editorial continued. “It’s not that most Americans are hateful or narrow-minded. We believe that those who promulgate bigotry and divisiveness are a small — if loud — segment of the population.
“But race is so deeply woven into the fabric of the national conversation that it is all but impossible not to see the world through the prism of color. Like it or not, we all bring our preconceptions and prejudices and fears to that debate.
“The question is what do we do with them? Do we allow those fears to rule our actions and words — or do we admit that part of the mission of being an American is, to echo the words of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., to look beyond the color of our neighbors’ skin and understand and appreciate the content of their character? This is a battle so many of us struggle with — admit it or not.
“Donald Trump is dangerous because it’s a struggle he wants you to lose. . .”
- Rekha Basu, Des Moines Register: Being female is a Catch-22 for women in Trump’s world
- Alex Griswold, Mediaite: Emails Suggest CBS’s ‘Face The Nation’ Agreed to WH Demands Not to Ask Kerry About Clinton Emails
- Michael Harriot, The Root: For Black People, Donald Trump Is America
- Ricardo A. Hazell, Shadow League: Black Folks Are Speaking Up, Idiots Are Going Bananas
- Steven A. Holmes, CNN: Member of ‘Central Park 5’ blasts Trump
- Alex Kaplan, Media Matters for America: Here Are More Investigative Pieces Debate Moderators Should Read Before The Debates
- Jim Naureckas, Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting: The Crucial Campaign Day Most TV Journalists Won’t Tell You About
- Errol Louis, Daily News, New York: Staying sane through Nov. 8: The body politic needs more exercise and a healthier information diet
- Askia Muhammad, Washington Informer: Suppose White Orthodoxy Is Wrong
- Eugene Robinson, Washington Post: Why bother having a vice-presidential debate at all?
- Tony Romm, Politico: Trump transition team picks regulation foe as telecom point man
- Rick Sanchez, Fox News Latino: Conservative America has a new leader, his name is Mike Pence
- Tracy L. Scott, The Root: 9 Perfect Clapbacks to Trump’s Bigotry and Lies From Black TV Pundits
- Jack Shafer, Politico Magazine: Mike Pence and the Year of Disinformation
- Erik Wemple, Washington Post: Can CNN please hire Mike Pence?
- Lilly Workneh, Huffington Post Black Voices: Mike Pence Used Keith Scott’s Shooting To Feed A Flawed Claim About Policing

‘A Community Built From the Ground Up’
“The unprecedented gathering here, near the Standing Rock Sioux Nation — with some 300 tribal nation flags flying and 3,000 people on the ground — stands along a lonesome stretch of High Plains prairie framed by buttes and big sky, where the Missouri and Cannonball Rivers meet,” Evelyn Nieves wrote from Cannonball, N.D., Thursday for the “Lens” blog of the New York Times.
Nieves also wrote, “Two months into the mass pilgrimage near Cannonball, with tribes from across Indian Country and all over the world, the stand at Standing Rock still captures national media attention. Journalists, photographers and videographers document the goings-on, from prayerful ceremonies to direct actions at construction sites met by SWAT teams and tanks. (Or, in one infamous instance, by private security guards with attack dogs and Mace.)
“But largely lost in the coverage of how big #NoDAPL is growing is how deep the cause is to thousands of Native Americans. Men and women with jobs and school and children to attend to have upended their lives. Ask for how long, and all say the same: for as long as it takes to stop the pipeline. . . .
The photos are from Annabelle Marcovici, a 24-year-old freelance photographer from Minneapolis, is one of them. She first visited the camp in June, “when it was still tiny. She had no idea what she would find or do. . . .”
“. . . . During her trips to the encampment — she intends to keep returning — Ms. Marcovici spends most of her time not taking pictures. ‘I talk to people,’ she said. ‘I help sort supplies. I’m another person in the community that’s formed at these camps, not just a passing observer.”
“The result is a portrait of everyday life under extraordinary circumstances, behind the public rallies and ceremonies. . . . In total, they show a community being built from the ground up. . . .”
- Gyasi Ross, Hillary Clinton can’t stay quiet on #NoDAPL movement
Columnist Weathersbee Moves to Memphis
The Commercial Appeal in Memphis has hired Tonyaa Weathersbee, for many years a local columnist at the Florida Times Union in Jacksonville, the newspaper announced Friday.

Weathersbee, who is to write about local issues, will be the first columnist of color in the news section since Wendi C. Thomas resigned abruptly in 2014 after 10 years in that role.
Memphis, the core of the Commercial Appeal’s circulation area, was 63.3 percent black or African American in the 2010 U.S. census. African Americans Jerome Wright, editorial page editor, and Otis Sanford, former editorial page editor, write in the opinion section.
Mark Russell, the Commercial Appeal’s managing editor, told Journal-isms by telephone that he had followed Weathersbee’s work for years and sought her out while at the Orlando Sentinel, where he worked from 2004 to 2013, the last three years as editor.
Russell said he renewed his quest when Weathersbee completed a master’s degree in mass communications in April. Her local column will appear three times a week in print and another two times online, he said.
“It was an offer I couldn’t refuse,” Weathersbee said on Facebook. “Not only will I get the chance to shape community conversations in another major city, but I will get to produce multimedia products to complement my column voice.”
Activist Editor Led Protest of First ‘Birth of a Nation’
“In his directorial debut dramatizing the Nat Turner slave rebellion of 1831, Nate Parker has grabbed for his own film the title of D.W. Griffith’s three-hour epic ‘The Birth of a Nation’ from a century ago,” Dick Lehr wrote Thursday in the Boston Globe. “It’s Parker’s way to call out the legendary Griffith’s smash hit, a racist-driven re-telling of the Civil War and Reconstruction .. .”

Lehr is a journalism professor at Boston University whose “The Birth of a Nation: How a Legendary Filmmaker and Crusading Editor Reignited America’s Civil War” is the basis for an upcoming PBS documentary.
Lehr reminded readers that the protest of the original “Birth of a Nation” was led by William Monroe Trotter, “a prominent civil rights leader and radical newspaper editor who, in the early 1900s, was as well known as other, more widely recognized leaders from that time, Booker T. Washington, W.E.B. Du Bois, and Ida B. Wells.
“Trotter, who grew up in Hyde Park, was Harvard’s first black member of Phi Beta Kappa, class of 1895. He founded his newspaper, The Guardian, to challenge Booker T. Washington’s control of the national civil rights conversation and to promote his view that a more in-your-face, direct-action approach should replace Washington’s failed policy of accommodation. . . .”
Lehr also wrote, “By June [1915], Trotter and NAACP leaders had staged some 18 mass rallies, involving between 500 and 2,500 protesters at each, or many thousands of agitators in total, often getting front-page coverage in the city’s seven daily newspapers. It was the kind of outpouring of black power that no one, not Trotter, Du Bois or the NAACP leaders had ever witnessed before — certainly more evocative of the 1960s than the year 1915 in terms of the country’s collective memory.
“In the end, the protest actions, legal and otherwise, failed to run Griffith’s movie out of town. . . .”
- Leslie M. Alexander, the Nation: ‘The Birth of a Nation’ Is an Epic Fail
- Jenice Armstrong, Philadelphia Daily News: Nate Parker wants to talk about ‘The Birth of a Nation’ — not his past (Sept. 16)
- Kim Masters, Hollywood Reporter: Nate Parker’s Failed Media Tour: Anger, No Remorse and Oprah’s Advice Ignored
- Soraya Nadia McDonald, the Undefeated: Difficult ‘Birth’: How the troubling gender politics of Nate Parker’s ‘The Birth of a Nation’ were sidelined by two years of #OscarsSoWhite (Sept. 30)
- Leonard Pitts Jr., Miami Herald: Is Nate Parker’s apology enough? (Aug. 30)

Baltimore Library Adding ‘Wickham Collection’
DeWayne Wickham, longtime USA Today columnist and dean of the School of Global Journalism & Communication at Morgan State University, commemorated his donation of 30 years of columns, interviews and other materials to the Enoch Pratt Free Library in Baltimore on Thursday, joined at the library by about 120 colleagues and supporters.
Vivian Fisher, manager of the African American department at the library, told Journal-isms by telephone Friday that the idea for a collection of Wickham’s work came to her about four years ago from Carla D. Hayden, then chief executive of the Pratt library and now the librarian of Congress.
The Pratt library houses the work of H.L. Mencken, the “sage of Baltimore” and a Baltimore Sun columnist, and Fisher said that Wickham’s work would be a fitting complement.
“We consider ourselves the people’s university” she said. “People who have an impact on public [life], it is important that they keep their work so younger generations can see what was going on and how it impacted their lives.”
Wickham is another Baltimore native son. Fisher said his work will be available to the public after the library creates a searchable database for it. That might take a year or two, she said.
In 2012, Philadelphia journalists Acel Moore, who died this year, and Sandra Long Weaver, co-founders of the National Association of Black Journalists, announced they were donating their papers to the Charles L. Blockson Afro-American Collection at Temple University.
In 2011, as part of the University of Georgia’s 50th anniversary of the school’s desegregation, Charlayne Hunter-Gault donated her papers to the university’s Richard B. Russell Library for Political Research and Studies.
Duke University holds the papers of editor and columnist Chuck Stone. Covering the years 1931-2007, they document Stone’s journalism career and writings, his political career and relationship with Adam Clayton Powell Jr., and his role as an educator, the university says.
The University of Southern California acquired the papers of revered Los Angeles Times reporter Ruben Salazar in 2011.
- Les Payne remarks (Comments section)
Short Takes
- The Chicago Tribune spent several months retracing the movements of a .40-caliber Glock handgun, “visiting each shooting scene, talking to residents who two years later still remember the gunfire that interrupted their lives, speaking to the only victim willing to talk,” Annie Sweeney reported Friday for the Tribune. Over a year, “that Glock would fire 42 bullets, leaving shell casings scattered on walkways, porches and side streets. In the hands of a street gang, the gun was used in at least five separate shootings that left two dead and five others wounded, police say. . . .”
- “Editorial workers at are looking to unionize,” Becky Peterson reported Thursday for folio:. “A majority of the 80-person staff has signed cards stating their intent to join the Writers Guild of America, East. This move would affect only digital editorial employees at Fusion, a Univision digital media site which brands itself as an inclusive and diverse workplace. Other staffs within the Fusion Media Group, a network of digital brands which includes The Onion and, are not involved. . . .”
- “State agents raided the Dallas headquarters of adult classified ad portal Backpage and arrested Chief Executive Officer Carl Ferrer on Thursday following allegations that adult and child sex-trafficking victims had been forced into prostitution through escort ads posted on the site,” Don Thompson reported Friday for the Associated Press. “. . . The site’s controlling shareholders, Michael Lacey, 68, and James Larkin, 67, have been charged with conspiracy to commit pimping. . . . Lacey and Larkin are former owners of the Village Voice and the Phoenix New Times.” Jason Heid added Friday for D magazine, “You may remember that Backpage was split off from Village Voice Media (owners of the Dallas Observer, among other alt-weeklies) in 2012. At that time Backpage accounted for one-seventh of Village Voice’s total revenue, but bad publicity for their association with thinly veiled prostitution services made the situation untenable.”
- Glenda Swain “noticed there weren’t many career development resources that considered the obstacles black people face. So she created one,” Taryn Finley reported Friday for Huffington Post Black Voices. “. . . In May she launched a digital edition of Pivot, an Atlanta-based corporate lifestyle and career development magazine for affluent black professionals. The publication aims to provide readers with ‘the information, motivation and inspiration they need to move their careers to the next level,’ she said. The print issue of the quarterly magazine premiered Oct. 1. . . .”
- “According to a memo obtained by the Washington Free Beacon, Steve Harvey provided a list of questions to Hillary Clinton that he would be asking for his February interview in advance of the Flint water crisis special,” reported on Thursday. Brian Lowry of Variety emailed to CNN’s “Reliable Sources,” “The truth is, as icky as the practice might appear, that sort of advance prep is hardly scandalous behavior in the world of entertainment talk, where Clinton would be treated like any other celebrity…”
- For NiemanLab Thursday, Ken Doctor asked Dean Baquet, executive editor of the New York Times, “If you summed up three things that you are, what might they be? Baquet replied, “This won’t be in order. I’m a journalist. Journalism changed my life. I grew up poor in New Orleans, in a place with no books. . . . Journalism has transformed my life and I’m now a 60-year-old guy who has been all over the world, who has pushed back at very powerful people, and now sits in arguably what’s the most significant newsroom in the world. I’m a journalist. I’m an African American. I think deeply about the world I grew up in. It influences my almost zealous belief in mission. What am I third? I guess as a person, I’m a father and a husband. . . .”
- “The FCC has imposed a penalty of $10,000 against Jose Gerez for operating a pirate radio station at 95.1 in Queens, New York, Radio Ink reported Thursday. “The Commission had already warned Gerez about his illegal operation. . . .”
Brenda Wood In Atlanta, “Veteran news anchor Brenda Wood has announced her upcoming retirement from WXIA 11Alive in February 2017 after 20 years with the station and 40 years in television news. She will anchor her final newscast on Tuesday, February 7, 2017,” WXIA-TV reported on Thursday.
- “After Code Switch lost both of its editorial leads in the same month, NPR VP for diversity Keith Woods has stepped in as interim chief of the network’s unit dedicated to covering issues related to race and identity,” Adam Ragusea reported Wednesday for
- The University of Arkansas Lemke Journalism department “has developed a new program that will spotlight different individuals and residents of Fayetteville who are considered experts on the subject of diversity,” Lauren Randall reported for the Arkansas Traveler Tuesday. “The Minority Report will be a variety television show produced, edited and filmed by journalism students. The show focuses on topics of diversity such as race, gender, ethnicity and sexual orientation. . . .”
- At a gathering of journalism students, faculty and fans at Columbia Journalism School’s first Delacorte Lecture of the 2016-17 season, Nikole Hannah-Jones, who writes often about race for the New York Times Magazine, was asked “if, based on her research, reporting, and personal experience, she was hopeful about the future of equality in race relations,” Pete Vernon reported Thursday for Columbia Journalism Review. “I’m not an optimistic person; anybody who reads my work knows that,” she said. “I don’t have a lot of optimism about race. I think if you study history, you don’t have a lot of reason to have optimism, but what I do know is we cannot continue to go as we are.”
- Reporters Without Borders said Thursday that it “calls on the Ugandan authorities to stop preventing journalists from covering opposition activities and stop harassing parliamentary correspondents in various ways including accusations of working for the opposition. . . .”
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- Journal-isms’ Richard Prince Wants Your Ideas (FishbowlDC, Feb. 26, 2016)
- Richard Prince with Charlayne Hunter-Gault,“PBS NewsHour,” “What stagnant diversity means for America’s newsrooms” (Dec. 15, 2015)
- Book Notes: Journalists Follow Their Passions
- Book Notes: Journalists Who Rocked Their World
- Book Notes: Hands Up! Read This!
- Book Notes: New Cosby Bio Looks Like a Best-Seller
- Journo-diversity advocate turns attention to Ezra Klein project (Erik Wemple, Washington Post, March 5, 2014)
- Book Notes: “Love, Peace and Soul!” And More
- Book Notes: Book Notes: Soothing the Senses, Shocking the Conscience
- Diversity’s Greatest Hits, 2015
- Diversity’s Greatest Hits, 2014
- Diversity’s Greatest Hits, 2013
- Diversity’s Greatest Hits, 2012
- Diversity’s Greatest Hits, 2011
- Diversity’s Greatest Hits, 2010
- Diversity’s Greatest Hits, 2009
- Diversity’s Greatest Hits, 2008
- Book Notes: Books to Ring In the New Year
- Book Notes: In-Your-Face Holiday Reads
- Fishbowl Interview With the Fresh Prince of D.C. (Oct. 26, 2012)
- NABJ to Honor Columnist Richard Prince With Ida B. Wells Award (Oct. 11, 2012)
- So What Do You Do, Richard Prince, Columnist for the Maynard Institute? (Richard Horgan, FishbowlLA, Aug. 22, 2012)
- Book Notes: Who Am I? What’s Race Got to Do With It?: Journalists Explore Identity
- Book Notes: Catching Up With Books for the Fall
- Richard Prince Helps Journalists Set High Bar (Jackie Jones,, 2011)
- Book Notes: 10 Ways to Turn Pages This Summer
- Book Notes: 7 for Serious Spring Reading
- Book Notes: 7 Candidates for the Journalist’s Library
- Book Notes: 9 That Add Heft to the Bookshelf
- Five Minutes With Richard Prince (Newspaper Association of America,2005)
- ‘Journal-isms’ That Engage and Inform Diverse Audiences (Q&A with Mallary Jean Tenore, Poynter Institute, 2008)
Comments from The Root:
Grace Connell · Administrative Assistant at Tender Loving Care
Ben Carson please go to Haiti and help them please stay there too smh
Anup Sinha ·
I used to revere Dr. Carson more than any other living American and was partly inspired by him to go to medical school. I was thrilled when he first announced his intentions to run for president. His comments and actions since only prove to me how dangerous fame and politics are, how they can make you sell out. This is not the kind of stuff he ever would have agreed to 20 years ago and I can’t help but be demoralized that even a man as noble as Ben Carson could take such a turn.
Steve James · New York, New York
Yep, they conspired to make him say it 15 years ago. Impressive.
Deena Jenkins · Millikan High School
Here we go again. Remember that house slave in DJango, just a cleaned up version don’t ya think?
Alvi Houston · Works at Air National Guard
He sold his soul proper for a low price
More From the Root
Tony Masando
What bout your attack of a friend wt a knife, another theory, Mr Trump Professor.
Molly Darko
Ben Carson is a weirdo for a check.
Jennifer H. Cummings · San Francisco State University
It’s not a lewd tape. It’s demonstrating what sexual assault is. Misogyny is – just as racism is- systemic in our society. That means that we don’t recognize it when it occurs.
Brian Omega · London, United Kingdom
Personally, I will vote for the leader of KKK than vote for Ben Carson in any capacity in which he is running for office. I contemplated on that when he was calling President Obama all sorts of name. My dad use to say, the most dangerous kind of brothers and sisters are the ones that will start cursing you out before the step into the house. I confirmed my opinion when Ben Carson stood on that Republican primaries debate stage and watch Ted Cruz treat him like “dirt” to a point Ted made his campaign like it is not in existance. No person should ever let another treat them like gabbage, be it in presidential race or boxing cage. To me, it shows Ben Carson with all his education and achievement which I admire, have some low self esteem that he needs to heal before taking up any public office. Ben Carson is too much of a YES SIR kind of man. I understand we all need to do some “YES SIR/MADAM” in the world, but when it is so glaring, it calls for review.
Jannis Robertson · Withrow
Ben Carson is SLOW!!! One can be a Genius in one area; and LD in Life skills!!
Lauren Clarke-Mason
Ahahahahahahahahahahahaha… (sputter, cough, gasp) aHAHAahahahaha! C’mon Ben, you have no soul left, go sit down and rest. ???
Brian McFarland · Owner/CEO at SweetnCheezy
Ben Carson is a coon, first in line to.pick cotton
Audrey Griffin · Alabama State University
The Don had to call on the very person who his supporters want to make America great against….lol
Gabrielle Glenn · University of Michigan
Ben Carson needs to stop talking. Now.
Cynthia Desmond · University of Bridgeport
Close your mouth and open your eyes.
David Mesa · Montgomery College
“A progressive conspiracy”. I buy that.
But I always thought that conspiracies sought to spread falsehood, not substantiate the truth about something or someone.
Trump is a draft- dodging, tax evading, lousy businessman, with no political intelligence, no moral bearing, and a catalog of personality disorders.
Any evidence that surfaces to document all that is NOT a conspiracy. It’s just reality catching up to the Orange-gutan.
Sharon McIntosh · Howard University
This man had a good legacy and had to mess it up by going into politics.
Randall Wallace · Sales at Dunder Mifflin
Hal C. Taylor
It will be “Can’t Miss” TV tonight for the second presidential debate. Donald Trump is bound to pull out and throw all that dirt he has on Bill Clinton’s infidelities and Hillary’s (the “champion” of women’s rights and dignity she claims to be) complicity, enablement, and covering up in those infidelities over the last two-plus decades.
Tonight I destined to be the lowest point yet in U.S. national presidential politics. Both Hillary and Donald are so despicable and hated, they would do the country a great service by both stepping down and letting their VP candidates run for President in their place!
Erica Geiger
Shut Up, Ben……
Shiheem White Trump was right! He said he could go in the middle of the street. Shoot somebody and wouldn’t lose any supporter’s. Basically saying he’s untouchable and his followers are idiots.
Christina Sorensen
Christina Sorensen Yes Ben Carson didn’t find it terrible that just this past week Trump was still insisting that the central park five poor exonerated not only by DNA by the confession of the man who actually did it we’re still guilty
Nichole Mccarthy- Moore
In a statement appearing Saturday in the Capitol Hill newspaper The Hill, Carson said he deplores “any form of disrespect toward women,” but wrote, “I feel fairly certain that the progressives have had knowledge of this conversation for a long time and dropped it at this
Olusola Iyabode Segilola I used to have a great deal of respect for this man. I read all his books and even gave one to a friend as a birthday gift. I remember when Essence awarded him for his accomplishments. He received a standing ovation, and Rev. Jesse Jackson gave him a hug. It was a beautiful sight seeing my people so happy and honoring one of our own. So, what made him foray into politics?
If he did it to coon for Trump, then he had single-handedly destroyed his stunning medical legacy. I’m hurt and utterly disappointed.
Michael Stevenson
So trump words are a progressive conspiracy, Dr. Carson you are ruining your legacy please let it go. Trump has ruined himself with his constant ignorance and lack of respect for women, African American and minority groups in America. Donald is his own distraction. This is no ones fault but his own
Nikkia Davis
So Progressives knew all the way back in 2005 Trump would run for President one day and decided to tape him so they can trip him up all these years later? Man, if you don’t stop with that nonsense…
Ronnie Cross
Dr. Ben Carson you have already messed up by getting on the Trump ship but don’t make the mistake of going down with that ship… Because Trump is going down
Memezie Kiadii
Oh this insignificant Uncle Tom!
Sit down. Really?
The progressive force those words in his mouth?…See More
Maria M Lopez
Now that the press is not giving Trump a pass, like they did for 14 months, they have a lot of catching up to do. The press and the right conspirators have had 30 years of fun with Hillary and fortunately for Hillary, it is Trump’s turn.
James Foreman
Carson is behaving like republicans blaming everyone else for your mistakes except it is dump that Carson is passing the blame for and sadly Carson is going to be remembered for his political ignorance as opposed to his brilliance as a doctor
Katara Johnson
Ben is a fool. That money Drumpf is paying him must be pretty nice for him to speak so ignorantly . Just saying .
Olusola Iyabode Segilola
I used to have a great deal of respect for this man. I read all his books and even gave one to a friend as a birthday gift. I remember when Essence awarded him for his accomplishments. He received a standing ovation, and Rev. Jesse Jackson gave him a h…See More
Kev Pat
Ok…. so I’m passing around the THANK YOU card for d’trump……
for single handily DISMANTLING the GOP and diminishing white male supremacy in a single bound.
Please keep your salutations short………there are many of you that want to contribute and I only made ONE card………..
Brian Omega
I love American politics. It reflects RACE, RACISM and IGNORANCE mostly among us Blacks. You can see a reflection of it among Blacks all over the world as it relates to RELIGION.
denouncing Donald Trump including his VP , Pence, Black religious Republicans are still standing behind Trump calling it “Progressive conspiracy”. I wonder why that didn’t happen when Herman Cain was contesting for presidency. Remember Herman Cain the Pizza executive? Herman Cain didnt do one tenth of what Trump has done. No mention of progressive conspirary then among Christain Black republicans.
I am not even worried about Omorosa, her middle name should be “where the money at”. Oops, she was a Democrat before. Dr. Ben Carson have totally lost it. With all his education, achievements, etc. the political system have made him a “toy for a ploy”. As for Don King, we all know he can barely recall what he said five minutes ago on TV. It is ok if he rides with Trump. Actually, Don King is the Black version of Trump…same personality. For those of you that are Christains, didnt the bible say, what will it profit a man to……………….(fill in the blanks). Mark 8: 36. I was wondering if Omorosa and Ben Carson the christains are doing what their bible says….lol. Ok, I need some SOUL food right about now.
This shows the relationship between RACE, RELIGION and POLITICS in American political system especially among us Blacks. I am not trying to put our race down so please dont cruci
Hal C. Taylor
It will be “Can’t Miss” TV tonight for the second presidential debate. Donald Trump is bound to pull out and throw all that dirt he has on Bill Clinton’s infidelities and Hillary’s (the “champion” of women’s rights and dignity she claims to be) complicity, enablement, and covering up in those infidelities over the last two-plus decades.
Tonight I destined to be the lowest point yet in U.S. national presidential politics. Both Hillary and Donald are so despicable and hated, they would do the country a great service by both stepping down and letting their VP candidates run for President in their place!
Jennifer H. Cummings
It’s not a lewd tape. It’s demonstrating what sexual assault is. Misogyny is – just as racism is- systemic in our society. That means that we don’t recognize it when it occurs.
Like · Reply · 1 hr
Stephanie Glass
So the theory is the Democrats/Progressives made him say those things. Lol really. No seriously really. Ben Carson has sniffed to much anesthesia.
David Mesa
“A progressive conspiracy”. I buy that.
But I always thought that conspiracies sought to spread falsehood, not substantiate the truth about something or someone.
Trump is a draft- dodging, tax evading, lousy businessman, with no political intelligence, no moral bearing, and a catalog of personality disorders.
Any evidence that surfaces to document all that is NOT a conspiracy. It’s just reality catching up to the Orange-gutan.
Leah O’Neill Backus
The thing is, I don’t think he’s completely off-base. I wouldn’t call it a conspiracy, though. I’d call it politics as usual with a healthy dose of media self-interest. I read an article months ago saying that the mainstream media would eventually turn on Trump and when it did, it would be over. Well, it has and it is. I’m voting for HRC, don’t get me wrong. But I would have liked to hear her answer for some of the things she said in those leaked speeches. I doubt that will happen now.
Christine Harris
How could Carson be so brilliant (famous physician) and so very stupid at the same time? #Pathetic
Doctor, heal thyself
Fda Ang
Ben’s not really present. Gone…out there…somewheres…just not here.
Dorothy Timmons
At least when Trump loses we will never hear from this sorry excuse for a Black man !
Roxanne Oraguzie
Regardless if the Dems released it, Trump said it
Deena Jenkins
Here we go again. Remember that house slave in DJango, just a cleaned up version don’t ya think?
Byron Brown
I worked for Dr. Benjamin Carson at Hopkins as a scrub tech years ago I was very impressed with him a very smart intelligent a people person I mean he was a very kool person but now he seems to be a shadow of the man that I had know . Goofy even Wow ! How people change or not. Smh ?
Freddy Bab-Alone
I dont see why The Root cares about everything these stupid black republicans say.
Grace Connell
Grace Connell Ben Carson please go to Haiti and help them please stay there too smh
Leslie Amane
I mean, honestly. He’s dark white not Black.
Hasan Al Banna
I vote due to the color of my skin….says the idiot.
Cynthia Ridge
Ben Carson is another dummy
Ursula Powers
Lol! Like all the right wing smears about Bill Clinton? These republicans crack me up.
Sharon McIntosh
This man had a good legacy and had to mess it up by going into politics.
Sucram Reltub
Thought they already returned this fella to the cream of wheat box.
Jaimz Israel Meriweather
Ben Carson like a lot of people are still Coonin & Painfully Deceived!!!
Regina Robbins
Sorry Ben, it wasn’t the Dems that released the footage. GTFOH.
Tony Masando
What bout your attack of a friend wt a knife, another theory, Mr Trump Professor.
Jannis Robertson
Ben Carson is SLOW!!! One can be a Genius in one area; and LD in Life skills!!
Karessa Chase
Uncle Ben needs to stick to his Doctor Duties and leave politics alone!
Meredith Dowdall
So, you’re saying he never said those things or someone made him? I’m confused by your logic.
Steve James
Yep, they conspired to make him say it 15 years ago. Impressive.
Rhonda Waller
I don’t care how gifted a surgeon he is, he’s also an idiot.
Audrey Griffin
The Don had to call on the very person who his supporters want to make America great against….lol
Jeffrey Tate
Yep, the Post got the leak from little green men. In. A. Flying. Saucer. I’m told that Elvis was personally involved.
Abram Dennis
Trump and Hillary are horrible people.. Only an idiot would support either of them.
Patricia Franklin
What is wrong with this man???
Carina-Dalia Bath Y’lsrael
Ben is a coon simple as that
Florence Rivera-Negron
Conspiracy? Hey dr Ben, it came out of his disgusting mouth.
Jahson Fubler
A true modern day coon you see how fast he jumped on trumps d**k when he realised he had to drop out the race
EuGene C Banks
Uncle Ben. And I don’t mean that in no nice way
Yvette Wright-Francis Cuffie
Here goes “Mr. Intellectual!” SMH!!!
Vicky Crump Eppenger
He is just an idiot!
SK Thomas
Dude. Go back to sleep.
Heather Alicia
Heather Alicia I’m still not convinced Ben Carson is a real person.
Marty Moore
Marty Moore Everything is a conspiracy to republicans
Valerie Mahabier-Solomon
Valerie Mahabier-Solomon Get over yourself Ben!! Don’t follow the massa to your doom!!
Kimberly Phillips
Book Smart v. Street Smart is all I can say.
Dee Drah Miilitat
Sthu u handkerchief head neegro
Carl Bell Ben is off his medicine again
Like · Reply · 2 · 6 hrs
Marjorie Maduro
Ben is blind or stupid!
Steven Jones
Steven Jones Shut Up Uncle BEN
Ken James Carson, didn’t you forget your luggage?! Ha! GTHOH!
Alvi Houston
Alvi Houston He sold his soul proper for a low price
Melissa Darush Mulroy
Not a proud black man.. he’s a sell out.
Eva Cole
Maybe Carson need to perform surgery on his own brain!
Anup Sinha
Anup Sinha I used to revere Dr. Carson more than any other living American and was partly inspired by him to go to medical school. I was thrilled when he first announced his intentions to run for president. His comments and actions since only prove to me how da…See More
Brian Omega
Brian Omega Personally, I will vote for the leader of KKK than vote for Ben Carson in any capacity in which he is running for office. I contemplated on that when he was calling President Obama all sorts of name. My dad use to say, the most dangerous kind of brothe…See More
Yvette Wright-Francis Cuffie
Angelia Elizabeth
Ohhhh Ben!!! It’s on tape! Turn your hearing aid on!!
Philip G. Smith Jr
Ben Carson hasn’t been Black since Medical School News!
Stephanie Ann
My suitcase.
Alexis J Williams
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