BET says viewers were more interested in Obama; Essence permits staffers to carry signs at march; Trump favors net neutrality foe to head FCC (1/20/17)...
Fox host calls it ‘repudiation of race-baiters’; William Hilliard dies at 89; always a ‘first’; Obama tells news media, ‘America needs you’; 61 media groups...
‘Too many story lines to keep track of’; prediction for media life under Trump: hellish; Trump’s M.O. looks familiar to Russian eyes; Trump revealing in...
N.Y. Press Club protests Trump's behavior; In Poll, 51 percent have unfavorable view of Trump; Coretta King urged Congress to block Sessions in '86; "a...
More than 1,000 donate after Golden Globe speech; worried Univision leaders meet with Trump; U.S. Muslims already in databases, reporters find; black press promised first...
Writers raise role of Facebook, equality of justice; far right invents racist theory on airport shooting; Herbert, Mira Lowe to work at U. of Florida;...
Surrogates hear opposition to Sessions, Bannon; who will change, Megyn Kelly or NBC?; “Yeah, I’m lit. Who cares?” Don Lemon says; drones help find climate...
'60 Minutes' documents 80 percent drop in stops; reporter: many ignore Obama’s hostility to press; Facebook pays outsiders for data about its users; Native journalist...
A year in the quest for news media that look like America: Presidential election; police killings of civilians; deaths; the numbers; gender, racial pay gaps;...
A&E learns KKK members were compensated; O'Reilly casts himself as spokesman for whites; Sinclair group, while denying deal, favored Trump; K.C. Star rebuilding editorial page...
Pressure forces new name for series on Klan; O'Reilly casts himself as spokesman for whites; Sinclair group, while denying deal, favored Trump; K.C. Star rebuilding...