ESPN Featuring Producers From Ice Cube to Morgan Freeman ESPN is assembling an array of filmmakers – including John Singleton, Morgan Freeman, Ice Cube, Spike...
Winner’s Supporter Wanted Opponent Disqualified Kathy Times, the newly elected president of the National Association of Black Journalists, might have secured the job without opposition...
Sportscaster, Son’s Friends Say They’ll Comb¬†Ocean "After scouring about 24,000 square miles of ocean, the Coast Guard at sundown Tuesday stopped looking for Oakland Raiders...
”60 Minutes" Icon Had Fun With Show’s Late Creator Don Hewitt, the creator of CBS-TV’s legendary "60 Minutes" newsmagazine who died Wednesday at age 86...
AAJA Plans Fundraisers to Forestall $237,000 Deficit The Asian American Journalists Association is preparing to hold fundraising events around the country to eliminate a projected...
¬† Readers Angered by Cartoons on Obama, Health Care "Here’s what angered many Express-News readers last week," Bob Richter, public editor at the San Antonio...
[video:] In her trip to the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton snapped at a student, visited victims of violent gang...
Registration Hits Nearly 2,000 for Annual Convention Attendees at the National Association of Black Journalists convention heard appeals Saturday to make their marks by covering...
Kathy Times hugs a potential voter at the Tampa, Fla., convention center as she successfully campaigns for the presidency of the National Association of Black...