Articles Feature

Dems to Spend ‘7 Figures’ on Ethnic Media

In Ad, Michelle Obama Says Barack’s Legacy at Stake

Voting Rights Moving One Step Forward, Two Back?

New York Devotes Issue to Obama Presidency

‘Because of You, a White Man Can’t Afford to Feed His Family’

Red Cross Faulted After Louisiana Flooding

AP: Police Misuse Databases to Snoop on Journalists

Investigative Group Urges Bilingual Partnering

An Irony After Emmys: #TelevisionCriticsSoWhite

Armstrong Williams Admits to Lewd Comments

Short Takes

Hillary Clinton hugs Zianna Oliphant after inviting her to the stage as Clinton finishes speaking at Little Rock AME Zion church in Charlotte, N.C., on Sunday. The fourth grader spoke recently at a Charlotte City Council meeting about racial injustice after the fatal police shooting of Keith Lamont Scott. (Credit: Diedra Laird/Charlotte Observer)
Hillary Clinton hugs Zianna Oliphant after inviting her to the stage as Clinton finishes speaking at Little Rock AME Zion church in Charlotte, N.C., on Sunday. The fourth-grader spoke recently at a Charlotte City Council meeting about racial injustice after the fatal police shooting of Keith Lamont Scott. (Credit: Diedra Laird/Charlotte Observer)

In Ad, Michelle Obama Says Barack’s Legacy at Stake

The Democratic National Committee plans a “seven-figure” advertising blitz “to engage and energize communities of color across the country in the final stretch of the campaign,” the DNC announced on Monday, easing perennial concerns particularly among black media that they would not receive advertising dollars reflective of their loyalty to the Democratic ticket.

Benjamin F. Chavis Jr., executive director of the National Newspaper Publishers Association, told Journal-isms by telephone that about $400,000 worth of half-page ads would begin running in about 200 members of the black print press this week, including their online components. He said Donna Brazile, interim chair of the DNC, was instrumental in having the committee place the ads.

James L. Winston, president of the National Association of Black Owned Broadcasters, told NABOB members on Friday that “Burrell Communications Group, the African American advertising agency of the Hillary Clinton Campaign, is placing a special order for the Democratic National Committee on 40 NABOB radio stations during the month of October.”

“The DNC will also run ads on radio, print and digital outlets popular with Hispanic and Asian-American and Pacific Islander communities, with additional communities to be announced in the days ahead,” the DNC announcement said.

Telly Lovelace, national director for African American Initiatives & Urban Media for the Republican National Committee, gave Journal-isms this statement:

“Under Chairman [Reince] Priebus, the Republican National Committee continues its commitment to supporting minority owned newspapers.

“So far in the 2016 cycle, the RNC has secured advertising in several minority publications.  We will continue to support minority-owned media throughout the remainder of this cycle and beyond.”

Meleiza Figueroa, press director for the Green Party, said by telephone that except for social media, “We haven’t been doing ad buys; we’ve been pushing for interviews and coverage.” Carla Howell, political director of the Libertarian Party, said her group would target “very limited advertising just to Libertarian audiences.”

The DNC announcement said, “The first radio ad going on air today, titled ‘Protecting the Progress,’ (audio) features First Lady Michelle Obama and will run on nationally syndicated African-American radio programs. The ad will lay out what’s at stake for voters in this election and encourage them to visit to register to vote. . . . .” The ad emphasizes that only by electing Democrats can President Obama’s legacy be protected.

“The DNC contracted Burrell Communications Group, an African-American owned communications firm, to produce ‘Protecting the Progress’ and purchase the advertisements. ‘Protecting the Progress’ will air on nationally syndicated urban radio programs, including ‘The Steve Harvey Show,’ ‘The Tom Joyner Morning Show,’ ‘Keep Hope Alive with Rev. Jesse Jackson,’ ‘Keepin it Real with Rev. Al Sharpton,’ and ‘The DL Hughley Show.’

“In addition, the DNC contracted with MAP Wins, a Hispanic owned and operated media firm, to produce and purchase our advertisements on Hispanic radio and digital outlets. The first of these ads will begin airing this week on key Spanish language networks across the country including Univision, the Hispanic Radio Network, GLR Networks, and Latinos Unidos Online.”

Credit: Reveal/Center for Investigative Reporting
Credit: Reveal/Center for Investigative Reporting

Voting Rights Moving One Step Forward, Two Back?

This presidential election is the first since the Supreme Court struck down voter rights protections that had been in place since the Civil Rights Era,” (podcast) the San Francisco Bay-area Center for Investigative Reporting noted on Monday.

“Since that 2013 decision, states across the country have rushed to pass new laws that make it harder to vote.” Reveal, the center’s newsletter and podcast, “examines whether these laws are fighting fraud or simply keeping people of color from voting.

“First, we meet Alberta Currie, an 82-year-old African American woman. Born at home in North Carolina, she never had a birth certificate but nonetheless never had trouble voting — that is, until a new state law kicked in for this year’s presidential primary.

“Next, we head to the Lone Star State, where Texas passed the strictest voter ID law in the country. The governor there says the law is urgently needed to address rampant voter fraud. Reveal’s Laura Starecheski looks into that claim and finds a 100-year legacy of laws that has kept black and Latino voters away from the polls.

“With the help of the Houston Chronicle, Starecheski also tells the story of Pasadena, Texas, a suburb where the Hispanic majority remains on the political sidelines. Thanks to the Supreme Court’s decision, the city’s white mayor has been able to redraw its City Council districts in the white minority’s favor.

“And finally, we meet up with Ari Berman of The Nation, who visits a state where the government is actually tearing down barriers to voting: Oregon. Berman investigates a new way of registering voters there that makes it practically automatic.”

New York’s October 3–16, issue. Photograph by Dan Winters.
New York’s Oct. 3-16, issue. Photograph by Dan Winters.

New York Devotes Issue to Obama Presidency

Taking up nearly 70 pages in print and a multimedia timeline online, New York looks at the eight years of Barack Obama’s presidency in a special issue,Aude White wrote for the magazine on Sunday.

“ ‘As Jonathan Chait writes, President Obama has led this nation through a period of convulsive social transformation,’ says New York editor-in-chief Adam Moss. ‘This project attempts to document that change, with the help of many protagonists of all kinds — including the president himself, who sat down with Chait in August.

“Though it was meant as a kind of kaleidoscope, the issue actually has a pretty clear story line, with two forces battling one another for America’s future since Obama’s first day in office, and with a conclusion of sorts only five weeks away.’ . . .”

‘Because of You, a White Man Can’t Afford to Feed His Family’

Angel Franco says his most memorable day in 30 years as a New York Times staff photographer was his first: “A colleague that worked in the darkroom said to me because of you a white man can’t afford to feed his family,” Franco told Journal-isms Monday by email. “But there have been many positive moments in my career at the Times. . . .”

Marlene Bagley
Marlene Bagley

Franco and Marlene Bagley, a copy editor, are among the latest Times journalists to take buyouts.

“I’ve been at The Times since 1995, working as a copy editor on the National Desk (later, Foreign-National) for most of that time,” Bagley said by email. “I was also lucky enough to work for The Times in the first year of its Journalism Institute at Dillard.”

The New York Times Student Journalism Institute was created in 2003 for journalism students at historically black colleges and universities and was held at Dillard University in New Orleans.

In 2007, the program expanded to Miami in conjunction with the National Association of Hispanic Journalists. Next year it is to be held at the CUNY Graduate School of Journalism in Manhattan for students who are members of NAHJ and the National Association of Black Journalists.

“Before The Times,” Bagley continued, “I worked at The Maynard Institute, San Francisco Examiner, Washington Post, Trenton Times, among others. I don’t know what’s next for me, other than a brief vacation.”

Franco, whose last day is Dec. 30, told Journal-isms, “The future is bright as I have lots to do and discover. My plans are to make images without deadlines or editors. I plan to do workshops and I’m currently teaching at the CUNY Journalism program. Great place and fantastic students.”

Angel Franco
Angel Franco

Franco, too, listed working with the Student Journalism Institute as one of his positive moments at the Times.

Answering other questions, he listed other such positives:

“Covering communities that other publications didn’t care about.

“The freedom to work on my ideas and the most gifted reporters, writer[s] and editors.”

He also said:

“I will miss the Times and my staff of caring and loving people.

“I will continue working on photo projects for the Times.

“But most of the time will be working on my images and hugging my wife.

“It’s been a great run and one to be proud of.

“One more memory[.] I was on assignment in Puerto Rico and I told my photographer friends and journalist[s] that I was retiring and they were shocked and asked who was going to be our voice at the Times.”

So what did Franco say after that first-day greeting about taking a job from a white  man?

“That’s it. The rest is private,” he replied.

Red Cross Faulted After Louisiana Flooding

In August, the country’s worst natural disaster since 2012’s Superstorm Sandy hit Louisiana. Flooding killed 13 people and left more than 80,000 homes severely damaged,” Derek Kravitz reported Monday for ProPublica.

“And once again, the American Red Cross’ response left local officials seething.

“ ‘They failed for 12 days,’ the director of a state children’s agency wrote in an email on Aug. 26. He listed a litany of shortcomings: ‘Food. Donations management. Under staffed.’

“Hundreds of Louisiana government documents and emails between officials obtained by ProPublica through freedom of information requests show widespread mismanagement and understaffing at Red Cross-run shelters. Some evacuees went hungry, thirsty and without medical attention as a result. . . .”

AP: Police Misuse Databases to Snoop on Journalists

Police officers across the country misuse confidential law enforcement databases to get information on romantic partners, business associates, neighbors, journalists and others for reasons that have nothing to do with daily police work, an Associated Press investigation has found,” Sadie Gurman and Eric Tucker reported Wednesday for the Associated Press.

“Criminal-history and driver databases give officers critical information about people they encounter on the job. But the AP’s review shows how those systems also can be exploited by officers who, motivated by romantic quarrels, personal conflicts or voyeuristic curiosity, sidestep policies and sometimes the law by snooping. In the most egregious cases, officers have used information to stalk or harass, or have tampered with or sold records they obtained.

“No single agency tracks how often the abuse happens nationwide, and record-keeping inconsistencies make it impossible to know how many violations occur.

“But the AP, through records requests to state agencies and big-city police departments, found law enforcement officers and employees who misused databases were fired, suspended or resigned more than 325 times between 2013 and 2015. They received reprimands, counseling or lesser discipline in more than 250 instances, the review found. . . .”

They also wrote, “Among those punished: an Ohio officer who pleaded guilty to stalking an ex-girlfriend and who looked up information on her; a Michigan officer who looked up home addresses of women he found attractive; and two Miami-Dade officers who ran checks on a journalist after he aired unflattering stories about the department. . . .”

Investigative Group Urges Bilingual Partnering

What does the explosion of digital news, social networks and mobile connectivity mean for native Spanish speakers and bilingual English and Spanish speakers in the United States?Lindsay Green-Barber reported Thursday for the Center for Investigative Reporting. “And how can investigative news organizations such as Reveal from The Center for Investigative Reporting make sure that our stories reach those audiences?

“Over the past 12 months, we have mulled over these questions and have undertaken a series of experiments to reach native Spanish speakers and bilingual audiences in the U.S. We’re sharing what we’ve learned in this report [PDF]. . . .

“We also have some main findings from our bilingual experiment that, while quite obvious, are worth repeating here.

“Reporting should happen in both English and Spanish. . . .

“Existing Spanish-language outlets need a partner to help them figure out long-form audio. . . .

“There is huge opportunity for Spanish-language and bilingual media. . . .

An Irony After Emmys: #TelevisionCriticsSoWhite

This year, the Emmys felt like a victory lap for diversity,Soraya Nadia McDonald wrote Monday for the Undefeated.

” . . . It’s odd then, that in a year that feels like a boon when it comes to nonwhite faces on TV, the corps of people vigorously covering it is still so white.

“In some ways, the Television Critics Association press tour feels like a weird anachronism. For starters, it’s noticeably, abnormally, uncomfortably white. Melanie McFarland, the television critic for Salon who currently serves as treasurer of TCA, estimated that out of the organization’s 220 or so members, “you can generously say like 20 or 30 of them are people of color … in proportion, it’s not a whole lot of us and it never has been.” When I attended this summer, I counted seven black journalists, including myself. . . .”

Armstrong Williams Admits to Lewd Comments

Armstrong Williams, the longtime conservative media entrepreneur and adviser to failed GOP presidential candidate Ben Carson, attracted a round of publicity over the summer for precisely the wrong reasons,” Erik Wemple reported Sunday for the Washington Post.

“He was named in a sexual harassment suit filed in a D.C. federal court by Charlton Woodyard, a former employee of Jos. A. Bank whom Williams had befriended in spring 2013 — and, according to the suit, went on to mentor, manipulate and harass over the next couple of years. The low point of the complaint describes a November 2015 incident at Williams’s house. As the suit tells it, Williams made some unconventional sexual advances toward Woodyard. . . .”

Wemple also wrote, “In a Sept. 12 filing, Williams denied all of these allegations, among others in the complaint. In a Sept. 30 filing, however, Williams reversed course, admitting to the quotes attributed to him in the lawsuit — with a caveat or two, that is. . . .”

Short Takes


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Richard Prince’s Journal-isms originates from Washington. It began in print before most of us knew what the internet was, and it would like to be referred to as a “column.” Any views expressed in the column are those of the person or organization quoted and not those of any other entity.
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