Jill Stein Won’t Ask Her Running Mate to Apologize
Black Journalists Report on White Heroin Addict
Before Tragedy, Wade Joined Violence Discussion
Kaepernick Aided by Change in Climate for Protest
Where’s Coverage of Blockade of Dakota Pipeline?
Talahongva Among Winners of Top NAJA Awards
Mizzou Ramps Up Diversity Recruiting, Mentoring
Mic Team Assigns Stories Based on Life Experiences
Black-Newspaper Publishers Urge Emerge Revival

Jill Stein Won’t Ask Her Running Mate to Apologize
Ajamu Baraka, the African American vice presidential candidate of the Green Party, has declared President Obama an “Uncle Tom,” and the party’s presidential candidate Dr. Jill Stein told the Washington Post editorial board that she would not ask him to apologize.
Her explanation of why she will not makes her view of African Americans no better than Donald Trump’s, Jonathan Capehart, a black member of the board, wrote Friday.
“Is that an appropriate way to talk about the president of the United States, to call him an Uncle Tom?” Capehart asked Stein during an editorial board meeting with Stein.
Stein replied, “I would never do that.”
She continued, “I can assure people that his vision is essentially my vision, and that he agrees with the details of our policy proposals period. I have worked with him for many years and have never heard him use language like that, and so, it’s news to me that sometimes he does speak in that very blunt and inflammatory language.
“But to look at his actions, and his track record, he is definitely in the tradition of a Martin Luther King. And he can speak to that in better detail than I can, but I am entirely comfortable with him as a person who supports my vision and my agenda. His very blunt and inflammatory language on occasion speaks to a very large demographic that feels like they have been thrown under the bus and they have been locked out. . . .”
Capehart flagged this as among the most offensive parts of the conversation, the transcript and video of which are on the Post website.
” ‘He is unapologetically a member of an oppressed group, and he speaks in the language of his culture.’ This broad brush of ‘his culture’ is no different from Donald Trump’s ‘Right now, you walk down the street you get shot’ pitch to African Americans. This is as offensive as it is unbelievably dumb.”
Capehart concluded, “Stein’s excuse-making for Baraka’s ‘very blunt and inflammatory language’ makes her no better than Trump. As is her unwillingness to not ask Baraka to apologize to the president. That is no way to talk about any African American, especially the president of the United States.
“You know I don’t put up with anyone calling an African American an ‘Uncle Tom.’ I have defended Obama against this charge, and I have defended black conservatives, including Justice Clarence Thomas, as well. Blacks use it against other blacks viewed as insufficiently black. And too many far-left whites excuse it as some ‘dialect’ or ‘language of his culture.’ They are the worst.
“Funny how people who swear they are doing things in the best interests of the oppressed condone things that compound the oppression.”
- Julie Alderman, Media Matters for America: Trump Adopts Right-Wing Media’s Flawed Robert Byrd Canard To Detract From Allegations Of Racism
- Jenice Armstrong, Philadelphia Daily News: Think black people aren’t voting for Trump? Guess again (Aug. 23)
- Bill Barrow and Errin Haines Whack, Associated Press: Few Blacks buying into ‘Give Trump a chance’
- Rebecca Berg, RealClear Politics: Trump, Clinton Ads AWOL on Spanish-Language TV
- CBS News: Pro-Trump pastor regrets cartoon of Clinton in blackface, but “not the message” (Aug. 30)
- Charles M. Blow, New York Times: Donald Trump’s Bigotry
- Eric Boehlert, Media Matters for America: The AP, And Why The Press Has Trouble Admitting Its Clinton Mistakes
- Todd Steven Burroughs, The Root: ‘We Need Real Democracy’: On the Choice of Stein-Baraka This Fall (Aug. 18)
- Mary C. Curtis, Roll Call: African-Americans Hear Trump Loud and Clear
- Jarvis DeBerry, NOLA.com | the Times-Picayune: What’s Trump got to do to win over nonwhite voters?
- Lewis Diuguid, Kansas City Star: Racism, bigotry charges take presidential race to new low
- Editorial, New York Times: Cutting Ties to the Clinton Foundation (Aug. 30)
- Tim Fernholz, Quartz: This is why Hillary Clinton doesn’t do press conferences
- Aliyah Frumin, NBC News: Donald Trump Could Win Big Even If He Loses Election
- Kirby Goidel, Charles S. Bullock III and Keith Gaddie, the Conversation: David Duke, Donald Trump and the dog whistle
- Harold Jackson, Philadelphia Inquirer: Trump making ‘hell’ of a pitch to black voters
- Janine Jackson, Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting: Will Debates Inject Ideas Into Election Coverage? That’s Debatable
- Gromer Jeffers Jr., Dallas Morning News: Black voters’ economic woes not getting enough attention, even from Democrats (Aug. 16)
- Mark Joyella, TV Newser: Why Are Presidential Debate Moderators Almost Exclusively White Guys Over 55?
- Errol Louis, Daily News, New York: Trump’s toughest sales job yet: Why is attempt to appeal to blacks is going nowhere
- Jonathan Mahler and Steve Eder, New York Times: ‘No Vacancies’ for Blacks: How Donald Trump Got His Start, and Was First Accused of Bias
- Julianne Malveaux, National Newspaper Publishers Association: When Was America Great?
- Jim Naureckas, Fairness & Accuracy in Reporting: A Guided Tour of the ‘Alt-Right,’ by the Trump Campaign Chief’s Website
- Ruben Navarrette Jr.: Trump’s evolving immigration plan is no ‘flip-flop’
- Clarence Page, Chicago Tribune: Trump? Clinton? Who’s least bad?
- O. Ricardo Pimentel, San Antonio Express-News: Should friends of Trump still be your friends?
- Leonard Pitts Jr., Miami Herald: The forgotten Americans who love Trump
- Eugene Scott, CNN: Cornel West endorses Green Party candidate Jill Stein (July 15)

Black Journalists Report on White Heroin Addict
Since May, the “CBS Evening News” has been turning on its head the stereotype of white journalists reporting on black pathology. For a series called “In the Shadow of Death,” senior producer Kim Godwin, field producer Jonathan Blakely and correspondent DeMarco Morgan, all black, have been reporting on Jason Amaral, a 30-year old heroin addict who is white.
“I challenged them to find a story about heroin addiction that we haven’t seen before,” Godwin told Journal-isms by email.
“It took a couple of months to find and establish a relationship with Jason. We wanted honest and open access. A [peek] behind the curtain at a true addict with a real message. I’m very proud of the extraordinary work done by the team. So far we’ve done 4 parts. The next part will run at the end of September. We’re still following Jason, and we expect the next installment will have a bit of a surprising twist.”
The choice of a white heroin user is consistent with the national trend. “The average user of heroin has changed drastically in the last decade,” Lindsey Cook wrote a year ago for U.S. News & World Report.
“In 2000, black Americans aged 45-64 had the highest death rate for drug poisoning involving heroin. Now, white people aged 18-44 have the highest rate. The share of people who say they have used heroin in the past year is actually decreasing for non-whites. Heroin has taken hold of the white suburbs, which has prompted more attention for what is now being called a ‘health problem.’ ”
A.J. Katz wrote for TV Newser on May 16, when the series began, “In part one of the series, CBS News Correspondent DeMarco Morgan follows Amaral the day before he enters rehab. Amaral is shown doing heroin, talking about the drugs he does on a daily basis and how he goes about procuring them. It’s a look into the life of an addict.
“ ‘We wanted to look behind the numbers and find a compelling story of someone who is trying to beat an addiction that’s killing thousands of people every year,’ said field producer Jonathan Blakely. ‘There’s this image of what an addict looks like, but what you will see from Jason is that he could be your next door neighbor, your classmate, your co-worker. Jason challenges our notions of what it means to be an addict.’ . . .”
CBS News correspondent Dean Reynolds has also reported for the series.
- Paul Greeley, TVNewsCheck: Philly’s WCAU Re-Airing Heroin Documentary (Aug. 30)

Before Tragedy, Wade Joined Violence Discussion
On Thursday, NBA superstar Dwyane Wade “led off his portion of The Undefeated’s special town hall conversation about gun violence in Chicago by telling moderator Jemele Hill that his experience growing up in the city ‘was a lot of us killing us,’ ” Richard Horgan reported Saturday for FishbowlNY. “On Friday, a most horrific confirmation that this is still the case occurred.
“It was 3:30 p.m. in the afternoon. Wade’s cousin Nykea Aldridge, 32, was pushing a baby stroller and on her way back from the Dulles School of Excellence after registering one of her other four children for the school year. The man she was walking with may have been targeted; she was shot in the head and arm; she died, later, at the hospital.
“Wade tweeted his reaction Friday. A day after offering, arguably, the very best description of the root problem during his portion of The Undefeated town hall. . . . ”
The Undefeated added that Wade and his mother were part of a series of panel discussions at the town hall. “Wade, who was not in Chicago, appeared via satellite. . . . Wade did not speak directly about gun violence during his appearance for The Undefeated but addressed ‘deep-rooted’ divides in the community.
“ ‘We kinda adopted that mentality that, you know, it’s about me surviving,’ Wade said, discussing Chicago’s history. ‘It’s important for all of us to help each other.’
“Wade grew up in a South Side Chicago house headed by his mother, who was then a drug dealer. Jolinda Wade gave up drugs and turned her life around after being released from prison in 2003. Now a pastor, she sees the problems that contribute to the violence in the communities. . . .”
Darwin Sorrells Jr., 26, and his brother Derren Sorrells, 22, were charged in the shooting death. Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel pointed Monday to the two “as Exhibit A in the case for stiffer sentences for repeat gun offenders,” Fran Spielman reported Monday for the Chicago Sun-Times.
The killing became fodder for the national presidential race. Republican Donald Trump suggested Saturday that the shooting “validates his claims about urban crime. ‘Just what I have been saying. African-Americans will VOTE TRUMP!‘ he said,” Gregory Korte reported Monday for USA Today.
“Trump’s critics accused him of politicizing the tragedy. And on CBS’s Face the Nation Sunday, campaign manager Kellyanne Conway deflected questions about the meaning of that tweet. . . .”
- Maya A. Jones, the Undefeated: What can one person do about gun violence?
- Dawn Rhodes, Tony Briscoe and Marwa Eltagouri, Chicago Tribune: Family remembers slain cousin of Dwyane Wade: ‘An awesome, little quiet storm of a daughter’ (accessible via search engine)
- Justin Tinsley, the Undefeated: Live by the gun, die by the gun

Kaepernick Aided by Change in Climate for Protest
Sports and political commentators might be debating San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick’s refusal to stand for the national anthem, but what might be most remarkable is the change in climate that permits Kaepernick to make his protest without penalty.
That’s the view of William C. Rhoden, who wrote his final column for the New York Times last month after nearly 35 years there, 26 of them writing the “Sports of The Times” column.
In an appearance before the Journalists Roundtable in Washington Sunday and with host Michel Martin on NPR’s “All Things Considered” immediately afterward, Rhoden recalled what befell black athletes who took political stands in earlier decades.
Martin observed, “In 1967, Muhammad Ali refused to be drafted. In 1968, Tommie Smith and John Carlos celebrated winning gold and bronze medals at the ’68 Mexico City Games with a silent protest on the victory stand. What were the consequences that they faced?”
“Well, for Ali, first of all, he lost his title,” Rhoden replied. “He lost his belt. He lost his source of income. . . . Curt Flood will never get into the Hall of Fame for standing up against Major League Baseball, never.
“MARTIN: He refused to trade in 1969.
“RHODEN: Yeah. In ’69, he was traded to the Philadelphia Phillies, and he said I’m not going. I’m not a piece of meat to be traded.
“MARTIN: Tommie Smith and Carlos…
“RHODEN: Tommie Smith and Carlos couldn’t find work, were demonized. You know, John Carlos’ wife — there was so much pressure. I mean, she committed suicide. There were other things, but it was so much pressure. Tommie Smith couldn’t find work. And again, they were demonized. . . .”
Rhoden told the roundtable, “protests have become chic. You protest within this box.” He had told Facebook and Twitter followers earlier in the day, “Athletic Protest is ok as long as [it’s] validated by the (white) powers that be…step outside that box, and out come the fangs of racism.”
Athletes have begun to realize their power and to lose their fear, said Rhoden, whose “Forty Million Dollar Slaves: The Rise, Fall, and Redemption of the Black Athlete,” was published in 2006. “I think with a lot of guys what started happening is that money began to weaken them because they were so afraid of losing it and having stuff taken away,” he told Martin.
“And I think that when they began studying the lives of Ali and Curt Flood and these people looked back, they saw that, wow, you know, this actually empowered them. It actually strengthened them. It actually is why we’re talking about them years later. . . .”
As for management’s view, the “NFL is made up almost by 78, 79 percent African-American men. That’s the league. The NBA almost high — like 87 percent African-American men. So . . . you better tread lightly on this stuff because these are the guys that make your league. . . .”
- Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Washington Post: Insulting Colin Kaepernick says more about our patriotism than his (Aug. 30)
- Gregory Clay, insidesources.com: Colin Kaepernick collides with America’s patriotism lobby
- Domonique Foxworth, the Undefeated: Kaepernick’s protest is as American as that flag
- Earl Ofari Hutchinson, New America Media: Kaepernick’s Sit-Down Aside — The Case for Standing for the National Anthem
- Jason Johnson, The Root: Star-Spangled Bigotry: The Hidden Racist History of the National Anthem (July 4)
- Bomani Jones, the Undefeated: Kaepernick is asking for justice, not peace
- Peniel Joseph, CNN: How Colin Kaepernick is bravely speaking truth to power
- Shaun King, Daily News, New York: Why Colin Kaepernick was right not to stand for the national anthem
- Shaun King, Daily News, New York: Why I’ll never stand again for ‘The Star-Spangled Banner’
- Marcus Lamar, Ebony: Colin Kaepernick: When Not Standing Really Means Taking a Bigger Stand (Aug. 30)
- Jose de Jesus Ortiz, St. Louis Post-Dispatch: Kaepernick has right to offensive stance
- John Parkinson and Benjamin Siegel, ABC News: White House Objects to NFL QB Colin Kaepernick’s Protest of ‘Star-Spangled Banner’
- Kelly A Scaletta, Huffington Post: Colin Kaepernick’s Message Is More Important Than Patriotism
- Deron Snyder, Washington Times: Controversy aside, Colin Kaepernick’s point deserves consideration
- Steve Wyche, nfl.com: Colin Kaepernick explains why he sat during national anthem
- Steve Wyche, nfl.com: Colin Kaepernick: I’ll continue to sit during National Anthem
Where’s Coverage of Blockade of Dakota Pipeline?
“As the Lakota Sioux continue their peaceful blockade of the $3.8 billion Dakota Access Pipeline, the story’s absence from the national media narrative is palpable,” Nick Bernabe wrote Thursday for theantimedia.org.
“Considering the corporate media’s chronic quest for controversial stories on government versus public standoffs, you’d think this situation would garner the typical media frenzy invoked during a right-wing militia occupation of a federal building, for example, or a tense standoff between the Black Lives Matter movement and police. But it’s not.
“As of late, the media has faced criticism for its selective coverage of certain events — like, say, focusing on single terror attacks in Western Europe that garner thousands of headlines while basically ignoring similar or worse attacks that occur on a constant basis in Muslim-majority countries.
“But the confrontation unfolding in North Dakota, in particular, is strikingly similar to the recent standoff at the Malheur Wildlife Refuge in Oregon, which involved a right-wing militia advocating land rights against the federal government. The militia was led by the controversial Bundy family, which previously drew sensationalized coverage during a similar standoff in Nevada in 2014. So why were these stories covered extensively while the other — also centered around land rights — has been mostly ignored?
“The first point is actually very simple: Native Americans standing up for themselves is not polarizing. . . .”
- Amy Goodman with Dave Archambault, “Democracy Now!”: Standing Rock Sioux Chairman: Dakota Access Pipeline “Is Threatening the Lives of My Tribe” (Aug. 23)
- Jack Healy, New York Times: Occupying the Prairie: Tensions Rise as Tribes Move to Block a Pipeline (Aug. 23)
- Indian Country Today Media Network: Dakota Access: Stars From Hollywood to Washington Support Water Protectors
Talahongva Among Winners of Top NAJA Awards

Patty Talahongva, a lifetime member and past president of the Native American Journalists Association, is to be honored for her “lifetime of service to journalism and many years of dedication” to NAJA when the group bestows more than 200 National Native Media Awards next month, NAJA announced on Tuesday.
Talahongva, Hopi, is to receive the 2016 NAJA-Medill Milestone Achievement Award during the 2016 NAJA Media Awards Banquet on Sept. 20.
The group is joining the Excellence in Journalism convention in New Orleans, along with the Society of Professional Journalists and Radio, Television and Digital News Association.
“The recipients of the 2016 NAJA Richard LaCourse Award are Antonia Gonzales and Pauly Denetclaw for their coverage of the Gold King Mine waste spill in Colorado for National Native News. . . .
“The recipient of the 2016 NAJA Elias Boudinot Free Press Award is Mvskoke Media, located in Okmulgee, Oklahoma.
“The Muscogee (Creek) Nation (MCN) added free press protections for the tribe’s media division, Mvskoke Media, with the passage of a free press act in Oct. 2015, enabling the agency to provide enhanced coverage, without interference from officials.
“Since that time, the independent media agency, which includes the Muscogee Nation News, Native News Today and Muscogee Radio, in addition to a graphic design and print division, has continued to produce outstanding coverage over the course of the last year. Mvskoke Media has filed important stories on tribal housing, health, finance and government, among others since these protections were put in place. . . .” [Added Aug. 30]
Mizzou Ramps Up Diversity Recruiting, Mentoring
“A new University of Missouri recruiting initiative will seek out promising young journalists from minority communities in an effort to increase the diversity of the talent pool for media companies,” Rudi Keller reported Thursday for the Columbia (Mo.) Daily Tribune.

“The effort, a joint project of the MU School of Journalism and the Mizzou Advantage initiative, will support students pursuing careers in news and public relations, identifying talent in high school and providing mentors to support them through college and their first years in the workforce.
“The project was unveiled Thursday during a . . . session of the school’s multicultural journalism class by Dean David Kurpius, Mizzou Advantage Director Jerry Frank and Provost Garnett Stokes.
“Ron Kelley, assistant vice chancellor for advancement, will be executive director of the program, beginning his new job Sept. 12. . . .
“The project is the latest step by MU to address student demands for a more diverse and inclusive campus that resulted in a leadership crisis last fall. The Board of Curators responded with $921,000 in funding for new campus diversity initiatives and hired Kevin McDonald for a new position, chief diversity, inclusion and equity officer for the UM System. . . .”
Mic Team Assigns Stories Based on Life Experiences
“Attributing a lack of diversity to a talent pipeline is admitting that your newsroom is relying on antiquated methods of finding the best people for the job,” Meredith D. Clark wrote Monday for the Poynter Institute.
“That’s the impression I came away with after talking to members of Mic’s Identities team, whose connections to diverse communities are demonstrated by its ability to elevate conversations through the lens of identity and personal experience,” Clark wrote.
“. . . the Identities team strives to consider the journalist as an element of the journalism. Rather than working toward the unattainable notion of total ‘objectivity,’ they strive toward a framework of authenticity, considering how life experiences, place and connections impact one’s ability to get the story and tell it accurately.”
For example, “In the wake of the Pulse nightclub massacre in Orlando . . . Mic dispatched a young Latino, gay journalist who had been covering LGBTQ communities, and had the experience to present a nuanced picture of a breaking news event that targeted a marginalized community,” Clark continued, quoting Samhita Mukhopadhyay, Mic’s senior editorial director of culture and identities.
” ‘He’s going to get a different sources than an anchor who covers disaster and mass shootings,’ she said. . . .”
- Gwen Moran, fastcompany.com: You Might Be Undermining Your Diversity Efforts Without Even Knowing It
- Eva Augustin Rumpf, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Is diversity worth preserving?
Black-Newspaper Publishers Urge Emerge Revival
“The passing of George Curry now raises the question of ‘Who will take his pen?’ Benjamin F. Chavis Jr., president and CEO of the National Newspaper Publishers Association, wrote Monday for NNPA.
“Who will step forward to keep the freedom-fighting legacy of George Curry alive today and into the future? Before George died, he had established EmergeNewsOnline.com. The NNPA supports George’s legacy and we encourage everyone to support Emerge News Online to ensure that what George envisioned and worked hard to establish will continue to grow and be successful in the marketplace. . . .”
At Curry’s funeral on Saturday, the Rev. Al Sharpton urged mourners paying tribute to Curry Saturday to keep alive Curry’s dream of reviving Emerge magazine said he would write a check to help.
Curry died of heart failure on Aug. 20. He was 69.
- Lottie L. Joiner, NBCBLK: George Curry, You Saved My Life
- Drew Taylor, Tuscaloosa (Ala.) News: George Curry influenced family and the famous
Short Takes

- Sumi Mukherjee, the son of East Indian immigrants and professionals, was mercilessly bullied from elementary school through his first years of high school in Plymouth,” Minn., Rubén Rosario wrote Friday for the Pioneer Press in St. Paul, Minn. “He was picked on because of his name, his brown skin, his hairy-for-his-age arms, legs and face, his sensitive demeanor. . . . His traumatic experience . . . is a cautionary tale of how constant bullying can scar for life and possibly trigger a mental illness, like the one Mukherjee still deals with. . . .” Mukherjee wrote “A Life Interrupted: The Story of My Battle with Bullying and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder” in 2014.
- Two black teenage boys were murdered three decades ago and left in a vacant lot in Dorchester, Mass., “their killer never found and their decomposed bodies never identified,” the Boston Globe editorialized. “It was a shocking crime — a double murder of two children — but the shooting barely registered. The Globe ran two stories in the back pages. The city buried the two boys in unmarked graves on a hillside at Fairview Cemetery. The killing faded into obscurity, a grim afterthought from a violence-racked period in Boston’s history. Now, though, scientific advances make it worth the difficulty and expense of exhuming the bodies. . . .”
- “Pulitzer Prize winning photojournalist Nick Ut, best known for his 1972 Vietnam War photograph known as ‘Napalm Girl,’ announced last month that he would be retiring from the Associated Press next March after 51 years,” Frances Kai-Hwa Wang reported Aug. 22 for NBC Asian America.
- “The name of Aycock Middle School will change by next school year,” Allen Johnson wrote Friday for the News & Record in Greensboro, N.C. “I agree that it should. . . . Until recent years, [Charles] Aycock’s legacy as a white supremacist had been air-brushed away in favor of the more palatable, if misleading, narrative of him as a champion of public education for all children, white and black. . . .”
- Meanwhile, “Two federal agencies say they won’t try to block the city of New Orleans’ attempt to remove a monument to an 1874 white supremacist revolt against Louisiana’s federally-backed post-Civil War government,” the Associated Press reported Saturday. Joe Davidson reported Thursday for the Washington Post that the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs now plans to “amend our policy to make clear that Confederate flags will not be displayed from any permanently fixed flagpole in a national cemetery at any time.” However, a Post headline over an Aug. 23 Courtland Milloy column referring to Alexandria, Va., lamented, “The South lost the war but keeps winning the battle over Confederate memorials.”
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- Journal-isms’ Richard Prince Wants Your Ideas (FishbowlDC, Feb. 26, 2016)
- Richard Prince with Charlayne Hunter-Gault,“PBS NewsHour,” “What stagnant diversity means for America’s newsrooms” (Dec. 15, 2015)
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- Book Notes: Hands Up! Read This!
- Book Notes: New Cosby Bio Looks Like a Best-Seller
- Journo-diversity advocate turns attention to Ezra Klein project (Erik Wemple, Washington Post, March 5, 2014)
- Book Notes: “Love, Peace and Soul!” And More
- Book Notes: Book Notes: Soothing the Senses, Shocking the Conscience
- Diversity’s Greatest Hits, 2015
- Diversity’s Greatest Hits, 2014
- Diversity’s Greatest Hits, 2013
- Diversity’s Greatest Hits, 2012
- Diversity’s Greatest Hits, 2011
- Diversity’s Greatest Hits, 2010
- Diversity’s Greatest Hits, 2009
- Diversity’s Greatest Hits, 2008
- Book Notes: Books to Ring In the New Year
- Book Notes: In-Your-Face Holiday Reads
- Fishbowl Interview With the Fresh Prince of D.C. (Oct. 26, 2012)
- NABJ to Honor Columnist Richard Prince With Ida B. Wells Award (Oct. 11, 2012)
- So What Do You Do, Richard Prince, Columnist for the Maynard Institute? (Richard Horgan, FishbowlLA, Aug. 22, 2012)
- Book Notes: Who Am I? What’s Race Got to Do With It?: Journalists Explore Identity
- Book Notes: Catching Up With Books for the Fall
- Richard Prince Helps Journalists Set High Bar (Jackie Jones,BlackAmericaWeb.com, 2011)
- Book Notes: 10 Ways to Turn Pages This Summer
- Book Notes: 7 for Serious Spring Reading
- Book Notes: 7 Candidates for the Journalist’s Library
- Book Notes: 9 That Add Heft to the Bookshelf
- Five Minutes With Richard Prince (Newspaper Association of America,2005)
- ‘Journal-isms’ That Engage and Inform Diverse Audiences (Q&A with Mallary Jean Tenore, Poynter Institute, 2008)