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Hateful Attackers Invoking Trump’s Name

More Than 150 Reports Counted Over 18 Months

Ala. Paper Admits Failings During Lynching Era

Sinclair to Sell 3 More Stations to Williams

Black Man Hailed as Hero in Waffle House Killings

Vice Wins Peabody for Charlottesville Coverage

Marijuana Magazines Sprout as Legalization Spreads

Short Takes

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(Credit: Reveal, Center for Investigative Reporting)
(Credit: Reveal, Center for Investigative Reporting)

More Than 150 Reports Counted Over 18 Months

Editor’s note: To provide a full picture of what hate speech victims experienced, we have not edited out offensive language,” Reveal News, from the Center for Investigative Reporting, alerted readers Thursday.

It was the day after the 2016 presidential election,” the story by Will Carless began. “Melissa Johnson was walking out of a Trader Joe’s in the heart of San Diego when a shiny BMW pulled up alongside her. The driver was a man in his late 30s. Dark hair. Green eyes. Her first thought: He’s kind of hot.

“The car slowed down. Then the man shouted at her through the open window.

“ ‘Fuck you, nigger, go back to Africa. The slave ship is loading up,’ he said. Then he added an exclamation point: ‘Trump!’

“As the man drove away, Johnson looked around at the shoppers who had witnessed the attack. She was the only African American in the parking lot. Not one person met her eye. Nobody said anything. So the 37-year-old walked, stunned, to her car, where she sat and wept.

“Nearly every metric of intolerance in the U.S. has surged over the past 18 months, from reported anti-Semitism and Islamophobia to violent hate crimes based on skin color, nationality or sexual orientation.

“This renaissance of hate features something new: xenophobic, racist and homophobic attacks punctuated with President Donald Trump’s name. To understand the scope of the phenomenon, Reveal from The Center for Investigative Reporting identified more than 150 reports of Trump-themed taunts and attacks stretching across 39 states over the past year and a half.

“Interviews with the targets of and witnesses to these incidents showed a striking pattern. The abusers had a clear message: Trump’s going to take care of a problem — and that problem is you.

“This pattern extended across races, religions and sexual orientation. . . .”

Separately, in “Targeted: 2018 Civil Rights Report,” [PDF] the Council on American Islamic Relations reported Monday that it “recorded a 17 percent increase in anti-Muslim bias incidents nationwide in 2017 over 2016. This was accompanied by a 15 percent increase in hate crimes targeting American Muslims, including children, youth, and families, over the same period.

“Of particular alarm is the fact that federal government agencies instigated 35 percent of all anti-Muslim bias incidents recorded in 2017. This represents an almost unprecedented level of government hostility toward a religious minority within the United States, and is counter to the American value of religious freedom. . . .”

 People walk past a sculpture at EJI's National Memorial for Peace and Justice in Montgomery, Ala., on Monday. (Credit: (Credit: Albert Cesare / Montgomery Advertiser)

People walk past a sculpture at the Equal Justice Initiative’s National Memorial for Peace and Justice in Montgomery, Ala., on Monday. (Credit: Albert Cesare/Montgomery Advertiser)

Ala. Paper Admits Failings During Lynching Era

“ABOUT THIS SERIES:” begins an editor’s note Friday from Brian Lyman of the Montgomery (Ala.) Advertiser, updated Tuesday.

In conjunction with the opening of the National Memorial for Peace and Justice and the Legacy Museum, the Montgomery Advertiser is running a series of stories titled ‘Legacy of lynchings: America’s shameful history of racial terror.’ Between 1877 and 1950, more than 360 African-Americans were murdered by mobs in Alabama and more than 4,000 were killed nationwide.

“The acts of racial terrorism, conducted in the name of white supremacy, were almost never punished; created untold human suffering, and helped contribute to the Great Migration out of the South.

lynching-dead!“The series looks at the victims of lynching and the aftermath of their murders, the Advertiser’s indifference to the terror and the potential impact of the memorial, both on the city and in the long process of reconciliation.

“It was a ghastly explosion of terror.

“On Sept. 29, 1919, a Montgomery mob kidnapped Miles (or Relius) Phifer and Robert Crosky as they were being transported to jail over allegations they assaulted two white women in separate incidents. The masked group drove the two men — both veterans — to some woods near Hughes Ferry Road, and told them to run. They then shot them multiple times. Phifer, reported to be wearing a U.S. Army uniform, was killed on the spot. Crosky later died at a hospital.

“In responding to three lynchings in 24 hours in 1919, the Advertiser claimed — without evidence — the victims had assaulted white women. The murdered men included Miles (or Relius) Phifer, who was shot to death while wearing a U.S. Army uniform.

“The Montgomery Advertiser’s prescription for the outbreak of violence — in an Oct. 1 editorial headlined ‘Steady’ — was: Nothing. . . .”

 Ben Carson, left, David D. Smith, president and CEO of Sinclair Broadcast Group, Inc., and commentator Armstrong Williams at Smith's home in Cape Elizabeth, Maine, in July 2013. Williams was then Carson's business manager. Carson has since become secretary of Housing and Urban Development. (Courtesy Armstrong Williams)
David D. Smith, executive chairman of Sinclair Broadcast Group, Inc., is flanked by Ben Carson, left, and commentator Armstrong Williams at Smith’s home in Cape Elizabeth, Maine, in July 2013. Williams was then Carson’s business manager. Carson has since become secretary of Housing and Urban Development. (Courtesy Armstrong Williams)

Sinclair to Sell 3 More Stations to Williams

Sinclair Broadcast Group Inc. offered “a revised plan to sell TV stations to satisfy regulators vetting its $3.9 billion purchase of Tribune Media Co., saying it would keep New York’s WPIX and offer other stations to friendly buyers,” Todd Shields and Gerry Smith reported Tuesday for Bloomberg News, updated Wednesday.

“Flagship station WGN in Chicago would go to a business associate of a top Sinclair executive, while other outlets would be sold” to Cunningham Broadcast Corp., “a company controlled by the estate of his mother. Howard Stirk Holdings, owned by conservative commentator Armstrong Williams, would buy some stations, as would New York-based hedge fund Standard General LP led by [Soohyung] Kim. In addition, Meredith Corp. would buy one station. . . .”

Christopher Dinsmore and Lorraine Mirabella wrote for the Baltimore Sun, “Without such sales, the Tribune Media acquisition, announced last May, would have given Sinclair control of 233 television stations, including 42 Tribune-owned stations and a presence in such top markets as New York and Chicago. . . .”

Soohyung Kim
Soohyung Kim

Harry A. Jessell added for TVNewsCheck:

It is selling Tribune’s KPLR, a CW affiliate in St. Louis, to Meredith for $65 million.

“It is spinning off six stations, but will continue to operate them under joint sales and shared services agreements. They are:

“Tribune’s WGN Chicago (Ind.) to WGN-TV LLC

“Tribune’s KDAF Dallas (CW) to Cunningham

“Tribune’s KIAH (CW) to Cunningham

“Sinclair’s KUNS Seattle (Univision) to Armstrong Williams

“Sinclair’s KMYU Salt Lake City (MNT) to Armstrong Williams

“Tribune’s KAUT Oklahoma City (Ind.) to Armstrong Williams.”

Williams, who is African American, already owns stations serving Myrtle Beach, S.C.; Charleston, S.C.; Flint, Mich.; Birmingham, Ala.; Las Vegas and Tuscaloosa, Ala.

Under joint sales and shared services agreements, the operating station, in this case Sinclair, provides advertising, sales, promotion, administrative services and selected programming to the other station. In 2014, the FCC barred such agreements as skirting ownership limits  but made an exception if the arrangement furthered diversity.

Sinclair has been under attack for questionable journalistic practices in furtherance of a right-wing agenda. “In interviews with more than 60 current and former employees and leaders in the broadcasting industry, I repeatedly heard concerns about Sinclair’s use of the public air waves to infuse national and (sometimes local) news with a political bent, a task aided by the company’s three-decade quest to sidestep and eliminate regulations that would otherwise limit its reach and influence,” Ben Wofford wrote Tuesday for Rolling Stone.

On April 9, Williams wrote a pro-Sinclair opinion piece for Broadcasting & Cable making an “admittedly self-interested” point:

Sinclair has contributed to the establishment, growth, and viability of minority-owned broadcast business like no other broadcaster. Its support of my company, Howard Stirk Holdings has allowed us to bring relevant, consistent and community focused programming to the African American and [mainstream] communities we serve in Myrtle Beach, Charleston, Flint, Birmingham, Las Vegas, and Tuscaloosa.

“It has allowed my minority-owned firm to employ and train people from the community and it has provided a foundation for our future growth and success. For all the platitudes about local programming, community service and minority ownership coming from the liberal side of the ledger, I have not found one company willing to put its money where its mouth is. . . .”

James Shaw Jr. wrestled away an automatic rifle from a nearly naked white man who had already shot four people to death. (Credit: Larry McCormack/Tennessean)
James Shaw Jr. wrestled away an automatic rifle from a nearly naked white man who had already shot four people to death. (Credit: Larry McCormack/Tennessean)

Black Man Hailed as Hero in Waffle House Killings

After watching WGN television news in Chicago on Sunday show mugshot after mugshot of black men either under arrest or wanted by police, it was exciting to see a photo, not a mugshot, of James Shaw, Jr., a 29 year-old black man who successfully wrestled away an automatic rifle from a nearly naked white man after he had shot to death four individuals, including three African Americans, on Sunday at an Antioch, Tennessee, Waffle House restaurant,” Frederick H. Lowe wrote Tuesday for his Northstar News Today.

“The killer, later identified by police as Travis Reinking, 29, who was raised in Morton, Illinois, ran away but police captured him without incident in the woods behind the restaurant on Monday.

“Reinking shot to death two people outside Waffle House before walking inside and firing his AR-15 rifle, then pausing to reload. The dead were identified as Taurean C. Sanderlin, Akilah Dasilva, Joe R. Perez and DeEbony Groves. Police charged Reinking with four counts of murder. A judge revoked his $2 million bond.

“Reinking also wounded two others.

“When Reinking paused his firing, Shaw rushed him and wrestled the gun away from him before throwing it over the restaurant’s counter.

“Shaw had been hiding in the bathroom when Reinking fired a bullet through the bathroom door.

“ ‘I think that’s when I became alert about the situation and was like, there’s kind of no running from this. Kind of like a fish in a barrel type thing and I’m going to have to try to find a flaw or a point in time where I can make this work for myself,’ Shaw Jr. explained on Good Morning America on Monday morning.

“ ‘I was completely doing it just to save myself,’ Shaw Jr. told reporters at a news conference, the BBC reported. ‘I did save other people, but I don’t want people to think that I was the Terminator or Superman or anybody like that. I figured if I was going to die, he was gonna have to work for it.’

“Reinking and Shaw then ran in opposite directions.

“Shaw created a GoFundMe campaign to help the Waffle House victims and their families. The fundraising page, which GoFundMe verified for MONEY as legitimate, says simply: ‘My name is James Shaw Jr. I am creating this page to help the families of the victims from the shooting that took place at Waffle House in Antioch, TN. Please take the time to donate as all of the proceeds will be given to the families. Thank you again for your generosity and blessings!

“Thus far, the website has raised more than $109,000.

“Shaw, who works for AT&T and is a graduate of Tennessee State University, is being hailed as a hero. The Tennessee Legislature honored him today, but President Donald Trump hasn’t called him although the White House in a press briefing praised his courage. . . .”

Vice Wins Peabody for Charlottesville Coverage

BBC News, the podcast ‘S-Town’ and Al Jazeera were among the Peabody Award winners in the news, radio/podcast and public service categories, which were announced on Tuesday,” Peter Libbey reported for the New York Times. “The CBS television program ’60 Minutes’ was also honored, with the Institutional Award for its 50 years of news coverage.

“Six news awards were bestowed, with BBC News winning for its reporting on Rohingya refugees in Myanmar and Bangladesh. Among the winners was a Vice News episode on HBO, ‘Charlottesville: Race and Terror.’ Al Jazeera won the sole public service award, for a documentary by Fatma Naib about female genital mutilation in Africa. . . . ”

The Vice News episode “begins with footage of white supremacists chanting phrases like, ‘You will not replace us! Jews will not replace us!’ and counterprotesters shouting ‘No Nazis! No KKK! No facist U.S.A.!’ ” Ariana Bacle reported Aug. 15 for Entertainment Tonight. “It then launches into an interview with ‘Unite the Right’ speaker and white nationalist Christopher Cantwell.

“ ‘When Trayvon Martin case happened, Michael Brown, and Tamir Rice, and all these different things happened — every single case, it’s some little black a—hole behaving like a savage and he gets himself in trouble shockingly enough,’ he tells VICE reporter Elle Reeve. ‘Whatever problems I might have with my fellow white people, they generally are not inclined to such behavior. You gotta take that into consideration when you’re thinking about how to organize your society.’ . . .”

Sigma Delta Chi, the Sidney Hillman Foundation, the Alliance for Women in Media Foundation and Rhode Island for Community & Justice also announced journalism award winners in the past few days. These lists are not inclusive, but among the winners are:

Sigma Delta Chi

  • Race in the Rock River Valley,” [PDF] by Corina Curry of the Rockford (Ill.) Register Star, among the worke honored with 2017 Sigma Delta Chi Awards for excellence in journalism, the Society of Professional Journalists announced Monday. It won in the non-deadline reporting category for daily circulation 1-50,000. “Black students overrepresented in school suspensions, expulsions,” according to a headline.
  • Dionne Searcey of the New York Times won for Boko Haram coverage in SPJ’s foreign correspondence category.
  • One War. Two Races,” by Josh Salman, Dak Le and Michael Braga of the Sarasota (Fla.) Herald Tribune won in the investigative reporting category for daily circulation of 50,001 to 100,000. “Bias reigns in Florida’s war on drugs,” a headline reads.
  • Christine MacDonald of the Detroit News won for public service journalism, daily circulation 50,001-100,000, for “Detroit Evictions.” A headline reads, “Persistent evictions threaten Detroit neighborhoods.”
  • Rick Telander of the Chicago Sun-Times won for sports column writing (daily circulation 100,001+) for “A Season Under the Gun.” [PDF] “The violence really never ends around Orr High School and its basketball team is often caught in the crossfire,” according to a headline.
  • Glenn Jeffers and the staff of Nieman Reports won for magazine writing (national circulation) for “A Mass Shooting, Only in Slow Motion.” “Newsrooms are moving away from a focus on mass shootings to tell more nuanced stories about the people and communities marred by gun violence.”
  • Neil Swidey of the Boston Globe Magazine won for public service in magazine journalism (regional/local circulation) for “Trump’s anti-immigration playbook was written 100 years ago. In Boston.”
  • David Bitton, Stillwater (Okla.) News Press, for feature photography (newspaper circulation 1-100,000, regional magazine, non-daily publication or online independent) to accompany “Demonstrations following blackface incidents enter second day at OSU.”
  • Phillip Martin, Aaron Schachter and Kenneth Cooper of WGBH Radio News in Boston, in the radio category for investigative reporting (1-100 market or network syndication) for “The Gangs of Nantucket” on PRI’s “The World.” “On Nantucket, a teenage migrant gets swept up in a crackdown on Salvadoran gangs.”
  • Josh Hinkle, David Barer, Ben Friberg and Shannon Wolfson, KXAN-TV in Austin, Texas, won in “Television: Documentaries (Large-Market Station, 1-50 market).” “In the summer of 2016, a gunman killed five police officers during a rally in downtown Dallas, Texas. Following that tragedy and similar attacks across the nation, our investigative team took a closer look at what led up to those crimes, digging heavily into the backgrounds of the killers to discover a recurring trait among many: mental illness.”

Sidney Hillman Foundation, 2018 Prizes for Journalism in Service of the Common Good

The winners of the Hillman Prizes include:

Alliance for Women in Media Foundation’s Gracie Awards

Among the gala awards for television are:

  • Hoda Kotb of NBC’s “Today” show for “Hoda’s Heroes Among Us: Superheroes,” soft news feature, NBC News
  • Felicia D. Henderson (“The Quad”), producer – entertainment, BET Networks
  • Juju Chang, reporter/correspondent, ABC News
  • Pam Oliver, on-air talent – entertainment or sports; FOX Sports
  • Issa Rae (“Insecure”), actress in a leading role – comedy or musical, HBO
  • “The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks,” made for TV movie, HBO
  • VICE News Tonight’s “Charlottesville: Race & Terror,” hard news feature, VICE News

Metcalf Awards for Diversity in the Media

The awards, from Rhode Island for Community & Justice, recognize journalists for covering “diversity issues in ways that inspire, engage and empower,” the Providence Journal reported on Monday.

  • Dr. Pablo Rodriguez and Reynaldo Almonte, co-founders of Latino Public Radio. (Latino Public Radio “is off the air after plans to buy its AM signal from Rhode Island Public Radio fell through,” Tyler Falk reported Tuesday for Current.org. For now, LPR is broadcasting online and hosting community forums, CEO Reynaldo Almonte said.)
  • Sarah Francis and Casey Nilsson, Rhode Island Monthly.
  • G. Wayne Miller, Karen Lee Ziner and Alan Rosenberg, Providence Journal.

“This is the 30th anniversary for the awards, and this set of awards focuses on ‘game changer teams who have worked in partnership to foster excellence in diversity journalism,’ the organization says,” the Journal reported.

(Credit: folio:)
(Credit: folio:)

Marijuana Magazines Sprout as Legalization Spreads

More than 60 percent of the U.S. population now lives in a state with some form of legalized marijuana, according to Cassandra Farrington, co-founder of Marijuana Business Magazine, Katy Ibsen reported Thursday for folio:.

“As of April 2018, a total of 29 states and the District of Columbia have enacted laws allowing for medical or recreational use of cannabis. Eight of those states allow recreational use, while the others permit medical use in the form of smoking, oils and concentrates, topical creams and edibles.

“And with the rise of legal marijuana across the country, the publishing industry is also seeing an increase in print magazines and new media brands focused on cannabis to meet growing demand for news and insight related to the upstart industry.

“The National Cannabis Industry Association (NCIA), an advocacy group that represents the cannabis industry and advocates to affect wider legalization at both the state and federal levels, boasts over 1,500 association members, 27 of which are classified as media and information firms.

“ ‘The idea that cannabis publishing and media brands are created is evidence of the legalization and the growing acceptance of it among the mainstream — they are becoming symbiotic,’ says Bethany Moore, NCIA communications and projects manager.

“The association attests that the benefit of more cannabis-centric media is that it opens an arena for storytelling and marketing that previously existed only through word of mouth or social media. The caveat, however, is that as legalization expands, more restrictions are being put in place by social and traditional media brands barring the marketing of drug-associated businesses and products. . . .”

Short Takes

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Richard Prince’s Journal-isms originates from Washington. It began in print before most of us knew what the internet was, and it would like to be referred to as a “column.” Any views expressed in the column are those of the person or organization quoted and not those of any other entity.
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1 comment

richard April 26, 2018 at 8:50 am

Comments From The Root:

4/26/18 7:52am
The day after Trump got elected, a guy in my “liberal” New England town put up a confederate flag on his house.

Right next to the Jesus flag.

You can’t tell me that’s not white supremacy. He literally put out semaphore that is saying “God says I can own you.” And you can’t tell me it’s not about Trump, because it wasn’t there before election day.


4/26/18 6:11am
“Fuck you, nigger, go back to Africa. The slave ship is loading up,’ he said. Then he added an exclamation point: ‘Trump!’

I mean…..point out the lie….I’ll wait LUL

Ol’ DannyBoy

4/26/18 12:26am
I can’t really apologize on behalf of white people, but I can articulate that a great many of us are embarrassed by this. This trumpian bigotry is simply uncouth.


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