Discussion of Interference Overlooked Racial Aspect
Southern Papers Reflect on Complicity With Racism
Bethel McKenzie Joins Report for America
‘What Does It Mean to Have a Multiracial Royal?’
NBC Celebrates Asian Americans’ Own Stories
Wall Trumps Role of Climate in Emigration Stories
Writer Found Racism More Frequent in Journalism
Chokeholds Still Used Despite Eric Garner Death
Kamala Harris Sees ‘Electability’ as Code Word
Farrakhan Separates Out ‘Satanic Jews’ After Ban
‘Countless’ Others Treated Like Freed Reporters
Deadline is May 17 to Nominate a J-Educator
“Russia intended to suppress, discourage, dissuade, African American voters in 2016,” Marc Morial, president and CEO of the National Urban League, said on MSNBC Monday.
Discussion of Interference Overlooked Racial Aspect
“One of the nation’s oldest civil rights organizations is warning that Russian attempts to interfere in the U.S. political process deliberately targeted African Americans, drawing a link to domestic efforts to curtail voting rights and roll back landmark civil rights protections,” Ariana Freeman and Zoe Poindexter reported Monday for CBS News.
“In its annual ‘State of Black America’ report, the National Urban League found malicious foreign actors’ use of social media to spread disinformation ‘aligns with racially-motivated efforts taking place in state legislatures across the nation’ and recent Supreme Court decisions.
“Unveiling the report at the start of a three-day conference at the National Press Club in Washington, Marc Morial, the group’s president and CEO, highlighted Russia’s use of race as a weapon to divide Americans and dissuade African Americans from voting, a dynamic he said has been overlooked in the public discussion of Russian interference.
” ‘We need to understand how pervasive, pernicious and widespread it was,’ Morial told the group of black community leaders, league members and reporters. . . .”
Annika Merrilees added for ABC News, “Late last year, two reports on Russia’s widespread online influence campaign detailed how purported Russian trolls used social media to target with laser-like precision the African-American vote ahead of the 2016 presidential election, and then continued to sow social and political discord in the U.S. in the months after President Donald Trump was elected.
“According to one of the reports, which were prepared for the Senate Intelligence Committee by outside researchers, one goal was to persuade African-Americans to boycott the election or to follow incorrect voting procedures to suppress the vote. The same tactics, the report said, have more recently been employed targeting Mexican-American and Hispanic voters to undermine their faith in U.S. institutions.

“For years, African American lawmakers on Capitol Hill and their adversaries in congressional districts have raised concerns about voter identification laws they worry disenfranchise minority voters and redistricting that marginalizes the impact of their voting power. They point to the striking down of a critical portion of the Voting Rights Act in the 2013 Supreme Court decision in Shelby v. Holder as a pivotal turning point in modern-day voting rights.
“The report makes nearly a dozen policy recommendations, among them a push toward the elimination of the Electoral College, a proposal that has been discussed by some 2020 Democratic hopefuls. The report called for the elimination of strict voter identification requirements and allowing online, same-day and automatic voter registration. It also recommends granting statehood for the District of Columbia and eliminating purges of voter rolls.
In the Washington Informer on Wednesday, D. Kevin McNeir noted, “Morial emphasized that one of the impacts of Russian interference in the 2016 elections that continues to be ignored remains a significant reduction in Blacks who voted because of being fooled by Russian propaganda.
“ ‘Racism was a powerful tool used by Russian and other hostile foreign hackers and troll farms to manipulate the 2016 presidential and 2018 midterm elections,’ he added. ‘A Russian-linked social media campaign, ‘Blacktivist,’ used Facebook and Twitter to ramp up racial tensions during the U.S. presidential election, using the integrity of the Black Lives Matter hashtag to carry out an insidious campaign of voter suppression.’
“ ‘And their efforts apparently worked. Posing as activists, they instructed African Americans not to vote — suppressing, discouraging and dissuading Blacks to stay home on Election Day because politicians had allegedly sold them out.”
McNeir also quoted Morial as saying, “Some of our leaders want to close the books on the Mueller Report. But the light must be cast on how Russia contributed to the suppression of the African-American vote.”
Morial said he hoped Congress would hold hearings on Russian efforts to target black voters, Mihir Zaveri and Jacey Fortin reported in the New York Times.
“ ‘I tell people: Russia today, China tomorrow, Saudi Arabia next week,’ he said. ‘Every country that wants to influence and impact us is going to be playing in our elections.’ ”
In a separate development, Eriq Gardner reported Tuesday for the Hollywood Reporter, “The United States Justice Department has prevailed in a lawsuit against RM Broadcasting, the owner of a Washington, D.C.-based radio station that is broadcasting Sputnik International. On Tuesday, a federal judge in West Palm Beach, Fla., granted a motion for judgment on the pleadings to the DOJ in a groundbreaking case over the Foreign Agents Registration Act. . . .
“The ruling will bolster the Justice Department as it seeks to compel others to register as foreign agents,” Gardner wrote. “The decision may also lead to retaliation. For example, Vladimir Putin’s Russia has already labeled Voice of America and eight other U.S.-backed news stations as ‘foreign agents’ and threatened to do the same against CNN and other prominent America-based outlets.’
When it went on the air in 2017, Sputnik News Radio hired a public relations firm to recruit black journalists in Washington to appear on its programs.
- Marc H. Morial, National Urban League: Foreign interference in American democracy specifically targeted African Americans
- Afi-Odelia E. Scruggs, the Crisis: The Online Campaign to Manipulate Black Voters: How a Russian internet research agency weaponized Black culture and social justice (Feb. 6)
- Ian Vandewalker, Brennan Center for Justice: States Shine Light on Russian Trolls’ Hiding Places (May 1)

Southern Papers Reflect on Complicity With Racism
“Following the Civil War up until the Civil Rights Movement — and beyond — white-owned newspapers across the South served as cheerleaders for white supremacy,” the Poynter Institute wrote Tuesday in a headline above a four-section story by Mark I. Pinsky. The main headline was, “Maligned in black and white: Southern newspapers played a major role in racial violence. Do they owe their communities an apology?”
“Their racist coverage had sometimes fatal consequences for African Americans,” the subhead continued. “Now, some of these papers are accepting responsibility for this coverage and apologizing for it.
“We talked to historians, journalists and other experts to determine the impact that these apologies have — if any — and the lessons for today’s journalists.”
Pinsky’s piece concluded with the question, “So what will today’s journalists have to apologize for in the decades to come?”
Gilbert King, author of the 2013 Pulitzer Prize-winning book, “Devil in the Grove: Thurgood Marshall, the Groveland Boys, and the Dawn of a New America,” “thinks the wait need not be so long.
“ ‘I think one lesson would be to question everything and be suspicious of seemingly obvious narratives,’ he said. ‘Because today’s stories move so much faster, it’s easier to be influenced by reporting that we can see on video and cell phone cameras. Yet journalists can still get these stories wrong if they are not careful in their reporting. Hopefully, we’ve gotten to a point where apologies will be more immediate.’
“ ‘Owning up to such complicity, and fully admitting it, is in my view a good thing,’ said [Phillip Luke] Sinitiere, who is also a professor of history at the College of Biblical Studies in Houston,” Pinsky continued. Sinitiere is W. E. B. Du Bois Visiting Scholar at the University of Massachusetts Amherst.
“But beyond an apology, how are these newspapers and contemporary journalistic institutions working to repair society in the present day? In other words, how are they working to reverse structural disadvantage in a society to which their previous reporting contributed? And are they commenting on current media organizations whose current reporting imperils the lives of black people in very real ways?”
Willie Griffin, staff historian at the Levine Museum of the New South in Charlotte, said, “The newspapers were wildly important in fomenting violence, not something we give a lot of attention to in the 20th century. What is needed is more an acknowledgment, rather than an apology, and a commitment to teaching about it.”
- Jordan Brasher, the Conversation: Brazil’s long, strange love affair with the Confederacy ignites racial tension
- Editorial, Houston Chronicle: James Byrd’s murder shows why Confederate holiday should end (April 24)
- Adam Gopnik, New Yorker: How the South Won the Civil War (April 1)
- Mark Hudspeth, CBS News: Reconstruction, one of the most misunderstood chapters in American history (April 7)
- Charles Lane, Washington Post: The fight against white supremacy could learn something from America’s first war on terror (April 8)
- Jay Mathews, Washington Post: Debates over school names won’t be history anytime soon — and shouldn’t be (April 12)
- Stephan Salisbury, Philadelphia Inquirer: An enormous Confederate flag is going on display in Philly this week — here’s why (March 25)
Bethel McKenzie Joins Report for America
Alison Bethel McKenzie, who resigned last week as executive director of the Society for Professional Journalists, has been named director of corps excellence for Report for America, which “places talented journalists into local newsrooms to report on under-covered communities or issues.”

“Report for America is the real deal. Its mission of connecting emerging journalists to newsrooms across the country to cover under-reported issues and communities speaks to the importance of journalism, especially investigative journalism, as a pillar of democracy, and I cannot be more excited to join them in their endeavor,” Bethel McKenzie said in Thursday’s news release. She expects to be based in Washington.
“Alison is one of the true leaders in our profession,” Steven Waldman, president and co-founder of Report for America, said in the release. “We’re thrilled that she’ll be taking such a crucial leadership role here. Her vision and skills will enable us to ensure that the news organizations and corps members love this program — and that together they really help communities get the journalism they need.”
Report for America recently announced the 61 members of the 2019 corps, 50 of whom will hit the ground for the first time this June.
Meanwhile, SPJ President J. Alex Tarquinio wrote on May 1 what she called “a personal note to members who may have questions regarding this week’s news that Alison Bethel McKenzie resigned as executive director of the Society of Professional Journalists. . . .
“As for SPJ’s valued leaders — whether at the regional, chapter, committee or community levels — the national board is keen to reassure you that the SPJ staff will continue to support our members throughout this transition,” Tarquinio continued.
- Andrea Wenzel, Sam Ford, Steve Bynum and Efrat Nechushtai, Columbia Journalism Review: Can Report for America build trust in local news? A view from two communities

‘What Does It Mean to Have a Multiracial Royal?’
“The Duke And Duchess of Sussex had a son,” Joshua Johnson said Thursday as he hosted NPR’s “1A,” originating at WAMU-FM in Washington. “His name is Archie Harrison Mountbatten-Windsor.”
Johnson also said, “The baby is seventh in line to the British throne. But nearly a year after a royal wedding that captivated the globe, his birth marks the first multiracial baby in the British monarchy’s recent history, according to The New York Times.
“But it’s more than just the ‘royal couple procreates’ kind of story.
“Carla Hall of The Los Angeles Times wondered how the baby might grow up. Just one note: this column was written before his name was released.
” ‘But will the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, whose very marriage was a break from royal traditions, break with the tradition of British royal family life and raise their boy their way? He’ll learn plenty about his royal background, being seventh in line to the throne.
“What will he know about his American family? He’ll know he’s royal when photographers incessantly snap his picture at events. But I’m guessing that one of his first questions to his parents will be: Am I black? The answer: Yes, you are. And if he didn’t guess it from looking at his light-skinned mother, then he need only look at his maternal grandmother, Doria Ragland, who lives in Los Angeles.
“Baby Sussex, as he’s called for the moment, will have an extraordinarily privileged life. We can only hope that he will live, eventually, in a post-racial world. Still, he needs to know about what it means to be a black person in the world today. Of course, it means dozens of things. His life will largely be his to make. There is no one ‘black experience’ — except, perhaps, a cop stopping you because you look like a suspect. I highly doubt that’s going to happen to the young Sussex.’
“What does it mean to have a multiracial royal? And how does one raise a multiracial baby in 2019? . . .”
- BBC: Royal baby: Meghan and Harry’s ‘break with tradition’ praised by US media
- BBC: Royal baby: Archie Harrisons on having the same name
- Kara Fox, CNN: BBC radio host fired over racist royal baby tweet
- Carla Hall, Los Angeles Times: Will Meghan Markle and Prince Harry raise their baby to be black?
- Steve Majors, Washington Post: For biracial people like me, the royal baby has a special meaning
- Barry Saunders, the Saunders Report: Here’s what they should’ve named that royal young ‘un.

NBC Celebrates Asian Americans’ Own Stories
“This Asian Pacific American Heritage Month, NBC News is highlighting some of the efforts by Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders to write their stories back into history,” NBC News said in introducing a web page dedicated to such stories that have appeared on the site in the last few years.
Prominent among them was this by Chris Fuchs from Friday: “Railroad descendants, history buffs, dignitaries and elected officials were among the thousands gathered Friday in Promontory, northwest of Salt Lake City, to commemorate the 150th anniversary of the completion of the first transcontinental railroad.
“Linking together the nation’s coasts, the line was a monumental engineering feat that reduced travel time across the continent from several months to about a week. It was also a boon to the economy of a nation recovering from the Civil War.
“Friday’s anniversary ceremony strove for inclusiveness, billed by organizers as an effort to tell the ‘whole story’ of the railroad that transformed America and those who made that happen. . . .”
Indeed, Alessandra Link reported Friday for the Washington Post, “One year after the rail lines joined in Utah, Walt Whitman celebrated the achievement in ‘Passage to India.’ Thanks to the railroads, he crowed, ‘the distant’ could be ‘brought near/ The lands to be welded together.’
”But for Native nations, the railroads were unwelcome industrial interlopers. The ‘lands’ Whitman referenced were their homelands and hunting grounds, sacred sites and gathering places. These places were ‘welded’ to the United States through force, political chicanery and legal fictions. To Arapahos, Choctaws, Navajos, Osages and others, the railroad meant more U.S. soldiers and land-hungry settlers. It is no wonder that some Cherokees criticized locomotives as ‘the introducers of calamities rather than blessings.’ . . .”
- Frederick N. Rasmussen, Baltimore Sun: When the transcontinental railroad was completed, Baltimore, curiously, didn’t make a fuss
Wall Trumps Role of Climate in Emigration Stories
“Watching television news, and reading immigration news on my computer, one journalistic fact is as obvious as it is devastating: the wall has completely obliterated immigration coverage,” Roberto Lovato wrote Tuesday for Columbia Journalism Review.
“Studies show that the words ‘wall,’ ‘border,’ and ‘borders’ have increasingly replaced the words ‘immigration’ and ‘immigrants’ in global news coverage of immigration. We no longer hear about the DREAMers, immigrant youth whose activism ‘won the nation’s hearts and minds’ just a couple of years ago. Neither do we hear the stories of Temporary Protected Status holders, migrant women fleeing rape and violence, and other, non-Caravan-riding migrants. . . .
“This is part of Trump’s strategy: to separate immigration reporting from the larger, domestic and foreign policy components that define immigration. And it appears to be working: nearly every news story about immigration from Central and South America mentions the wall as a focal point. The wall is a colossal political theater streamed, beamed, and reported so as to distract us from one of the truly colossal failures of the global economic system happening within and beyond this theater: the unprecedented mass global migration whose participants, some experts believe, may number anywhere from 200 million to 1 billion by 2050.
“When we fixate on a physical wall, we also introduce a wall in our thinking. Reporting that simplifies the issue of immigration by literally framing it as one that begins and ends at the US-Mexico border excludes crucial information. Trump’s wall has blocked off the biggest borderless immigration story of our lifetimes: climate migration.
“With some exceptions, the reporting on immigration leaves out experts predicting that the unprecedented global migration will largely be due to the flooding, drought, freezing, desertification, and other climate change-driven uprooting of large swaths of humanity. Research I did following visits to El Salvador and Central America, the Syrian border with Turkey, and Juarez, Mexico, in times of intense violence all pointed to climate change as a major contributor to the violence that is pushing migration. . . .”
- Al Jazeera and news services: ‘Tragic, terrible’: Scores die as migrant boat sinks off Tunisia
- Editorial, Los Angeles Times: Are migrant families still being separated at the border? We need to find out. Now
- James Goodman, the Progressive: Saying ‘No’ to Immigrant Detention
- Michael Grabell, ProPublica: Pediatrician Who Treated Immigrant Children Describes Pattern of Lapses in Medical Care in Shelters
- Meghan E. Irons, Boston Globe: Immigration has transformed Boston over the last three decades
- Tracy Jan, Washington Post: HUD says 55,000 children could be displaced under Trump plan to evict undocumented immigrants
- Rick Jervis and Alan Gomez, USA Today: Trump administration has separated hundreds of children from their migrant families since 2018
- Laura C. Morel, Reveal, Center for Investigative Reporting: Government isn’t reuniting migrant children with legal guardians
- Ruben Navarrette Jr., Daily Beast: The Border Is Being Invaded—By Racist, Trump-Loving Vigilantes
- Andrés Oppenheimer, Miami Herald: China is becoming more popular than the U.S. in many Latin American countries (April 24)
- Jacob Soboroff, NBC News: Emails show Trump admin had ‘no way to link’ separated migrant children to parents (May 1)
Writer Found Racism More Frequent in Journalism
“I have experienced racism in the newsroom,” Kendra Pierre-Louis wrote Tuesday for the Open Notebook. “This hasn’t surprised me. I have been black my whole life, so racism has been a fixture of my whole life.

“What has surprised me, as someone who transitioned to journalism from other work, is that I’ve encountered racism more frequently in journalism than I did in previous professions.
“I have had colleagues assume I attended schools racked with gun violence. I’ve seen a coworker slip horrifically racist comments into a work chat, only to rapidly delete their words (I can only assume they had meant to send the comments as a direct message to someone else). And I have had to push back against edits that reinforced racist stereotypes.
“My experience is not unusual, as I’ve discovered after talking to other journalists who are of color, queer, or both. Their experiences include colleagues assuming that any person of color in the newsroom must be part of the cleaning staff, aggressive attacks on their background, and unjustified doubts about their professional qualifications.
“I’m lucky to work in a place with strong worker protections; it means that I feel able to speak relatively openly about the experience of what it means to be a minority in journalism. But that isn’t true for everyone. Many people I talked to for this article agreed to comment only anonymously.
“Their worry makes sense: A 2015 Columbia Journalism Review analysis found that minority journalists are more likely to leave the profession than their white counterparts. Separately, research reported in the Harvard Business Review found that newsroom layoffs disproportionately involve people of color and women, and that people of color are penalized for speaking out about diversity. . . .”
- Kevin Aldridge, Cincinnati Enquirer: Diversity in newsrooms more important than ever (April 24)
- Farah Eltohamy, State Press, Arizona State University: State Press Play: How is the Cronkite School trying to tackle the diversity problem in journalism? (April 26)
- Ashley Grant, SRQ Magazine: The Roar of Diversity and Equality: Dorothy Butler Gilliam and the life of an American Trailblazer.
- April Lindgren, the Conversation: Thunder Bay: Local news is important for conversations on reconciliation (April 29)
- Carly Wanna, Yale Daily News: [Ethnicity, Race & Migration program] obtains five faculty positions, 13 professors return to program (May 2)

Chokeholds Still Used Despite Eric Garner Death
“In the Bronx, a man was choked from behind as an officer frog-marched him to a squad car,” Ali Winston wrote Thursday for the New York Times. “In Manhattan, a detective responding to a noise complaint wrapped his arm around a man’s neck and squeezed for 22 seconds.
“And in Brooklyn, a plainclothes officer pinned an 18-year-old up against a lamp post, his forearm choking off the teenager’s air supply while he was patted down.
“The incidents all happened in the last three years, after the Police Department spent $35 million to retrain patrol officers not to employ strangleholds in the wake of the death of Eric Garner.
“Records of complaints show the banned holds are still being used by some officers, and only a tiny fraction of officers accused of chokeholds have been found guilty and have faced discipline. When they do, the punishment meted out has been remedial training and the loss of vacation time. None have been fired. . . .”
- Michael Barajas, Texas Observer: The Big Blue Obstacle to Bipartisan Criminal Justice Reform
- Defender News Service: Attorney claims NYPD chief surgeon ruled officer never put Eric Garner in a chokehold (April 8)
- Justin Ray, Columbia Journalism Review: How one reporter got the Sandra Bland cell phone video
- Rubén Rosario, Pioneer Press, St. Paul, Minn.: In the Noor case, it’s the civil proceeding that will resound the most (April 30)
Kamala Harris Sees ‘Electability’ as Code Word
“Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Kamala Harris went through a laundry list of issues with President Trump while calling on the media to stop overlooking Black voters in their discussions of ‘electability,’ during a Sunday night address in Detroit,” Natasha S. Alford reported Monday for thegrio.com.
“While speaking at the NAACP Fight for Freedom Fund Dinner, an annual event given by the organization’s Detroit chapter which typically attracts major political influentials, Sen. Harris said Trump uses hateful rhetoric to stir the pot. . . .”
Alford also wrote, “Harris went further in her critiques by calling out media pundits who talk about ‘electability’ in the Midwest, by overlooking ‘people in this room who helped build cities like Detroit,’ a likely nod to majority Black populations in the region’s urban areas.
“ ‘There has been a lot of conversation by pundits about the electability and who can speak to the Midwest — and when they say that, they usually put the Midwest in a simplistic box and narrow narrative.’ . . . ”
- Will Bunch, Philadelphia Inquirer: I’m a mediocre white man — so I’m thinking about joining the Democratic primary field
- Christopher Cadelago, Politico: Kamala Harris unloads on pundits who say only a white man can beat Trump
Farrakhan Separates Out ‘Satanic Jews’ After Ban
“Minister Louis Farrakhan doubled down on past polarizing statements in an impassioned and wide-ranging speech Thursday evening, just one week after Facebook permanently banned him from its social media platforms for violating the tech giant’s policies on hate speech,” Nader Issa reported Thursday for the Chicago Sun-Times.
“Farrakhan, the leader of the Chicago-based Nation of Islam, spoke at the Rev. Michael Pfleger’s St. Sabina Church amid heavy criticism of both men — Farrakhan for his past anti-Semitic and homophobic comments, and Pfleger for welcoming the divisive figurehead into his church.
“ ‘I’m here to separate the good Jews from the Satanic Jews,’ Farrakhan preached at the end of what had been a largely uncontroversial speech. ‘I have not said one word of hate. I do not hate Jewish people. Not one that is with me has ever committed a crime against the Jewish people, black people, white people. As long as you don’t attack us, we won’t bother you. . . .”
- Fred Hiatt, Washington Post: Yes, white supremacists are emboldened. But that’s not the whole story in America today.
- Askia Muhammad, Washington Informer: I Stand With Farrakhan!
- Ruben Navarrette Jr., Washington Post Writers Group: You can run but you cannot hide from hate
- Leonard Pitts Jr., Miami Herald: Whites have more to fear from other whites than they do from their fellow black and brown Americans
- Jack Shafer, Politico Magazine: Here’s How Facebook Should Really Handle Alex Jones
- Brian Stelter, Oliver Darcy, Irin Carmon and Kmele Foster, “Reliable Sources,” CNN: Debating Facebook’s ban of ‘dangerous’ users (video)
- A.C. Thompson, ProPublica: Once Defiant, All Four White Supremacists Charged in Charlottesville Violence Plead Guilty
WATCH: @Reuters reporter Wa Lone speaks to the media as he and Kyaw Soe Oo are released after over 500 days in prison https://t.co/3NzyJSQJyE pic.twitter.com/37WyDVZK8l
— Reuters Top News (@Reuters) May 7, 2019
‘Countless’ Others Treated Like Freed Reporters
“The prison ordeal of Wa Lone and Kyaw Soe Oo is thankfully over, but their biggest challenges may lie ahead,” Jason Rezaian wrote Tuesday for the Washington Post.
“The two local reporters for Reuters contributed incredibly detailed investigative reporting that uncovered a massacre of Rohingya Muslims in a rural province of Myanmar in September 2017. The journalists obtained photos of the victims shortly before their executions as well as evidence from the mass grave where they were buried. The information they revealed was so shocking that authorities considered it a threat to the country’s national security. Police arrested the two reporters after planting documents on them.
“Last month the two men received the Pulitzer Prize for their work, an award richly deserved. Their release Tuesday came after an awareness-raising campaign with high-profile supporters, much like the one The Post waged when I was unjustly imprisoned in Iran. The authorities released the two men as part of a nationwide amnesty. . . .”
Rezaian also wrote, “Sadly, countless journalists around the world are suffering similar fates — in some cases, far worse — and in the end it’s the public that loses, since those missing voices are rarely replaced with others that are equally committed to telling the difficult truths of illiberal societies. Such people are, after all, relatively rare.
“We see this phenomenon around the world, as local journalists are increasingly taking on the job of bringing us the news from countries whose governments are wary of allowing foreign correspondents to report from within their closed borders.
“I experienced significant difficulties reporting from Iran even before my imprisonment, of course. These days, Turkey, Egypt, India and Mexico are just a few of the countries where practicing journalism has become so hazardous that few souls are willing to take on the risks of doing this essential work. . . .”
- Yasmeen Serhan, the Atlantic: A False Dawn for Journalists in Southeast Asia
Deadline is May 17 to Nominate a J-Educator
Beginning in 1990, the Association of Opinion Journalists, formerly the National Conference of Editorial Writers, annually granted a Barry Bingham Sr. Fellowship — actually an award — “in recognition of an educator’s outstanding efforts to encourage minority students in the field of journalism.”
AOJ merged in 2016 into the American Society of News Editors, which is continuing the Bingham award tradition.
Since 2000, the recipient has been awarded an honorarium of $1,000 to be used to “further work in progress or begin a new project.”

Past winners include James Hawkins, Florida A&M University (1990); Larry Kaggwa, Howard University (1992); Ben Holman, University of Maryland (1996); Linda Jones, Roosevelt University, Chicago (1998); Ramon Chavez, University of Colorado, Boulder (1999); Erna Smith, San Francisco State (2000); Joseph Selden, Penn State University (2001); Cheryl Smith, Paul Quinn College (2002); Rose Richard, Marquette University (2003).
Also, Leara D. Rhodes, University of Georgia (2004); Denny McAuliffe, University of Montana (2005); Pearl Stewart, Black College Wire (2006); Valerie White, Florida A&M University (2007); Phillip Dixon, Howard University (2008); Bruce dePyssler, North Carolina Central University (2009); Sree Sreenivasan, Columbia University (2010); Yvonne Latty, New York University (2011); Michelle Johnson, Boston University (2012); Vanessa Shelton, University of Iowa (2013); William Drummond, University of California at Berkeley (2014); Julian Rodriguez of the University of Texas at Arlington (2015) (video); David G. Armstrong, Georgia State University (2016) (video); and Gerald Jordan, University of Arkansas (2017); Bill Celis, University of Southern California (2018).
Nominations may be emailed to Richard Prince, ASNE Opinion Journalism Committee, richardprince (at) hotmail.com. The deadline is May 17. Please use that address only for ASNE matters.
Short Takes
Rochelle Riley “Mayor Mike Duggan today reaffirmed the City’s commitment to its creative community by announcing the appointment of longtime Detroit journalist and community advocate Rochelle Riley as the City of Detroit’s Director of Arts and Culture,” the city government announced Saturday. “In the newly-created position, Riley will be responsible for giving shape and focus to Detroit’s investments in arts and culture and advocating for opportunities for one of the most inventive and resourceful creative communities in the world. . . .” Riley took a buyout in February from the Detroit Free Press, where she had been a columnist since 2000.
- “Ariel Investment President [Mellody] Hobson and her husband, Star Wars movie mogul George Lucas, have filed a lawsuit to take control of Ebony and Jet’s massive archive of historic photos, chronicling African-American life over the last seven decades,” the Chicago Crusader reported Tuesday. “The move is the latest development after Johnson Publishing Company filed bankruptcy last month. The company plans to sell Fashion Fair Cosmetics and its $40 million photo archives collection to pay off its enormous debts. . . .”
- “The Cubs did the right thing Wednesday by indefinitely banning a fan who’d made a hand gesture that team officials believe was intended to be seen on TV ‘in a racist way,‘ ” the Chicago Sun-Times editorialized Thursday. “The fan made the gesture on air behind NBC Sports Chicago reporter Doug Glanville, an African American, during the broadcast of Tuesday’s game against the Marlins. If the intent was to be racist, as it is when the gesture is used by white supremacists, that’s intolerable. That said, we were disappointed when the Cubs didn’t take a stronger stand several months ago upon the release of racist and Islamophobic emails by Joe Ricketts, whose money was used to fund the purchase of the team. . . .”
- “In the year 2019, African-Americans simultaneously hold the titles in all three of the biggest beauty competitions,” Dahleen Glanton wrote Thursday for the Chicago Tribune. She also wrote, “While this moment has been a long time coming, it does not necessarily represent a shift in the way America defines beauty. It could, however, begin to break down societal stereotypes of black femininity that have long been perpetuated in the media. . . .”
- “The White House has implemented new rules that it says will cut down on the number of journalists that hold ‘hard’ passes, the credentials that allow reporters and technicians to enter the grounds without seeking daily permission,” Paul Farhi reported Wednesday for the Washington Post. “The new policy has been met with some confusion and even worry among journalists, some of whom suspect that the ultimate aim is to keep critics in the press away from the White House and President Trump. . . .”
- “In 29 years of covering media in Baltimore, I cannot recall a story I wrote that resulted in as immediate and intense a reaction as Tuesday’s report announcing WJZ’s firing of anchorwoman Mary Bubala, television writer David Zurawik wrote Thursday for the Baltimore Sun. “We’ve had three female, African-American mayors in a row,” Bubala had said. “They were all passionate public servants. Two resigned, though. Is this a signal that a different kind of leadership is needed to move Baltimore City forward?” Zurawik also wrote, “At the same time as I say firing was excessive, I also believe Bubala’s question demanded a loud and clear correction, prominent on-air apology and substantive punishment because of the damage such words as those of her question can do, especially when multiplied by mass media. . . .”
- “Tyra Banks looks incredible on the cover of Sports Illustrated — but she admitted that she didn’t reach her goal weight before the shoot,” Kerry Justich wrote Saturday for Yahoo Style. “And instead of that being shamed, it was celebrated. . . .” “The 45-year-old mogul was the first Black woman to cover the magazine solo in 1997. Now, she’s back and she even wore an iconic polka dot suit to mark the occasion,” Twitter Moments explained.
- “Steve Harvey’s syndicated daytime talk show ‘Steve’ will end its run in June,” Cynthia Littleton reported Friday for Variety.”The writing was on the wall for the show last September year when NBC cut a deal with Kelly Clarkson for a talk-variety hour to launch in the fall. ‘The Kelly Clarkson Show’ will move into the prime daytime slots occupied on NBC O&Os [owned and operated stations] by Harvey’s show for the past seven seasons. . . .”
- “Harvest Season,” a PBS “Independent Lens” film that debuts Monday, “is a visually stunning documentary about Napa Valley and all its wealth, beauty, and impeccable landscapes,” the National Hispanic Media coalition says. “However, the film goes deeper and explores the immigrant labor behind the wine capital of the world. Those who prune and maintain the vineyards, harvest the grapes by hand, and help produce the legendary wines that end up on your dinner table, are workers predominantly from Mexico. They take the physically demanding jobs most Americans do not want, while at the same time, enduring the strain of family separation. . . .”
- Tovaangar literally means “the world” as seen through the eyes of the Tongva, the first residents of Los Angeles, Thomas Curwen wrote Thursday for the Los Angeles Times. “This world was theirs before it belonged to anyone else, before strangers arrived and began to bend the region to their will and Tovaangar disappeared. . . . Pam Munro, a linguist from UCLA, “has been teaching Tongva classes for 15 years. She calls her work ‘a reclamation effort’ for a language that is no longer used in conversations. She avoids calling Tongva extinct; that, she said, is a hurtful pronouncement upon a culture that still exists and a world that in the eyes of many has never disappeared. . . .”
- Teri Arvesu, vice president of content, Univision Chicago; Nykia Wright, interim CEO, Chicago Sun-Times; Diana Maldonado, vice president of news, Telemundo Chicago; Maudlyne Ihejirika, columnist, Chicago Sun-Times; president, Chicago Journalists Association, and president, National Association of Black Journalists Chicago Chapter; and Bettina Chang, co-founder and editorial director, City Bureau are among Robert Feder’s “Power 25,” “the most powerful women in Chicago journalism,” Feder announced Friday.
- “Back in 2014, after my series in the Clarion Ledger ran, the Mississippi Legislature passed and the governor signed legislation aimed at reforming corrections and reducing the prison population, which Pew Charitable Trusts predicted would save the state $266 million by 2024,” Jerry Mitchell reported Thursday for the Mississippi Center for Investigative Reporting, a member of the ProPublica Local Reporting Network. “There were savings all right, but all of them went back into the general fund. Meanwhile, the Legislature has slashed more than $185 million in total from the Corrections Department’s budget over the last five years. . . . Since 2014, inmates and their families have continued to reach out to me. So have correctional officers, who say they fear for their lives. . . . What they have told me is that the conditions inside Mississippi prisons now are worse than they were in 2014. . . .”
- “LaFontaine E. Oliver is returning to Baltimore to take over as WYPR’s general manager and president, the radio station said Tuesday,” Joanna Sullivan reported for Baltimore Business Journal. She also wrote, “Oliver served as general manager of WEAA at Morgan State from 2007 until 2013. He was most recently president and general manager of WMFE in Orlando, Florida. Oliver is one of 12 member station managers on the NPR Board of Directors, and serves as president of the Central Florida Association of Black Journalists. . . .”
- DeMarco Morgan, New York-based correspondent for CBS News since October 2015, has moved to Los Angeles and started work Monday as co-anchor of KCBS-TV (CBS 2’s) weekday 4:30-7:00 a.m. and 11 a.m. newscasts. (video)

- “Sandra Gonzalez has started a new job as associate producer at Spectrum News Austin,” Veronica Villafañe reported Monday for her Media Moves column. “She joins the cable news operation after spending six months at KPRC in Houston as a social media producer and digital editor. . . .”
- “The NFL Network is being forced to cut $20 million out of its projected budget and, in the process, already has eliminated at least five shows, including one that featured Deion Sanders, The Post has learned . . .,” Andrew Marchand reported Wednesday for the New York Post. “NFL Network is definitively cutting five programs. Sanders’ ’21 & Prime,’ ‘Power Rankings,’ ‘Pick ‘em,’ ‘Playbook’ and ‘Mic’d Up’ are off the air. The future of the weekend edition of ‘Good Morning Football’ is in question. . . .”
- “Now that Florida Republicans have passed HB 7093, a bill that allows armed teachers in Florida’s classrooms, the threat of harsh punishment, or worse, will be further intensified for black students,” State Rep. Shevrin Jones, D-West Park, wrote Tuesday for the Miami Herald. He also wrote, “By passing HB 7093, Florida has all but guaranteed the death of a black student at the hands of an armed teacher. Blood will be on the hands of those who voted for this bill and the governor that signs it into law. . . .”
- “After 13 years of teaching journalism at Emerson College in Boston, I am retiring at the end of this semester,” former ABC and NBC News journalist Carole Simpson wrote Monday on Facebook. “I will miss the students most of all. At 78 I’m still not ready to take up my needlepoint and settle into a recliner in front of the TV. BREAKING NEWS!! In June I will launch my new video blog called ‘W.O.W.’ for Wise Old Woman. . . .”
- “It’s 9 June, 2016, and in an email with the subject line ‘Inspiration’, I explain to the fledgling team at The Nzinga Effect, the platform I’m building to tell stories of African and afrodescendant women, that I’ve just come across a Dutch media organisation called De Correspondent,” Eliza Anyangwe wrote Thursday on medium.com. “I write that ‘I have found them a really inspiring model of publishing but also funding,’ before adding: ‘De Correspondent has a fascinating community web model, very much about driving membership and a movement, rather than just delivering a product that people consume.’ Three years later, to the day, I will be joining The Correspondent, their English language platform, as Managing Editor. . . .”
- “Following the success of the politically minded doc RBG, CNN Films is partnering with Trilogy Films, Color Farm Media and AGC Studios to bring a feature about Georgia Congressman John Lewis to the big screen,” Tatiana Siegel reported Wednesday for the Hollywood Reporter. “Directed by Dawn Porter (Gideon’s Army), the film will explore the extraordinary life of the civil rights icon and Democrat. . . .”
- Black Public Media and the Corporation for Public Broadcasting on May 2 announced the first recipients of the Jacquie Jones Memorial Scholarships: Rachel Dickson, Kevin Shaw, Loira Limbal, Jameka Autry, Jasmin Lopez, Yvonne Shirley and Orlando Bagwell. The scholarships to be awarded total $300,000. Among the projects is “Gil Scott-Heron,” produced by Shirley and directed by Bagwell, about the iconic poet and musician and his personal and political struggles.
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— Richard Prince (@princeeditor) March 16, 2018
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View previous columns (after Feb. 13, 2016).
- Diversity’s Greatest Hits, 2018 (Jan. 4, 2019)
- Book Notes: Is Taking a Knee Really All That? (Dec. 20, 2018)
- Book Notes: Challenging ’45’ and Proudly Telling the Story (Dec. 18, 2018)
- Book Notes: Get Down With the Legends! (Dec. 11, 2018)
- Journalist Richard Prince w/Joe Madison (Sirius XM, April 18, 2018) (podcast)
- Richard Prince (journalist) (Wikipedia entry)
- February 2018 Podcast: Richard “Dick” Prince on the need for newsroom diversity (Gabriel Greschler, Student Press Law Center, Feb. 26, 2018)
- Diversity’s Greatest Hits, 2017 — Where Will They Take Us in the Year Ahead?
- Book Notes: Best Sellers, Uncovered Treasures, Overlooked History (Dec. 19, 2017)
- An advocate for diversity in the media is still pressing for representation, (Courtland Milloy, Washington Post, Nov. 28, 2017)
- Morgan Global Journalism Review: Journal-isms Journeys On (Aug. 31, 2017)
- Diversity’s Greatest Hits, 2016
- Book Notes: 16 Writers Dish About ‘Chelle,’ the First Lady
- Book Notes: From Coretta to Barack, and in Search of the Godfather
- Journal-isms’ Richard Prince Wants Your Ideas (FishbowlDC, Feb. 26, 2016)
- Richard Prince with Charlayne Hunter-Gault,“PBS NewsHour,” “What stagnant diversity means for America’s newsrooms” (Dec. 15, 2015)
- Book Notes: Journalists Follow Their Passions
- Book Notes: Journalists Who Rocked Their World
- Book Notes: Hands Up! Read This!
- Book Notes: New Cosby Bio Looks Like a Best-Seller
- Journo-diversity advocate turns attention to Ezra Klein project (Erik Wemple, Washington Post, March 5, 2014)
Columns below from the Maynard Institute are not currently available but are scheduled to be restored soon on journal-isms.com.
- Book Notes: “Love, Peace and Soul!” And More
- Book Notes: Book Notes: Soothing the Senses, Shocking the Conscience
- Diversity’s Greatest Hits, 2015
- Diversity’s Greatest Hits, 2014
- Diversity’s Greatest Hits, 2013
- Diversity’s Greatest Hits, 2012
- Diversity’s Greatest Hits, 2011
- Diversity’s Greatest Hits, 2010
- Diversity’s Greatest Hits, 2009
- Diversity’s Greatest Hits, 2008
- Book Notes: Books to Ring In the New Year
- Book Notes: In-Your-Face Holiday Reads
- Fishbowl Interview With the Fresh Prince of D.C. (Oct. 26, 2012)
- NABJ to Honor Columnist Richard Prince With Ida B. Wells Award (Oct. 11, 2012)
- So What Do You Do, Richard Prince, Columnist for the Maynard Institute? (Richard Horgan, FishbowlLA, Aug. 22, 2012)
- Book Notes: Who Am I? What’s Race Got to Do With It?: Journalists Explore Identity
- Book Notes: Catching Up With Books for the Fall
- Richard Prince Helps Journalists Set High Bar (Jackie Jones, BlackAmericaWeb.com, 2011)
- Book Notes: 10 Ways to Turn Pages This Summer
- Book Notes: 7 for Serious Spring Reading
- Book Notes: 7 Candidates for the Journalist’s Library
- Book Notes: 9 That Add Heft to the Bookshelf
- Five Minutes With Richard Prince (Newspaper Association of America, 2005)
- ‘Journal-isms’ That Engage and Inform Diverse Audiences (Q&A with Mallary Jean Tenore, Poynter Institute, 2008)
Shireen Mitchell, founder of Digital Sistas, has been consistently sounding the alarm about Russians targeting African America voters . In fact, she conducted her own analysis of the ads released by Congress last May. She released her findings in October.
But she has been ignored not only by MSM, but by African American thought leaders. I was, finally, able to write about her for thecrisis.com.
She’s worth following at https://twitter.com/digitalsista.
Editor’s note: A link to the article in the Crisis has been added.
Dear Carole Simpson,
We still need a biography of Ed Bradley. You are very qualified to write it. Please think about it! Thank you!