Prisoner: ‘I Don’t Want My President to Be a Creep’
Another Theory on Why Media Didn’t ‘Get’ Trump
Media Critic Says Brazile’s Conduct Not So Unusual
FCC Faulted on Pace of Telecom Diversity
Journalist Shot by Police Near Standing Rock
Japanese American Paper to Stay Alive Through ’17
4 Black Caucus Members Demand Facebook Change
ABC Crew Said to Fake Police Tape at Crime Scene
Please check out this @nytimes voter suppression interactive. Playing as a black man in Wis., I ended up not voting
— Yamiche Alcindor (@Yamiche) November 4, 2016
Prisoner: ‘I Don’t Want My President to Be a Creep’
Hillary Clinton’s use of the term “superpredators” in 1996 to describe some black youths — a term for which she has apologized — has served as justification for some to declare that they cannot support her bid for president.
Such an argument apparently hasn’t gained traction with inmates of color in at least one storied prison. For them, Clinton is the candidate of choice.
“Those conversations you overhear in the coffee shops and at the water coolers? I overhear them on the tiers and at the guards’ station. Everyone is talking about the 2016 election, Hillary or [Donald J.] Trump. Most black and brown prisoners are for her, most white guards are for him,” begins an essay from John J. Lennon published Thursday by the Marshall Project in cooperation with Vice.
Lennon, who is white, is serving 28 years to life for second-degree murder at the Attica Correctional Facility in New York. His essay is part of “Life Inside,” a series offering “perspectives from those who work and live in the criminal justice system.”
“The day we heard Trump talking about groping women on a hot mic, a young Blood member yelled down the tier to one of his homies, ‘Yo… this dude Trump is outta line! Trump sounds like a straight-up creep,’ ” Lennon continued.
“In prison, we have a social hierarchy, and rapists and child molesters are at the bottom. It’s one of the only things Attica guards and prisoners agree on. But while some prisoners thought Trump’s words were inappropriate, the guards I talked to didn’t.
“ ‘Come on Lennon, that was pure guy talk,’ one said.
“I don’t want my president to be a creep, though — I want his or her words to represent an ideal.
“In June 2015, a hate-filled white boy shot and killed nine loving black folks attending a bible study in their church in Charleston, S.C. Afterwards, it was uncomfortable for me, a white boy in Attica. ‘Fuckin racist white mothafucka!’ I heard tumble through cell bars, down the tier. ‘That’s the kind of hate these crackas up in here have.”
“The tension was palpable in the days that followed. Then President Barack Obama went to Charleston and gave a moving speech, soothing America, singing ‘Amazing Grace.’ We watched in our cells. I had tears in my eyes.
“Attica guards dig that Trump proclaims himself the ‘law and order’ candidate, because that’s the ol’ lock-em-up language — and that’s their livelihood. To a lot of guards, Trump’s words have resurrected the us-versus-them climate, validating the idea that things ain’t like they used to be. This comes at a time when Attica guards have had to show restraint because the historically hands-on prison has recently been fitted with cameras and mics after intense media scrutiny.
“But most prisoners don’t want things to be like they used to be. Anthony ‘Jalil’ Bottom, a former Black Panther who’s been behind bars for 45 years, is one of the New York Three convicted in 1975 of killing two cops — one white, one black. The Nixonian ‘law and order’ era, Jalil said, was a shameful part of American history.
“Take the 1971 Attica uprising: President Nixon supported then-Governor Nelson Rockefeller when he sent armed federal and state authorities to take back the prison. That raid resulted in 39 people — 29 prisoners and 10 hostages — being shot dead. . . .”
In Jest from The News Literacy Project on Vimeo.
The News Literacy Project created this video linking news literacy to voting knowledgeably.
Another Theory on Why Media Didn’t ‘Get’ Trump
“Donald Trump is a moral, intellectual and spiritual failure. He lies, he cheats, he insults, he practices the rankest hypocrisy. He manipulates the tax code to avoid paying taxes. He wields bankruptcy to avoid paying his creditors,” Lee Siegel wrote Oct. 28 for Columbia Journalism Review.
“And yet. He does not hide behind professions of virtue while practicing his vices. He falters, sins, fails in his obligations, falls prey to his impulses, gives vent to his rage, all in public view. He does not pretend to be decent while behaving indecently.
“For millions of decent people, who nevertheless falter in the obligations, surrender to their impulses, make mistakes in the eyes of the tax code and the law, Trump is the antidote (at least up until the allegations of sexual assault) to the prim, priggish, self-congratulatory liberal code of virtues. Trump’s followers forgive his abusiveness, callousness and mendacity because it embodies, in the phrase made famous by Isaiah Berlin, ‘the crooked timber of humanity.’ His failures of character allow them to forgive him his wealth and power.
“What his followers cannot forgive is the liberal media’s smug enforcement of the straight and narrow path to happiness and success, a smugness and prescriptiveness often born in conditions of prosperity and privilege that are far removed from the way the majority of Americans exist.
“Most American define success in terms of their families, their work — if they’re lucky enough to be working, and at a job with dignity — and their attachment to their communities. For most of the media, success is the right school, the right style of parenting, the right cultural products, the right job, the right etiquette in every social situation, the right social attitudes, and the right workout.
“That difference between how the media defines success and failure and how much of the rest of the country does, is one of the great causes of the divide between the press and the tens of millions of Americans who have rallied behind the exceptionally flawed Republican standard-bearer.
“It is a reason most of the media never grasped the rise of Trump’s base of support. Unless it’s addressed, one of the legacies of the 2016 election will be a permanent, and deepening, mistrust of and alienation from the mainstream press. Here is my idea of a newsworthy profile . . .”
Media Critic Says Brazile’s Conduct Not So Unusual
“Interim Democratic National Committee Chair Donna Brazile has taken a public flogging — and lost her sinecure as one of CNN’s talking heads — for allegedly leaking primary debate questions the network planned to ask Hillary Clinton to her presidential campaign,” Jack Shafer wrote Thursday for Politico.
“Brazile’s conduct — revealed in emails hacked from John Podesta’s account and posted by WikiLeaks — especially outraged CNN President Jeff Zucker, who according to a blind-sourced report by Huffington Post’s Michael Calderone, characterized Brazile’s tattling as ‘unethical’ and ‘disgusting’ in an editorial meeting earlier this week. ‘I have no tolerance for her behavior or that kind of behavior,’ Zucker allegedly told his staffers.
“While Brazile deserves criticism — I shamed her for her alleged leak earlier this week — calling her behavior ‘disgusting’ takes the whole castigation thing a tad too far. What Brazile did — violating the confidence of a (part-time) employer — is what makes the wheels of journalism turn. If the press, including Zucker’s own CNN, could not rely on employees to breach basic ethical understandings, nondisclosure pacts and promises to keep lips zipped in order to leak information, journalism would cease to exist.
“Zucker has every right to say, ‘I have no tolerance for her behavior or that kind of behavior,’ but if his tolerance really was zero, he would have to sack his staff, turn out CNN’s lights and go home. Watch any half-hour of CNN news coverage or scan and count the number of times anonymous sources are credited with supplying information. . . .”
- Priscilla Alvarez, the Atlantic: Will Latinos Actually Turn Out for Clinton?
- Charles M. Blow, New York Times: Trump Is an Existential Threat
- Stacy M. Brown, National Newspaper Publishers Association: New Poll: 84 percent of Black Voters Think Donald Trump is Racist
- Mary C. Curtis, Roll Call: If North Carolina Is Another Florida, That’s Good and Bad
- Jarvis DeBerry, | the Times-Picayune: Any debate with David Duke will be a debate about David Duke
- Sam Easter, Forum News Service: Rep. Kevin Cramer intends to seek hearing on media bias
- Editorial, News & Observer, Raleigh, N.C.: Heavy early vote is promising — for democracy
- John Gramlich, Pew Research Center: It’s harder for Clinton supporters to respect Trump backers than vice versa
- Earl Ofari Hutchinson, New America Media: Hillary Isn’t Obama, But She Doesn’t Have to Be
- Donald Trump touts Indian Country supporters but offers no policy
- Harold Jackson, Philadelphia Inquirer: Segregationist George Wallace is smiling from the grave at Trump
- Gromer Jeffers Jr., Dallas Morning News: Beyond Clinton and Trump, here’s what to watch for on Election Day in Texas
- Andrés Oppenheimer, Miami Herald: Will the Latino vote save Hillary Clinton and defeat Trump?
- James Ragland, Dallas Morning News: I don’t vote, but here’s why you should
- Billie Jean Shaw, WIS-TV, Columbia, S.C.: 107-year-old SC woman excited to vote in 2016 election
- Fabiola Sinclair, Miami Herald: Everyone has a right to his or her opinion — including me
- Mark Trahant, Native vote tips the presidential race in six key states
- Erik Wemple, Washington Post: Donald Trump can’t help himself from imperiling reporters
FCC Faulted on Pace of Telecom Diversity
The Federal Communications Commission is touting its actions on “net neutrality” — keeping the internet open to all — as its primary effort to eliminate barriers to greater diversity in the telecommunications business, but one of the organizations pressing for that diversity said Friday that the agency could be doing much more.
Broadcast ownership, one of the issues under FCC jurisdiction, remains disproportionately low for people of color. For instance, African American television station ownership dropped from 12 stations in 2009 to 10 in 2011, or less than 1 percent of the nation’s 1,348 full-power television stations, the FCC said in November 2012.
As part of the 1996 Telecommunications Act, Congress ordered the FCC to report every three years on its efforts to eliminate “market entry barriers for entrepreneurs and other small businesses in the provision and ownership of telecommunications services and information services.” With little fanfare, the FCC released such a report on Oct. 27.
“The Multicultural Media, Telecom and Internet Council (MMTC) recognizes the steps the Commission has taken to improve diversity and lower barriers for small, minority-, and women-owned businesses (collectively, SDBs and MWBEs) in the media, telecom, and tech sectors,” the nonprofit advocacy organization said Friday.
“In 2014, MMTC supported the Commission’s vote to ultimately do away with joint sales agreements (JSAs) for which there are few or no public interest benefits, an action that served to protect many small and diverse broadcast owners from predatory licensing agreements.
“Last year, the Commission took several steps to revitalize AM radio, including the unanimous adoption of several engineering proposals from MMTC’s 2009 Radio Rescue Petition. The Commission also last year reformed its designated entity rules for spectrum auctions, ultimately leading to diversity of spectrum ownership and competition in the wireless industry — two important policy goals that MMTC has long championed.
“Unfortunately, MMTC believes the Commission should have gone further in its efforts. The Commission has failed to conduct the Adarand studies necessary to collect data to support the implementation of race-conscious policies to advance diversity, as required by the 1995 Supreme Court case; it has allowed equal employment opportunity enforcement to diminish to nearly zero; it has not extended its diversity procurement rule to all technologies; and it has released its Section 257 triennial diversity report, which was due in 2012, nearly four years late. . . .”
“Adarand studies” refers to the Supreme Court’s 5-4 decision in Adarand v. Pena that ruled “for the first time that all federal laws that create racial classifications, whether meant to burden or benefit minorities, when challenged, must be tested by the same stringent standard i.e., strict scrutiny, this meaning that the government must show that the program was established to meet a compelling state interest and that it is narrowly tailored to achieve that purpose,” according to the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights.
- John Eggerton, Broadcasting & Cable: MMTC Pushes FCC to Do More on Diversity
- John Eggerton, Multichannel News: FCC: Open Internet Order Was Pro-Small Business (Oct. 28)

- Chicago Sun-Times: Chicago Sun-Times World Series print editions for sale online
- Chicago Tribune: Chicago Cubs Exclusive Playoff Memorabilia
- Kevin Eck, TV Spy: Cubs Fans Use WMAQ Live Truck to Help Celebrate World Series Win
- Kevin Eck, TV Spy: Chicago Stations Work Fast to Cover Cubs Victory Parade
- Editorial, Chicago Sun-Times: A lovely city can never puff with pride when 17 die
- Editorial, Chicago Tribune: Can Chicago bottle this Cubs-inspired moment to make our city better?
- John Fountain, Chicago Sun-Times: ‘Tears in Mudville … Cubby tears in heaven’
- Emil Guillermo, Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund: On Addison Russell, Asian American World Series hero, the World Series, and Voting
- Shaun King, Daily News, New York: The Cleveland Indians will remain cursed until they remove their outrageously offensive Chief Wahoo logo
- Tony Norman, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette: Cleveland would win by ditching its chief
I was shot by militarized police WHILE interviewing a man on camera at #StandingRock…and here’s the footage. #NoDAPL
— Erin Schrode (@ErinSchrode) November 3, 2016
Journalist Shot by Police Near Standing Rock
“As peaceful protests over the controversial Dakota Access Pipeline again turn violent, one journalist near the Standing Rock Sioux Indian reservation in North Dakota captured shocking video showing herself being shot by police out of nowhere as she conducted an interview,” Katherine Krueger reported Thursday for Fusion.
“Erin Schrode, an activist and journalist, was doing an interview at the edge of the Cantapeta Creek when police shot her with a rubber bullet. In her video of the incident, Schrode can be heard screaming, ‘Ow!’ before crumbling to the ground.
“In a Facebook post, Schrode, who has written for Fusion in the past, said she was badly shaken after ‘militarized police’ shot her at ‘point-blank range.’
“Speaking to me on Thursday, Schrode said that, when she was shot, she couldn’t fully comprehend what had just happened but just remembered being in ‘excruciating pain.’ . . .”
Krueger also wrote, “At first, Schrode didn’t know she’d captured video of the incident. After writing about the experience on social media, she woke up on Thursday to a flurry of supportive messages. But there were others who questioned her story, even suggesting she was lying about the whole thing. . . .”
- Rose Aguilar, Live from Standing Rock: Oil pipeline rejected near a white town …
- LeAnn Eckroth, Bismarck (N.D.) Tribune: Eighteen arrested during protest at Capitol

Japanese American Paper to Stay Alive Through ’17
“One of the nation’s longest running Japanese American newspapers will live another year,” Randall Yip reported Thursday for his AsAmNews.
“Rafu Shimpo announced to its readers that it will stay open at least through the end of 2017.
“The paper has lost $750,000 over the last three years and was projected to lose another $350,000 this year.
“It had announced earlier this year it would shut down at the end of this year if it could not turn things around.
“A circulation drive fell short of its goal [of] 10,000 new subscriptions, but definitely helped to keep the paper going.
“ ‘With all the changes that we’ve made over the last seven months, with many more coming up in the next two months, the owners of The Rafu Shimpo have agreed to continue with the paper through the year 2017,’ said Mark Nakakihara, special consultant.
“‘Hopefully, the changes that we made and the ones that we are making will keep the paper going for many years after that. This wouldn’t be possible without thanking the publisher, Mickey Komai, and his family for allowing us to make these changes.’ . . . ”
- Brando Simeo Starkey, the Undefeated: Why we must talk about the Asian-American story, too
- Gabi Wy, the Shield, University of Southern Indiana: Wishful Whitewashing
4 Black Caucus Members Demand Facebook Change
“Four members of Congress wrote Facebook Tuesday demanding that the company stop giving advertisers the option of excluding by ethnic group,” Eric Umansky reported Thursday for ProPublica.
“The letter came in response to ProPublica’s story that Facebook allows advertisers to not show ads to those with an ‘ethnic affinity’ for various minority groups. We bought an ad in Facebook’s housing categories that excluded those with an “affinity” for African-American, Asian-American, or Hispanic people.
“ ‘This is in direct violation of the Fair Housing Act of 1968, and it is our strong desire to see Facebook address this issue immediately,’ wrote the lawmakers, who are members of the Congressional Black Caucus.”
They are Reps. Robin L. Kelly, D-Ill.; G.K. Butterfield, D-N.C.; Emanuel Cleaver, D-Mo.; and Yvette Clarke, D-N.Y.
“Under the Fair Housing Act, it’s illegal to ‘to make, print, or publish, or cause to be made, printed, or published any notice, statement, or advertisement, with respect to the sale or rental of a dwelling that indicates any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin.’ Violators face tens of thousands of dollars in fines.
“Facebook says it polices advertising on its platform. ‘If we learn of advertising on our platform that involves this kind of discrimination, we will take aggressive enforcement action,’ the company wrote in a blog post this weekend. . . .”
- Dante Ramos, Boston Globe: Prevent discrimination? Facebook algorithms alone aren’t enough
ABC Crew Said to Fake Police Tape at Crime Scene
“ABC News correspondent Linsey Davis stood in a field in Woodruff, South Carolina, and relayed the gruesome details of how a 30-year-old woman had been held captive in a storage container allegedly by a registered sex offender,” Dylan Byers reported Friday for CNNMoney.
“Behind her, yellow police tape with the words ‘SHERIFF’S LINE DO NOT CROSS’ flapped in the wind, indicating the scene of the crime.
“In fact, the police tape was tied to ABC News’ own equipment just off-camera, a photograph obtained by CNNMoney shows. Sources with knowledge of the matter say the tape was placed there by ABC News for the purpose of its inclusion in the live shot.
“The photograph, sent by an anonymous source, shows the tape running no more than 30 feet and tied to camera stands at both sides. In Davis’ segment, which was broadcast on ABC’s “Good Morning America,” it is impossible to tell where the tape ends.
” ‘This action is completely unacceptable and fails to meet the standards of ABC News,’ Julie Townsend, the vice president of communications at ABC News, told CNNMoney. ‘As soon as it was brought to our attention, we decided to take the producer out of the field, and we’re investigating further.’ . . .”
Short Takes
Tina Commodore “Tina Commodore is headed West to sister station @FOX23 as news director,” Cox News Service tweeted on Friday. “We’re proud of you!” Commodore is manager of coverage and content at WSB-TV in Atlanta. She becomes news director of KOKI-TV/KMYT-TV in Tulsa, Okla.
- “Radio One Inc. . . . isn’t just radio anymore, and the company is changing its name to reflect that,” Sara Gilgore reported Friday for Washington Business Journal. “The Silver Spring [Md.]-based media company will be known as Urban One Inc. as of Jan. 1. Its individual divisions — Radio One, TV One and Interactive One — will keep their names. . . .”
Debra Juarez “Debra Juarez is leaving her role as News Director at Chicago’s WMAQ NBC 5 after five years,” Veronica Villafañe reported Friday for her Media Moves site. “She has accepted a new position as VP of Digital for NBC Universal duopoly WTVJ NBC 6 and WSCV Telemundo 51 in Miami. Her first day will be January 3, 2017. In the newly created role, she’ll be responsible for overseeing digital content for both stations. . . .”
- Time magazine deputy managing editor Radhika Jones is joining The New York Times as editorial director, Books, the newspaper announced today,” Kelsey Sutton reported Tuesday for Politico. “Jones will oversee all of the Times’ book review coverage in The New York Times Book Review and in the paper. She will report to Pamela Paul, the editor of the New York Times Book Review, and will work with Paul on features, news and on the Times’ digital strategy, the company said in an announcement. . . .”
- “President Obama’s get-out-the-vote effort for Hillary Clinton (subtitle: ‘Do not let me down, America’) extends to Mitú, an online video network for Latino youth,” Brian Stelter reported Thursday in his “Reliable Sources” newsletter. “Maybe you haven’t heard of it, but the VC-backed Mitú calls itself ‘the leading Latino digital media company in the world,’ reaching ‘over 15 million young Latinos every day.’ So POTUS taped a conversation with ‘Jane the Virgin’ star Gina Rodriguez for the web site while he was campaigning in Raleigh, NC on Wednesday. it is expected to come online on Friday… Another illustration of the big differences between HRC’s outreach to Latinos and the Trump campaign’s outreach.”
- “A former gang member turns his life around and enrolls in Wiley College,” Jarrett Carter Sr., founding editor of HBCU Digest, wrote on Thursday. “Today, he’s one of the youngest vice-principals in the history of Houston’s public school districts. HBCUs [historically black colleges and universities] are saving and improving lives. Yet all we can talk about —we, as in black reporters, editors and advocates — are the non-penetrating, non-revenue bearing, obsolete notions of what HBCUs used to be, who they used to serve and why that should resonate with us today. . . .”
- ” ‘Charged: The DA vs. Black America’ explores the way in which the United States criminally charges black and brown people, and the societal factors that tend to drive these people disproportionately into the criminal-justice system, “Felice Leon reported Tuesday for The Root. The documentary airs on BET Monday at 9 p.m. ET.
- On C-SPAN3’s American History TV this weekend, “Dartmouth College professor Colin Calloway . . . leads a seminar for high school teachers on Native American history from the Colonial era through westward expansion,” according to a C-SPAN announcement. “He talks about how tribes operated as separate nations — both in their interactions with each other and with European countries. The class was hosted by the Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History.” The program airs Saturday at 8 p.m. and midnight ET.
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- Journal-isms’ Richard Prince Wants Your Ideas (FishbowlDC, Feb. 26, 2016)
- Richard Prince with Charlayne Hunter-Gault,“PBS NewsHour,” “What stagnant diversity means for America’s newsrooms” (Dec. 15, 2015)
- Book Notes: Journalists Follow Their Passions
- Book Notes: Journalists Who Rocked Their World
- Book Notes: Hands Up! Read This!
- Book Notes: New Cosby Bio Looks Like a Best-Seller
- Journo-diversity advocate turns attention to Ezra Klein project (Erik Wemple, Washington Post, March 5, 2014)
- Book Notes: “Love, Peace and Soul!” And More
- Book Notes: Book Notes: Soothing the Senses, Shocking the Conscience
- Diversity’s Greatest Hits, 2015
- Diversity’s Greatest Hits, 2014
- Diversity’s Greatest Hits, 2013
- Diversity’s Greatest Hits, 2012
- Diversity’s Greatest Hits, 2011
- Diversity’s Greatest Hits, 2010
- Diversity’s Greatest Hits, 2009
- Diversity’s Greatest Hits, 2008
- Book Notes: Books to Ring In the New Year
- Book Notes: In-Your-Face Holiday Reads
- Fishbowl Interview With the Fresh Prince of D.C. (Oct. 26, 2012)
- NABJ to Honor Columnist Richard Prince With Ida B. Wells Award (Oct. 11, 2012)
- So What Do You Do, Richard Prince, Columnist for the Maynard Institute? (Richard Horgan, FishbowlLA, Aug. 22, 2012)
- Book Notes: Who Am I? What’s Race Got to Do With It?: Journalists Explore Identity
- Book Notes: Catching Up With Books for the Fall
- Richard Prince Helps Journalists Set High Bar (Jackie Jones,, 2011)
- Book Notes: 10 Ways to Turn Pages This Summer
- Book Notes: 7 for Serious Spring Reading
- Book Notes: 7 Candidates for the Journalist’s Library
- Book Notes: 9 That Add Heft to the Bookshelf
- Five Minutes With Richard Prince (Newspaper Association of America, 2005)
- ‘Journal-isms’ That Engage and Inform Diverse Audiences (Q&A with Mallary Jean Tenore, Poynter Institute, 2008)
1 comment
Postings from The Root:
Ùppity Negus · University of Life
It is said the last trick of the white man…
( white supremacy ) will be his woman!
Oyinlola Longe
Kamisha Andrew · Antigua Girls’ High School
If inmates for Clinton and guards for Trump then I guess Clinton is president because prisoners always outnumber guards
Roberta Northington · Atlanta, Georgia
Black guards or white guards
Brian Omega · London, United Kingdom
Trump is what the Republican party represent. The Republican party knew all along what Trump represent that is why they made him their nominee for President. The Republican party has always been a party of HATE and LIES. They have deceived Americans by telling us they are PRO LIFE while they are ANTI WOMEN. They have told us how religious they are while Trump was caught on cam talking about grabbing them by their pussy. They lied to women making them to believe that they are PRO WOMEN while they have very few women in both house of Reps and Senate.
Anyway, I am not surprise, the guards are for Trump. Remember the police association is for Trump too. What is common in both of them? Both are group of people that have a high number of fraudsters and tricksters like Trump….LOL. Why are the inmates for Clinton? Because inmates know how to seperate the good from the bad and they have chosen Hillary as the BEST…LOL.
Kathryn Sabbeth · University of Michigan
Brandon Higginbottom · Works at PepsiCo
not surprised at all.
Dawn Green · Raleigh, North Carolina
You better believe trump will never commute the sentences of non-violent black prisoners.
Ayan Adem
Ben Doty
Shone Crozier Brown
Go figure?
Carol Dixon
The day when justice is equally applied will be the day when half of the prison corporation is not in jail.
Like · Reply · 4 · 7 hrs
Carl Foster · Staff Attorney at New York State Division of Housing and Community Renewal
Not surprising.