‘Too Many Story Lines to Keep Track Of’
Prediction for Media Life Under Trump: Hellish
Trump’s M.O. Looks Familiar to Russian Eyes
Trump Revealing in Choices for Insults, Affection
Will Jeff Sessions Keep Eye on Chicago P.D.?
Fla. Paper Documents Failure to Punish Police
Is It That Americans Find Diversity Too Hard?
Doris Truong a Subject of Social Media Smear
Ballou Sworn In as National Press Club President
Examining Youth Who Grew Up Under Obama
‘Too Many Story Lines to Keep Track Of’
“Quick: Name the biggest story of the week,” Callum Borchers wrote Sunday for the Washington Post.
“If a clear answer didn’t just spring to mind, that is probably because there are so many stories to choose from. To wit:
- “Unverified claims that Russia attempted to compromise President-elect Donald Trump by collecting damaging information about him
- “An investigation by the Justice Department’s inspector general into FBI disclosures about the Hillary Clinton email probe
- “President Obama’s farewell address
- “Donald Trump’s first news conference in 168 days
- “Attorney General nominee Jeff Sessions’s confirmation hearing
- “Secretary of State nominee Rex Tillerson’s confirmation hearing
“The news overload is enough to make you want to throw your hands up — or, perhaps, use them to reach for a cold beverage and a remote control, with which you can escape the transition tornado by tuning in to back-to-back NFL playoff doubleheaders on Saturday and Sunday.
“This is a near-perfect situation for Donald Trump. . . .”
Borchers also wrote, “During the campaign, Trump succeeded by giving the news media — and, by extension, voters — too many negative story lines to keep track of. . . .”
Meanwhile, the latest installment of NPR’s “On the Media” offered five podcast segments on covering Trump, including the role of journalists’ language.
The pieces were titled “Secret Dossiers, Muzzled Journalists…The Job of Reporters in 2017,” “A Taxonomy of Trump Tweets,” “How Not to Feed the Beast,” “Trump’s Reality Distortion Field,” and “Rebecca Solnit on Hope, Lies, and Making Change.”
One segment quoted Nathan J. Robinson, editor of Current Affairs, who, speaking to progressives, cautioned in December, “Criticisms should be of the things that matter: the serial sexual assaults, the deportation plans, the anti-Muslim sentiment, the handouts to the rich, the destruction of the earth. These are the things that matter, and if progressives actually do care about them, then these are the things we should spend our time discussing. Forget the gaffes. Forget the hypocrisy. Forget the hotels. Forget the hair. And don’t bother calling him Drumpf. . . .”
In “A Taxonomy of Trump’s Tweets,” George Lakoff, “a founding father of cognitive linguistics,” analyzed how Trump sets news agendas with his tweets through “preemptive framing,” diversion and sending out trial balloons, as Lakoff outlined in a story on salon.com Sunday by Paul Rosenberg.
To counter Trump’s strategy. Lakoff said, journalists should “begin by telling the truth and the evidence for that truth,” then discuss Trump’s tweets. “Keep going back to substance and the truth,” he said.
- Yamiche Alcindor, New York Times: Ben Carson, Shaped by Poverty, Is Likely to Bring Tough Love to HUD
- Megan Garber, the Atlantic: Black-ish’s ‘Lemons’ Is Art for the Age of Trump
- Stephen Henderson, Detroit Free Press: Tossing out ideas does not equal responsible legislation
Prediction for Media Life Under Trump: Hellish
“At the northeast corner of the National Archives building sits Robert Aitken’s sculpture ‘The Future,’ inscribed with some famous words from Shakespeare’s ‘The Tempest’: ‘What is past is prologue,’ “ Margaret Sullivan wrote Sunday for the Washington Post.
“If you buy that, it’s possible to have a solid idea of what Donald Trump’s presidency will be like for the American media and for citizens who depend on that flawed but essential institution.
“The short form: hellish. . . .”
Sullivan also wrote, “That Trump will be what columnist Frida Ghitis of the Miami Herald calls ‘the gaslighter in chief’ — that he will pull out all the stops to make people think that they should believe him, not their own eyes. (‘Gaslighting’ is a reference to the 1940s movie in which a manipulative husband psychologically abuses his wife by denying the reality that the gaslights in their home are growing dimmer and dimmer.)
“ ‘The techniques,’ Ghitis wrote, ‘include saying and doing things and then denying it, blaming others for misunderstanding, disparaging their concerns as oversensitivity, claiming outrageous statements were jokes or misunderstandings, and other forms of twilighting the truth.’
“But that’s just part of what experience teaches us to expect from Trump.
“Here’s another: Trump will punish journalists for doing their jobs. . . .”
Trump’s M.O. Looks Familiar to Russian Eyes
“Congratulations, US media! You’ve just covered your first press conference of an authoritarian leader with a massive ego and a deep disdain for your trade and everything you hold dear,” Alexey Kovalev wrote Thursday for medium.com under the headline, “A message to my doomed colleagues in the American media.
“We in Russia have been doing it for 12 years now — with a short hiatus when our leader wasn’t technically our leader — so quite a few things during Donald Trump’s press conference rang a bell. Not just mine, in fact — read this excellent round-up in The Moscow Times. . . .”
Kovalev also wrote, “These things are carefully choreographed, typically last no less than four hours, and Putin always comes off as an omniscient and benevolent leader tending to a flock of unruly but adoring children. Given that Putin is probably a role model for Trump, it’s no surprise that he’s apparently taking a page from Putin’s playbook.
“I have some observations to share with my American colleagues. You’re in this for at least another four years, and you’ll be dealing with things Russian journalists have endured for almost two decades now. I’m talking about Putin here, but see if you can apply any of the below to your own leader. . . .”
- Justin Baragona, Mediaite: Jake Tapper Deftly Hits Back After Trump Tweets CNN’s ‘Ratings Are Tanking’ and in ‘Total Meltdown’
- Mike Cavender, Radio Television Digital News Association: Meet the press—Trump style
- Oliver Darcy, Business Insider: BuzzFeed sells $25,000 in ‘failing pile of garbage’ merchandise, will donate all proceeds to press-freedom group
- John M. Donnelly, National Press Club: National Press Club raises concerns about Trump’s use of ‘fake news’
- Leonard Downie Jr., New York Times: Donald Trump’s Dangerous Attacks on the Press
- Josh Feldman, Mediaite: ‘Denial of Real News’: CNNers Go Off on Team Trump After New Report on Intel Briefing
- Andrew Freedman, mashable.com: The emotional toll of covering climate change in the Trump era
- Benjamin Mullin, Poynter Institute: The fight for the White House briefing room
- National Association of Hispanic Journalists: National Board Addresses NAHJ Membership Regarding Treatment of Journalist
- Jim Rutenberg, New York Times: As Trump Berates News Media, a New Strategy Is Needed to Cover Him
- Brian Stelter, CNN Money: CNN to Sean Spicer: Jim Acosta ‘has our complete support’
- Erik Wemple, Washington Post: Media need no ‘new strategy’ to cover Donald Trump
The front page of today’s Atlanta Journal-Constitution— “Atlanta to Trump: Wrong”. pic.twitter.com/6nzM5ONQSQ
— Kyle Griffin (@kylegriffin1) January 15, 2017
Trump Revealing in Choices for Insults, Affection
“John Lewis represents Georgia’s Fifth Congressional District, one vote of four hundred and thirty-five,” David Remnick wrote Sunday for the New Yorker. “He is also the singular conscience of Capitol Hill. Lewis is a dismal institution’s griot, a historical actor and hero capable of telling the most complex and painful of American stories — the story of race. That is his job, his mission.
“With Dr. King and Malcolm X, Fannie Lou Hamer and Ella Baker long gone, Lewis remains nearly alone in his capacity to tell the story of that era as a direct witness and, because of all that he has seen and endured, to issue credible moral judgment.
“Only a heedless few would reject that judgment out of hand, no matter how wounding. Who would think to call John Lewis ‘all talk, talk, talk — no action or results’? Who would have the impoverished language to dismiss the whole of John Lewis as ‘sad’? As it happens, the President-elect of the United States.
“Donald Trump reveals his nature through the objects of his affection and the targets of his insults. He took his time before disavowing support from the likes of David Duke, a former imperial wizard of the Ku Klux Klan. He has only praise for Vladimir Putin. He flatters Alex Jones, the leading crackpot conspiracy theorist of the airwaves, as a man of ‘amazing’ reputation.
“Trump chose to launch his political career as a bloviating booster of the racist conspiracy theory known as ‘birtherism,’ declaring, in effect, that the Presidency of Barack Obama was illegitimate. But when Lewis went on ‘Meet the Press’ this weekend and challenged the legitimacy of Trump’s election, citing charges of Russian involvement in the campaign, Trump immediately reached for his phone. . . .”
- Yamiche Alcindor, New York Times: In Trump’s Feud With John Lewis, Blacks Perceive a Callous Rival
- Wayne Bennett, the Field Negro: Memo to the president-elect: Georgia’s 5th congressional district is not “falling apart”.
- Charles M. Blow, New York Times: John’s Gospel of Trump’s Illegitimacy
- Greg Bluestein, Atlanta Journal-Constitution: Trump to John Lewis: Fix your ‘horrible’ Atlanta district
- Rhonda Colvin, Washington Post: As Trump attacks John Lewis, here’s how freedom riders broke the chains of segregation
- Mary C. Curtis, Garnet News: What Donald Trump Should Have Said to a Civil Rights Icon
- Wayne Dawkins, Virginian-Pilot, Norfolk: Trump faces tussles with news media
- John Eggerton, Broadcasting & Cable: Exclusive: Trump Team Embraces FCC Remake Blueprint
- Adrian Florido, NPR “Code Switch”: Trump Team’s Meeting With Latino Leaders Gets Mixed Reviews
- Renée Graham, Boston Globe: Snowflakes face the fire
- Emil Guillermo, Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund: Thoughts on Rep. John Lewis, Desus and Mero, and Steve Harvey for the MLK Weekend
- Meghan Keneally, ABC News: Trump’s Attack on Rep. John Lewis Spotlights Tenuous Relationship With African-Americans
- Jennifer Peebles, Atlanta Journal-Constitution: Trump trashes John Lewis’ district: Things to know about 5th Congressional District
- Eugene Robinson, Washington Post: Trump has absolutely no idea what black America looks like
- Janell Ross and Vanessa Williams, Washington Post: Trump’s feud with John Lewis echoes a long, difficult relationship with African Americans
Will Jeff Sessions Keep Eye on Chicago P.D.?
“The feds came down hard on the city of Chicago Friday in the findings of a yearlong investigation of police misuse of force,” [accessible via search engine] the Chicago Tribune editorialized after the findings’ release.
“The U.S. Justice Department’s report blows the lid off nothing, of course. It has long been tragically obvious that Chicago does a poor job of holding police officers accountable for violence against citizens. The case of Laquan McDonald, a black teenager shot 16 times by a white cop in October 2014, is but one of many examples.
“But now there is a 164-page document, released with the force of federal law, that lays out in resounding detail CPD’s reckless approach to oversight. And it points the way to a dramatic, necessary fix: the completion of a court-approved settlement that would bind the city to its commitment to reform the Police Department and restore public trust in a battered institution.
“Here is what the Justice Department found in Chicago: The Police Department inadequately trains officers to fight crime in a violent city and then fails to properly monitor their use of force or punish wrongdoing. The result is ‘a culture in which officers expect to use force and not be questioned about the need for or propriety of that use.’ Boiled down to the essence, Chicago cops abuse citizens because nobody tells them they can’t. . . .”
The Tribune also wrote, “Early signs suggest that Donald Trump and his pick for attorney general, Sen. Jeff Sessions, do not have a strong interest in involving the federal government in oversight of local police departments. (Trump has even suggested that Chicago’s epidemic of violent crime could be brought under control quickly through tougher police tactics.)
“That’s a problem, because [Attorney General Loretta] Lynch’s department didn’t get to the finish line with Mayor Rahm Emanuel. . . .”
- Associated Press: Latest: Activists don’t trust Chicago mayor to reform police
- Editorial, Chicago Sun-Times: Chicago’s shame is Chicago’s opportunity for police
- Shaun King, Daily News, New York: Lack of outrage over white man who murdered two cops and fired more than 50 shots is disturbing
- Mary Mitchell, Chicago Sun-Times: No surprises in DOJ report, just ugly truths

Fla. Paper Documents Failure to Punish Police
“In the last six years, Jacksonville police officers have shot 54 people — 40 of them black — killing 29,” Ben Conarck reported Monday for the Florida Times-Union in the first installment of an investigative series, “No Further Action.”
“Only one officer has been fired as a result, but he got his job back through arbitration,” Conarck continued. “Every other officer who has gone through the sheriff’s closed-door police shooting review boards has been cleared of policy violations, with little public explanation.
“Amid a string of controversial police shootings of black men in the spring of 2015, Sheriff Mike Williams, who was still a candidate, distinguished himself by highlighting the need to restore trust on the issue. He promised to sue to reopen the office’s review boards, which were closed by a police union lawsuit in late 2010 after decades of public access.
“It was a short-lived commitment. . .”
Conarck also wrote, “In the absence of official statistics on the city’s police shootings, it has been left to the news media to compile the data. The numbers reveal stark racial contrasts. . . .
“To illuminate the scope of Jacksonville’s police shootings, the Times-Union has compiled a complete database of the 124 people shot since 2007. . . .”
Is It That Americans Find Diversity Too Hard?
“Many pundits remarked that, during the 2016 election season, very few Americans were regularly exposed to people whose political ideology conflicted with their own,” Danah Boyd, founder and president of Data & Society, a New York-based research institute, wrote Jan. 5 for datasociety.net.

“This is true. But it cannot be fixed by Facebook or news media. Exposing people to content that challenges their perspective doesn’t actually make them more empathetic to those values and perspectives. To the contrary, it polarizes them.
“What makes people willing to hear difference is knowing and trusting people whose worldview differs from their own. Exposure to content cannot make up for self-segregation.
“If we want to develop a healthy democracy, we need a diverse and highly connected social fabric. This requires creating contexts in which the American public voluntarily struggles with the challenges of diversity to build bonds that will last a lifetime. We have been systematically undoing this, and the public has used new technological advances to make their lives easier by self-segregating.
“This has increased polarization, and we’re going to pay a heavy price for this going forward. Rather than focusing on what media enterprises can and should do, we need to focus instead on building new infrastructures for connection where people have a purpose for coming together across divisions. We need that social infrastructure just as much as we need bridges and roads. . . .”
Doris Truong a Subject of Social Media Smear
“There’s a joke among Asian Americans that people think we all look the same,” Doris Truong, a former president of the Asian American Journalists Association, wrote Thursday for the Washington Post.
“That joke became my own personal Pizzagate late Wednesday: I got caught in a terrible case of mistaken identity that was exacerbated by the speed at which false information spreads on social media.
“I work as a homepage editor at The Washington Post. Because Wednesday was my day off, I hadn’t been online much. But before I went to bed, I noticed a message request on Facebook. Someone I didn’t know asked: ‘Any comment on you taking photos of Rex Tillerson’s notes?’ When I checked Twitter, I had to scroll for several minutes to figure out what was going on. It seemed to start with this post: ‘Who is this woman and why is she secretly snapping photos of Rex Tillerson’s notes?’
Who is this woman and why is she secretly snapping photos of Rex Tillerson’s notes? pic.twitter.com/u3WXM3XHCA
— America First! (@America_1st_) January 12, 2017
Turns out it was @DorisTruong from #WashingtonCompost who took photos of Rex Tillerson’s papers while they were on break. pic.twitter.com/wEs065nIdt
— America First! (@America_1st_) January 12, 2017
“Right-wing bloggers and Twitter posters had noticed a woman who they thought was taking pictures of the notes that Tillerson, a former ExxonMobil chief executive who is Donald Trump’s pick for secretary of state, had taken during his Senate confirmation hearing. Instantly, they started to ‘investigate’ whatever was going on.
“Before I could do anything about it, someone had decided the woman was me. No one ever bothered to contact me, but it was this post that Twitter seized upon overnight. By the time I woke up, trolls had commented on social media channels besides Twitter. My Facebook feed had dozens of angry messages from people I didn’t know, as did comments on my Instagram account. Even my rarely used YouTube channel attracted attention. My emails and my voicemail included messages calling me ‘pathetic’ and a ‘sneaky thief.’ . . .”
- Jill Geisler, Center for Digital Ethics & Policy, Loyola University: What the Attack on Doris Truong Teaches Us about Critical Thinking in the Age of Fake News

Ballou Sworn In as National Press Club President
Jeffrey Ballou, a news editor at Al Jazeera English, was installed Saturday as the first African American man and the first from a non-U.S. news outlet to serve as president of the National Press Club.
The club, housed in the National Press Building in Washington, calls itself “the world’s leading professional organization for journalists, and one of the most popular venues to host business, news or social events in downtown Washington.” It hosts newsmaker events and is a networking venue for Washington journalists whose home bases are out of town.
“The first play before we take the field is to make sure that our fiscal house remains in order,” Ballou said in his inaugural speech. “In a great forward pass play, we identified and auctioned a key club asset that will secure our future. Now invested with an African-American owned firm, Brown Capital, we can build on our fiscal stability and take our revenue and rainy day savings to new levels.”
Ballou also said he would rename committees as “teams,” stand up for press freedom and continue “some renovations on security to protect our members and guests.” Sheila Cherry, a journalist at the Washington Times who served in 2004, was the first African American to lead the club.
President Obama, in his last week in office, participates in a service project for Martin Luther King Jr. Day on Monday. (Credit: White House)
Examining Youth Who Grew Up Under Obama
“He sat in the front pew, listening as the pastor of Prince of Peace Missionary Baptist Church preached about the blessings bestowed on those with a humble spirit and audacious dreams,” Akilah Johnson wrote Sunday from Ferguson, Mo., with Jan Ransom, for the Boston Globe.
“ ‘Obama had only been a senator for 768 days when God had put greatness in his spirit to aspire to the greatest office in the world,’ said the Rev. Willie E. Kilpatrick, wiping the sweat from his brow as 17-year-old Waiel Turner and the congregation shouted in agreement. ‘He had a dream. . . . ‘
“Turner has big dreams too: Graduate high school, go to the Air Force, retire as a colonel or general, and, in 2042, follow in Obama’s footsteps, becoming president of the United States. The teenager’s mama had always told him that if a black man raised by his grandparents could become president, then a black boy from Missouri could grow up and do the same.
“But there is something else that he and his peers believe to be true: Black lives are not valued the same as others. That, he said, was evident more than two years ago when Michael Brown’s body lay bloodied and uncovered in the street some 7 miles from where Turner now worshiped and dreamed on a chilly Sunday afternoon.
“As the nation’s first black president prepares to leave office, a generation of black teens stands on the cusp of adulthood, eyes wide open, trying to make sense of a world that many of the adults in their lives say they are struggling to understand. From the kitchen tables in Ferguson, to the high school hallways and street corners of Baltimore, to the historic neighborhoods of Boston, dozens of black teens, in interviews, questioned their place in America.
“They live in a country that can elect — then reelect Obama — while enduring the savage run of police-involved shootings, causing inspiration and desperation to collide. It is this generation that will inherit the world that will be shaped by Donald Trump’s presidency, and they must find a way to live through it — and thrive.
“For some, it’s a struggle. For others, the answer is clear cut. But on this much they agree: President Obama proved the impossible possible. Now, they will come to know another president, a man who many of them said ran a campaign with racist and xenophobic overtones. . . .”
- Hannah Allam, McClatchy DC: For Obama’s black appointees, a calling that was more than service to country
- BET Networks: The End of an Era – BET Networks Bids Farewell to the First Family with Special Tributes Throughout the Month
- Zeba Blay, Huffington Post: 5 Lessons From Martin Luther King Jr. To Apply To Trump’s America
- Mary C. Curtis, Roll Call: What Would Martin Luther King Jr. Think of Obama, Followed by Trump?
- Joe Davidson, Washington Post: Obama’s federal workplace legacy is mixed, but he’ll be missed
- Jenée Desmond-Harris, vox.com: The vain, counterproductive myth that there’s no way most Americans can be racist (Jan. 10)
- Ed Diokno, AsAmNews: MLK DAY: Asian Americans and African Americans Have Been Linked in Struggle for Civil Rights.
- Ariel Edwards-Levy, Huffington Post: Americans Approve Of Barack Obama’s Legacy But Don’t Necessarily Want To See It Continue
- Shaun King, Daily News, New York: If President Obama personified Dr. King’s dream, President-elect Trump has taken us into a regressive nightmare
- Michiko Kakutani, New York Times: Obama’s Secret to Surviving the White House Years: Books
- Leonard Pitts Jr., Miami Herald: The time has come to say goodbye to Obama. ‘Godspeed, brother. You did us proud.’
- Roque Planas, Huffington Post: Cubans Stranded On Mexican Border After Obama’s 11th-Hour Change
- James Ragland, Dallas Morning News: What would MLK think about Dallas and its race-poverty problem?
- Rochelle Riley, Detroit Free Press: Obama’s speech wasn’t a farewell but a call to arms
- Eugene Robinson, Washington Post: The Obamas leave a vivid image that will never fade
- Fabiola Santiago, Miami Herald: In the 11th hour of his presidency, Obama delivers a blow to Cuban immigrants
- Michael D. Shear and Yamiche Alcindor, New York Times: Jolted by Deaths, Obama Found His Voice on Race
- Jackie Spinner, Columbia Journalism Review: Chicago TV journalists finally get their first—and last—interviews with Obama
- Goldie Taylor, Daily Beast: What Coretta Scott King Would Tell Us Now
- Gary Younge, the Guardian: How Barack Obama paved the way for Donald Trump
Short Takes
Daliyah Arana, a 4-year-old who’s read more than 1,000 books, was the subject of Monday’s “NBC Nightly News” “Inspiring America” segment. Rehema Ellis reported that Daliyah was invited to celebrate Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday at a school outside of Atlanta, where she read King’s “I Have a Dream” speech.
C.W. Johnson “The Daily Press did not have to look far to find its new opinion editor,” Mike Holtzclaw reported Jan. 7 for the Newport News, Va., newspaper. “C.W. Johnson, who has been with the paper for almost 20 years, has been promoted from the position of associate opinion editor, which he has held since 2011. He will now lead the opinion section of the Daily Press, which he has been doing on an interim basis since the departure of Brian Colligan in late 2015. . . .”
- John Skipper, ESPN president, “wants to place more women and minorities in prominent on-air roles,” Michael McCarthy reported Friday for Sporting News, writing that “ESPN is looking at Fox Sports 1 host Charissa Thompson to possibly succeed Chris Berman on “Sunday NFL Countdown.”
- “It isn’t often that you get to see a former attorney general of the United States cry, but there was Eric H. Holder Jr. on Jan. 7, standing in a small room in the Jefferson hotel in Washington, dabbing his eyes with a hankie,” Jacob Bernstein reported Friday for the New York Times. He also wrote, “the grooms who stood before him are friends of his. One was Jonathan Capehart, 49, the Pulitzer Prize-winning opinion writer for The Washington Post. The other was Nick Schmit, 36, the assistant chief of protocol at the State Department, where he served under Secretaries John Kerry and Hillary Clinton. . . .”
- “Professor Bill Celis will serve as the associate dean for diversity, inclusion and strategic initiatives at the Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism, Dean Ernest J. Wilson III announced in an email to Annenberg faculty, staff and students on Jan. 11,” Alina Abidi reported Wednesday for the Daily Trojan, the campus newspaper at the University of Southern California.
- Elisia Cohen, who made diversity and student success priorities of her leadership as Gifford Blyton Endowed Professor and chair of the Department of Communication at the University of Kentucky, has been named director of School of Journalism & Mass Communication at the University of Minnesota, the university reported Thursday.
- “Berkshire Hathaway-owned Miami ABC affiliate WPLG has announced it has been given permission to be the first local TV station in the U.S. to base a full time news crew in Cuba,” Kevin Eck reported Sunday for TV Spy. “Starting Monday, Local 10 News Havana debuts in the station’s 6 p.m. newscast with reporter Hatzel Vela and photojournalist Brian Ely, who have moved to the communist country. . . .”

- “Fusion correspondent and Nightline on Fusion co-anchor Kimberly Brooks interviewed her former boss Oprah Winfrey for her first documentary project: O Girls,” A.J. Katz reported Saturday for TVNewser. “The program tracks the lives of six graduates of the Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy of Girls, all of whom hail from rough circumstances in South Africa. The topic had special meaning for Brooks, whose first job in TV was an assistant at The Oprah Winfrey Show. . . .”
- “Ylan Mui is leaving the Washington Post and joining CNBC where she will be a Washington, D.C. correspondent,” Chris Ariens reported Friday for TVNewser. “Mui has been a contributor to the network on issues like economic policy, the Fed and financial regulation. Mui had been with the Washington Post for the last 10 years. . . .”
- “When Mitchell High School’s student-run newspaper, The Kernel, succumbed to budgetary cuts and was dropped as a course for school credit this past summer, the newsroom at The Daily Republic in Mitchell, S.D. knew it had a job to do,” Sean Stroh reported Thursday for Editor & Publisher. Stroh also wrote, “Instead of being offered as a regular class for credit, The Kernel now bears the unique distinction of operating as an after-school club newspaper led by the Republic. . . .”
- “OneUnited Bank, the largest Black owned bank in America, has partnered with the African American Film Critics Association (AAFCA) and BMe Community (BMe) to bring a powerful series of financial literacy videos to Black America that will underscore the importance of financial literacy, buying Black, banking Black and the genius of collective economics,” the film critics association announced on Monday. The announcement also said, “The series will launch on Facebook, YouTube and OneUnited Bank’s website on January 13, 2017 at 9:00am EST. . . .”
- “U.S.-born and native English-language speaker Maria Elena Salinas has made a career in Spanish-language television,” Veronica Villafañe reported Monday for Forbes. “But now, the well-known journalist and longest running female network news anchor in the country — 30 years behind the desk of Noticiero Univision —is taking a shot at hosting her own English-language program at Investigation Discovery.” Salinas “is now focusing on crime on The Real Story with María Elena Salinas. . . .”
- “WNYC and Minnesota Public Radio News (MPR) are joining forces to convene a nightly gathering for Americans to talk, debate, and find common ground in the first 100 days of the new administration,” WNYC announced Friday. “Beginning Monday, January 23 — and airing Mondays through Thursdays for 14 weeks — ‘INDIVISIBLE’ will feature a different host and focus each night. . . . ” WNYC’s Kai Wright, features editor of the Nation, co-hosts on Mondays.
- “Of the most covered news events in sub-Saharan Africa over the past several years — including antigovernment protests in South Africa and Ethiopia, the Boko Haram kidnapping in northern Nigeria and West Africa’s Ebola crisis — only a handful of stories were assigned to African photographers by major international publications,” Whitney Richardson reported Jan. 10 for the “Lens” blog of the New York Times. “The absence of local coverage in international markets has also been reflected in the top awards. . . .” World Press Photo and other groups have “invested in supporting photojournalists on the continent. . . .”
“Lots of people talk about the need for media diversity, but all roads lead back to the same things: organizations and networks to help journalists of color support each other, and someone to shed light on those efforts. Instead of trying to re-invent the wheel every two years, the best thing we can do is support the work of Richard Prince, AAJA, and other groups that have been here doing the work for years.”
— Gautham Nagesh, founder of @StiffJab, alumnus of the Wall Street Journal, Roll Call and the Hill; former treasurer, Asian American Journalists Association.
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- Book Notes: 16 Writers Dish About ‘Chelle,’ the First Lady
- Book Notes: From Coretta to Barack, and in Search of the Godfather
- Journal-isms’ Richard Prince Wants Your Ideas (FishbowlDC, Feb. 26, 2016)
- Richard Prince with Charlayne Hunter-Gault,“PBS NewsHour,” “What stagnant diversity means for America’s newsrooms” (Dec. 15, 2015)
- Book Notes: Journalists Follow Their Passions
- Book Notes: Journalists Who Rocked Their World
- Book Notes: Hands Up! Read This!
- Book Notes: New Cosby Bio Looks Like a Best-Seller
- Journo-diversity advocate turns attention to Ezra Klein project (Erik Wemple, Washington Post, March 5, 2014)
- Book Notes: “Love, Peace and Soul!” And More
- Book Notes: Book Notes: Soothing the Senses, Shocking the Conscience
- Diversity’s Greatest Hits, 2015
- Diversity’s Greatest Hits, 2014
- Diversity’s Greatest Hits, 2013
- Diversity’s Greatest Hits, 2012
- Diversity’s Greatest Hits, 2011
- Diversity’s Greatest Hits, 2010
- Diversity’s Greatest Hits, 2009
- Diversity’s Greatest Hits, 2008
- Book Notes: Books to Ring In the New Year
- Book Notes: In-Your-Face Holiday Reads
- Fishbowl Interview With the Fresh Prince of D.C. (Oct. 26, 2012)
- NABJ to Honor Columnist Richard Prince With Ida B. Wells Award (Oct. 11, 2012)
- So What Do You Do, Richard Prince, Columnist for the Maynard Institute? (Richard Horgan, FishbowlLA, Aug. 22, 2012)
- Book Notes: Who Am I? What’s Race Got to Do With It?: Journalists Explore Identity
- Book Notes: Catching Up With Books for the Fall
- Richard Prince Helps Journalists Set High Bar (Jackie Jones,BlackAmericaWeb.com, 2011)
- Book Notes: 10 Ways to Turn Pages This Summer
- Book Notes: 7 for Serious Spring Reading
- Book Notes: 7 Candidates for the Journalist’s Library
- Book Notes: 9 That Add Heft to the Bookshelf
- Five Minutes With Richard Prince (Newspaper Association of America, 2005)
- ‘Journal-isms’ That Engage and Inform Diverse Audiences (Q&A with Mallary Jean Tenore, Poynter Institute, 2008)
1 comment
Comments from The Root:
Fuck “voting my conscience”
Richard Prince
1/18/17 11:36am
This should be broken up into a series of articles. It’s a great read, but very daunting.
Richard Prince
Fuck “voting my conscience”
1/18/17 4:45pm
For those unfamiliar with this column, it *is* a series of articles. 🙂
Fuck “voting my conscience”
1/18/17 11:47am
At first I thought it was parodying the title and just throwing a bunch of stuff up there to make a point, but, nope, it’s supposed to be this way.
Richard Prince
1/18/17 11:50am
The answer to news overload is a good editor. A single paper shouldn’t feel compelled to chase after story with equal gusto. There are some that take precedence and require a deeper dive, i.e. chase down Trump’s Russian connection, why he lied about meeting Putin, etc and create a special column to list all of his bullshit statements/Tweets. In fact, call it “Today’s Trump Bullshit” and push all that “Health care for everyone!” and his fight with John Lewis over there. It should be easy for a good editor to determine what really matters and what has consequences for everyone.
Manny Both-Hans
1/18/17 12:19pm
It’s equally a problem for news consumers. Which important confirmation hearing are you going to devote your attention to? When there’s simply too much important news to pay attention to everything you have to either get surface details only or you ignore important information. And then when they can flood the news with “controversy” stories, it just adds more for you to try and keep track of.
So the first step is just to ignore the “controversy” and fluff stories. Except whether or not Trump paid hookers to pee on a bed is far more interesting than whether Betsy DeVos actually knows anything about education policy.
World’s Moistest Jheri Curl
Richard Prince
1/18/17 11:30am
This article overwhelmed me.
Richard Prince
1/18/17 11:46am
Jennifer Holliday pulls out of performing the inauguration. Claims she was doing it because she loves America and didn’t think it would be controversial.
Sure, Jennifer. Sure.