Articles FeatureFeatured Reporting Helps Free Long-Held Innocent ManrichardNovember 24, 2021November 28, 2021 by richardNovember 24, 2021November 28, 202103639 Reporting by the Kansas City Star helped free a man wrongfully imprisoned for 43 years....
Feature ArticlesFeatured The Black Reporters Who Covered AtticarichardSeptember 15, 2021September 19, 2021 by richardSeptember 15, 2021September 19, 202105149 The news media -- and journalists of color in particular -- were part of the story 50 years ago, and so must they continue to...
Articles Feature Journal-isms RoundtableFeatured Why Prisons Deserve More CoveragerichardJune 7, 2020June 8, 2020 by richardJune 7, 2020June 8, 202004988 Our speakers raised a more deadly reason to pay attention to our prisoners: COVID-19....
Articles FeatureNAHJ Board to Hold Elections After AllrichardJune 6, 2020June 7, 2020 by richardJune 6, 2020June 7, 202003190 NAHJ board reverses itself and agrees to hold elections....
Articles FeatureSurgeon General Wants End to ‘Criticism’richardMarch 19, 2020May 23, 2020 by richardMarch 19, 2020May 23, 202004196 The surgeon general is letting stand his remarks reprimanding journalists for their coverage of the White House response to the coronavirus....