Articles Feature

The Only Black Reporter Covering Trump

‘I’m in Fear for the White Man,’ Supporter Confesses

Trump Breaks Tradition, Leaves Reporters Behind

Elite Media Said to Define Diversity Too Narrowly

Trump 5th to Lose Popular Vote but Win Presidency

Alma Newsom, Trailblazing Broadcaster, Dies at 70

Short Takes

In a little-noticed juxtaposition, a bust of Martin Luther King Jr. overlooks President-Elect Donald J. Trump as he meets with President Obama in the White House on Thursday.

‘I’m in Fear for the White Man,’ Supporter Confesses

Race was not high on the list of concerns listed in analyses of Donald J. Trump’s victory Tuesday, but the self-described only black reporter who covered Trump in the field wrote Wednesday that, to her, the subject was omnipresent.

As the only black reporter who covered Trump in the field (except for the last week of the election), I lived in a nebulous space,” Candace Smith, a reporter for ABC News, wrote in a “Reporter’s Notebook” on Wednesday. “I was a reporter and, by virtue, derided by crowds.

“In this, my experience was not unique. Nearly all those who covered Trump have been booed, given the middle finger, told we are ‘s—.’ At rallies, people have called for us to be killed, along with Hillary Clinton.

“Social media was much worse. My Jewish colleagues were the recipients of horrifying memes that digitally placed them in gas chambers. In Phoenix a protester chanted at the press pen to which we all were relegated, ‘JEW-S-A,’ as spittle from his mouth fell on us.

“On Twitter, I’ve been called a ‘n—–,’ a ‘c—‘ and, at times, a combination of the two. Also, one person who claimed to be Christian — as I am — tweeted, ‘You are a Hillary WHORE and, thus, can NOT possible be saved by Grace. Grace wouldn’t have a whore like you.’

“In person, I was met by a strange mix; my blackness was not unnoticed, but people seemed genuinely open to speaking with me, respectful. There was the elderly white woman protesting Trump in Wisconsin who asked me ‘what the coloreds think about Trump.’ There was the white man in a sweltering New Hampshire gymnasium who asked me which race had been created first and told me, of my education, that I had ‘learned everything wrong.’

“But conversations with over 100 Trump supporters, all white, revealed a darker truth: that they may like me as a person, but were concerned more holistically what black and brown people were doing to this country and worried about a changing nation that no longer looked like them.

“ ‘I’m not afraid to say that I’m in fear for the white man. I’m in fear,’ Brian Patterson told me in North Carolina. He had voted for President Obama but worried about racial tensions, feeling Obama had exacerbated them. Jayna Knowlton, who confided in me that she had been called a bigot and racist, said she merely wanted her country back. . . .”

Alec Tyson and Shiva Maniam wrote Wednesday for the Pew Research Center, “White non-Hispanic voters preferred Trump over Clinton by 21 percentage points (58% to 37%), according to the exit poll conducted by Edison Research for the National Election Pool. [2012 presidential candidate Mitt] Romney won whites by 20 percentage points in 2012 (59% to 39%).

“However, although Trump fared little better among blacks and Hispanics than Romney did four years ago, Hillary Clinton did not run as strongly among these core Democratic groups as Obama did in 2012. Clinton held an 80-point advantage among blacks (88% to 8%) compared with Obama’s 87-point edge four years ago (93% to 6%). In 2008, Obama had a 91-point advantage among blacks. . . .”

Stephen Colbert presents the presidential election results in the Showtime special, “Stephen Colbert’s Live Election Night Democracy’s Series Finale: Who’s Going To Clean Up This Sh*t?” To Colbert, Donald Trump’s quest began with President Obama’s barbs at the 2011 White House Correspondents’ Association Dinner. (Credit:

Trump Breaks Tradition, Leaves Reporters Behind

Donald Trump is keeping Americans in the dark about his earliest conversations and decisions as president-elect, bucking a long-standing practice intended to ensure the public has a watchful eye on its new leader,” Kathleen Hennessey reported Friday for the Associated Press.

“Trump on Thursday refused to allow journalists to travel with him to Washington for his historic first meetings with President Barack Obama and congressional leaders. The Republican’s top advisers rebuffed news organizations’ requests for a small ‘pool’ of journalists to trail him as he attended the meetings.

“The decision was part of an opaque pattern in Trump’s moves since his victory Tuesday. He was entirely out of sight on Wednesday. His aides said he was huddled with advisers at his offices in New York. His team has not put out a daily schedule, or offered any detailed updates on how he has spent his time. They have not acknowledged phone calls or other contact with world leaders. . . .”

Hennessey also wrote, “The White House Correspondents’ Association, which coordinates press pools and advocates for transparency at the White House, urged Trump to allow journalists to cover his meetings and other movements.

” ‘This decision could leave Americans blind about his whereabouts and well-being in the event of a national crisis,’ said Jeff Mason, White House correspondent for Reuters and the group’s president. ‘Not allowing a pool of journalists to travel with and cover the next president of the United States is unacceptable.’ ”

On Wednesday, members of the NBC Latino team discussed the significance Latino voters played in the election of Donald Trump and in historic down-ballot races.

Elite Media Said to Define Diversity Too Narrowly

Donald Trump won, and the media is grasping for answers as to why we didn’t predict it,” Hamilton Nolan wrote Thursday for Deadspin. “Already, you can see the seeds of many bad solutions forming. . . .”

Nolan also wrote, “What does the media need? Diversity. Period. Diversity in the newsrooms, diversity among editors, diversity among executives. All news publications are ultimately the product of the collective lived experience of the people who put them out.

“There is no super-intelligent omniscient robot deciding what goes in the New York Times; it is the product of a bunch of people sitting in a room, using their own best judgment. Their own best judgment is shaped by their own lives. If you do not have people in that room who lived a very wide array of different types of lives, your publication will have holes. This is why the New York Times can write very credible analyses of barbecue restaurants in Williamsburg, yet a trip to Kansas City comes off as the equivalent of a trip to the moon.

“Of course, every media outlet will tell you they value diversity. The deeper problem is what places like the New York Times think diversity is. The Times’s approach to diversity is to hire a black person who went to Columbia Journalism School and a woman who went to Princeton and someone who grew up in rural West Virginia who went to Harvard. This is not what diversity means. . . .”

Nolan also wrote, “The ‘elite media,’ to the extent such a thing still exists, must recruit young writers who are not fucking Ivy League graduates, who may not be friends with people who already work there, and who may not be wealthy enough to run in the same social circles.

“These are the writers who will bring a true diversity of lived experience to your publication, which will translate into a true diversity of stories, and will hopefully prevent you from sounding ridiculous when you cover certain people, places, and things. And this diverse staff must constantly be replenished. Once someone has spent a decade working for the New York Times, they have probably ceased to provide a lot of economic diversity. . . .”

Additional observations by black journalists Roger Witherspoon and Tom Jacobs are in the “Comments(scroll up) section below.

Mandate? What mandate?
A “mandate?” (Credit: Rick Horowitz)

Trump 5th to Lose Popular Vote but Win Presidency

“The states voted for him. The people voted for her.” It’s a good meme for those reporting on the “mandate” delivered to Donald Trump or considering a declaration that “the American people have spoken.”

As if to underscore the point, thousands of anti-Trump protesters filled the streets of cities nationwide Thursday for a second night, David Caplan reported Friday for ABC News, a seemingly unprecedented phenomenon after a presidential election.

There are still more votes to be counted, but it looks almost certain that despite losing the presidency, Hillary Clinton will win the popular vote,” Zachary Roth reported Thursday for NBC News.

“And likely by a million or more votes — a much larger margin than Al Gore enjoyed in 2000, when he too was denied by the Electoral College even though he had more votes.

“Put more starkly: It appears Americans chose Clinton, but got Trump.

“Trump’s popular vote loss likely won’t constrain his effective power as president, especially with unified GOP control of Congress — just as it didn’t seem to hem in George W. Bush.

“But if the candidate who got fewer votes wins the White House for the second time in five elections, it could put a new spotlight on the peculiar way that America picks its presidents — one not shared by any other democracy.

” ‘It certainly is going to bring this back into the forefront of public discussion,’ John Koza, the founder of the National Popular Vote campaign, which aims to effectively get rid of the Electoral College, said Tuesday night as the results rolled in. . . .”

Interestingly, when Gore won the popular vote but lost in the Electoral college, Clinton, then a new senator, called for direct elections of the president, Mario Trujillo recalled for the Hill 11 days before the 2012 election. “She argued the country has changed since the Electoral College was put in place.

“ ‘We are a very different country than we were 200 years ago,’ Clinton said at a news conference.

“ ‘I believe strongly that in a democracy, we should respect the will of the people and to me, that means it’s time to do away with the Electoral College and move to the popular election of our president.’ ”

Alma Newsom, Trailblazing Broadcaster, Dies at 70

Alma Joy Newsom, a trailblazing news reporter who was among the first black women to anchor a Houston television broadcast, died Nov. 2 of unknown causes at her home,” Blake Paterson reported for the Houston Chronicle. “She was 70.

Alma Newsom (Credit: C-SPAN)
Alma Newsom (Credit: C-SPAN)

“Passionate about diversity in media, Newsom relentlessly mentored countless Houston journalists over 14 years at KHOU (Channel 11) and later sought to educate reporters on how to accurately cover minority communities.

” ‘She launched the careers of hundreds of broadcasters,’ said Carolyn Campbell, who worked for Newsom at KHOU. ‘She really had a special passion that women and people of color were represented in the industry.’

“Born in Simonton in 1945, Newsom was a prolific speaker and community activist. She graduated from Jack Yates High School, in Houston’s Third Ward, and later attended Texas Southern University.

“She began working at KHOU in 1971 and was one of only a handful of black employees at the largely white, male station. Before leaving in 1984, Newsom worked in a number of positions, including community affairs director, program manager, talk show host, reporter and news anchor.

“Unflappable in the face of adversity, Newsom was regarded by colleagues as a source of guidance and inspiration, offering encouragement while remaining firm about her standards.

Paterson also wrote, “After leaving KHOU, she served as communications director for U.S. Rep. Mickey Leland. Newsom updated a concerned nation in a 1989 televised news conference following the plane crash in which the Houston congressman died.

“Following her stint in Washington, Newsom returned to Houston in 1990 and started the Newsom Communications Group. Newsom sought to bridge the divide between diverse communities and media organizations. . . .”

Short Takes


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Richard Prince’s Journal-isms originates from Washington. It began in print before most of us knew what the internet was, and it would like to be referred to as a “column.” Any views expressed in the column are those of the person or organization quoted and not those of any other entity.
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richard November 11, 2016 at 2:52 am

From Roger Witherspoon,

For many black journalists, it has long been a source of frustration that the “mainstream” or white-oriented media has been reluctant to deal with racism in government and politics. Politicians who utter racist statements are said to have made “racially tinged” remarks, as if it were just the wrong shade of makeup.

That is a categorization which is easily dismissed as mere political correctness or the inaccurate opinion of a liberal. Or they will label a policy “conservative” or “deeply conservative” when, in fact, the policy is racist. One rarely sees a reporter demanding that a “conservative” explain in detail what that policy is and how it will play out.

In the immediate aftermath of the murder of 9 members of a black South Carolina church by a white supremacist who proudly sported the battle flag of the confederacy, Breitbart News, which is generally labeled a “conservative” news site, led its page with a picture of the confederate battle flag and a call to fly it proudly and rally around it.

Taking up arms against the United States is considered treason.
After losing the Civil War, Southerners had to renounce the flag of traitors and swear allegiance to the United States and the Stars and Stripes.

But after Reconstruction, white supremacists again rallied around the confederate flag to launch a 50-year reign of terror against black Americans.Yet, to many, Steve Bannon, Trump’s campaign CEO, is just another conservative.

Which brings us to the election and 18 months of coverage which tiptoed around the racial posture at the heart of the Trump campaign. I’ll leave it to CJR to dissect coverage which largely revolved around click-bait and polls, instead of actually covering people.

But Trump posed one primary question to white voters: who will look after your children and grandchildren as the demographics of the country change? Who will protect white kids when they become the minority?

His despicably harsh characterization of Latin Americans offended many liberals. But to many whites, it was a reminder of what the news media regularly billed as the “fastest growing” segment of the population and a warning of what would happen to little white boys and girls when those Spanish-speaking criminals were the majority.

When the Access Hollywood video became public it was stunning to see the words “fuck” and “pussy” on the front page of the NY Times. The pundits thundered that this would sink Trump’s candidacy, especially with white parents. Really?

The question should have been asked which video had more power: the vulgar one about groping women, or the one where Trump said that with changing demographics, white people are becoming the most endangered minority in America? If you are a white parent, concerned about the world confronting your children and grandchildren, which video would resonate more as you went to vote?

The kkk tried to kill me a half century ago, and I have no tolerance for bigotry or racist sympathizers. But I do not believe that a white parent has to be an active or closet supporter of the kkk to choose the course that they are convinced is best for their kids, despite the faults of the would-be protector.

Unfortunately, in this long, protracted election season, the issues of race were not explored. The fears stoked by the GOP and others were not examined. The mainstream media insisted the birther issue was racially tinged, but Trump was not a racist — despite multiple federal suits against him for active discrimination in his businesses. The biggest issue driving the election was left unsaid, unreported, unexamined.

As the NYT’s Eduardo Porter writes in the following column:

“…the intense illiberal passion that emerged in the liberal Obama era to propel Mr. Trump’s candidacy paints a troubling portrait of American society. It is one dominated by racial hostility, which stands above any other consideration undercutting the very notion that national problems merit a collective response.”

That’s a trenchant assessment. Unfortunately, having it in the post mortem of coverage of the campaign for the Presidency is useless.

richard November 11, 2016 at 2:56 am

From Tom Jacobs, veteran television producer

The last time I wrote one of these very personal reflections was 8 years ago following the election of Barack Obama as our first African-American President.

While there was clearly euphoria at the time, I also remember talking with friends and saying that I was very concerned that his election would be the beginning of a very difficult time. A time when things long hidden and only whispered would reappear.

Sad to say that was true.

I find it helps me to write at times like this, so here are some reflections from one saddened, but who refuses to give up.

Reflections of a journalist/citizen/history buff

A depressing evening……..absolutely…….end of the world……..hardly!

The Political Perspective:

Mandate, no way………a country split right down the middle… bet………prospects………gridlock continues.

Governing is harder than running for office……..the party of “No” won the trifecta…… they have to do, rather than oppose…….and like America……they too are split down the middle.

The Journalist’s Perspective:

Our profession failed.

They chose circulation, ratings and clicks over doing their job. The job is not to provide a platform for an “entertainer” but to investigate and report facts that allow the public to decide. We failed and the country is worse for our failure.

The People Perspective:

The dumbing down of America in terms of how we perceive and think about things is terrifying.

Thoughtful, analytical people don’t vote for a demagogue.

Scared, “educated” and uneducated people who are looking for someone to blame, will ignore facts and common sense. They will gravitate to one who promises to restore their power and sense of self-worth. Fear replaces thought.

Sexism, misogyny, racism and xenophobia are no longer hidden underground, festering, they have reemerged from the cesspool of intolerance.

Those who sought to marginalize, demean, and dehumanize those who are “different” from themselves were validated.

It’s gonna be a tough four years.

Depressing……yep……..end of the world….nope………!

But in the words of one who still inspires me…….”I (still) have a dream.”

Greg Thrasher November 11, 2016 at 12:14 pm

Thank You Richard for providing superior and comprehensive media and information on this election that was unmatched in any market and platform.

Greg Thrasher
Plane Ideas
Alternative Think Tank

richard November 12, 2016 at 8:09 pm

Comments from The Root:

Brian Omega · London, United Kingdom
Let’s be honest. Hillary ran a sloppy campaign. Her campaign was based on 30 years on her resume. Trump LIED to Americans, telling them he can build a bridge where there is no river. Hence Trump won. Trump won because, he knows HATE AND RACISM is the “NEW AMERICA” so he capitalize and strategize on it and that is one reason RURAL AMERICANS care less about his “pussy grabbing, “mexicans are rapist”, ” muslims are terrorist” comments. When FRUSTRATION meets DESPERATION, the result is CONFUSSION and MESMERISATION. Lets hope there wont be STAGNATION. Hillary capaign was based on past records and assumption. Assumptions that, Obama won it, I will win it. Assumption that, if Obama can do it, why cant I. I voted for Hillary but I can tell you, Trump and his aides were more in touch with is realiable ISIS (deplorables) supporters than Clinton was with her “go out and vote while I stay home” supporters. LOL

LeBaron Washington · Works at Retired
Looks like his winning one way might make his lose many other ways.

Brian Omega · London, United Kingdom

Scott S DiVincenzo · Political Commentator at

South Chicago Received WHAT from DNC Plantation Masters ?

District 13 Received What from Obama ?

Marty Lauderdale
to the Victor goes the spoils that’s their mind frame

LeBaron Washington · Works at Retired
Nice story. But I’m wondering why would any white person even think that the land their ancestors stole from the Indians belong exclusively to whites? That a white person who would continue to think that suggest that the person is hooked on the biggest con in American History.

Brian Omega · London, United Kingdom
LeBaron. The reason is, they are frustrated and have nothing else to lose but HATE.

LeBaron Washington · Works at Retired
Brian Omega So, that’s why they’re trying to spread it? Man, how void that makes them seem.

Mattie Anthony
Thank you Candace Smith for batteling the front lines to get your story told, ours ancestors was watching over you and keeping you safe. Thank you for your bravery and not giving up .

Lynda Thomas · South Plantation High School ,Plantaion Fla
Sickness runs deep among Trump’s people. They never seem to see the big picture. The earth was not created by the white man ,for the white man or even to be ruled by a single white race. Their concept is basically focused on greed and domination. Sad how they by blinding themselves to the truth they have become demons instead of men.

Lucious Orchid
I really like how you worded this post. It should go viral, especially to white people.

Nancy Clifford
My DNA traces back to the Kalahari just like every other person on this planet.

Henry Diaz · Works at A Hospital
If black people had all did all these great achievements in the past how did they end up becoming enslaved by the white man and why didn’t any rebellions work I have always wondered because I read about Nat Turner and his fight.

Lynda Thomas · South Plantation High School ,Plantaion Fla
Henry Diaz, we fought. You need to do your reach. Blacks fought slavery. There was many forms of fighting enslavement. Nat Turner was not the only up raising, white choose to alternate history in their own words. Just like they do everything else. Do your research.

Lynda Thomas · South Plantation High School ,Plantaion Fla
One more thing Henry Diaz, I am glad you mentioned Nat Turner. Do you know what they did to him? On the History Channel they tell you the whites hung him and buried him. Blacks know that’s not true, they skinned Nat and boiled his skin into oil. Do you believe they would put that in their history books? Think on it.


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